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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 46 First Collision


The first moment the young man appeared, the Punisher raised his hand and pulled the trigger. The Browning pistol burst into flames and made an astonishing sound. The bullet shattered the rear window and scattered glass fragments everywhere.

The bloody scene that everyone expected did not appear. The young man wearing a black mask seemed to have already seen the punisher’s movements, and with precise steps, he dodged and hid in the darkness in advance.

“Is this how you greet an old friend, Mr. Frank?” The young man’s joking voice echoed in the restaurant, “It’s a little rude.”

The Punisher’s face was serious, and the skull on the black T-shirt became more and more eye-catching under the dim light. “If you stand with the Hand, then I will blow your head off with the next shot!”

The young man wandered in the shadows, his tall body blending into the dim environment. He stared at the nervous street heroes with cold and calm eyes, like a hunter waiting for the opportunity to hunt.

“Who is he?” Danny Rand turned around and asked, “You shouldn’t have fired just now. What if the handle was attracted to you?”

“A dangerous man.” The Punisher tightened his grip on the Browning pistol. He ignored Danny Rand’s complaints and instead looked at Daredevil. “Can you determine his location?”

Daredevil pulled out two special short sticks. He nodded to the Punisher and gestured in a certain direction. The Punisher, who understood the meaning, immediately raised his hand. The black hole of the muzzle flame bloomed, and the powerful metal bullets were placed on the place. A screen in the restaurant was shattered into pieces, debris flying everywhere, and the moment the gunfire stopped, Daredevil suddenly rushed into the darkness like a cheetah that had been preparing for a long time.

“……no one?”

Daredevil was surprised to find that there was no one behind the screen. He clearly heard the sound of a heartbeat. Following the direction of the sound source, he only found a small, delicate and strange instrument.

“Sometimes, the human ears, like the eyes, are most easily deceived.”

A low voice suddenly sounded, and Daredevil was startled. He twisted his body and swung his short stick. In the super senses that were different from ordinary people, a figure suddenly appeared clearly like a ghost. His heart beat violently like a war drum, as strong as The furnace-like breath of life, and all kinds of subtle information that humans can’t feel, depict a strong and terrifying figure.

The figure blocked the powerful and heavy short stick, and hit Daredevil’s temple with a fierce punch. Feeling the whistling wind in the air, Matt, under the devil’s mask, turned his head slightly and used another The short stick was lifted backhand and struck at the opponent’s jaw. If he were hit by this blow, the entire mandible would probably be broken!

“Lawyer Murdoch, you are out.” There was a hint of smile in the deep voice.

A warning sign suddenly arose in Daredevil’s heart. The figure stretched out his hand like lightning and grasped the short stick that came from the bottom up. A powerful force flowed up the short stick to his arm, which had never been stronger in strength. Daredevil, who had lost to the others, groaned, and the weapon flew out of his hand. Then his chest seemed to be hit by a siege ram. The sound of his sternum breaking could be heard clearly. His whole body flew into the air, crushing a table. Fall to the ground.

boom! boom! boom!

Continuous gunshots rang out, chasing the figure like a black ghost. After the Punisher emptied the magazine, he threw away the Browning pistol in his hand and took out a Gobo fighting knife from the back of his waist. He knew the speed of that guy. Soon, the strength is inhuman. If it cannot restrict the opponent’s movement ability, the firearm will be of little use.

“He passed out and his sternum was cracked. He needs to be sent to the hospital immediately!” Jessica rushed to Daredevil’s side. His injuries were somewhat serious.

“Deal with this annoying guy first!” Luke Cage took off his coat, his muscles bulging like a humanoid beast.

The Punisher clenched his fighting knife. He held his breath and carefully felt all the subtle movements in the darkness. The slightest sound of wind passed by, and the Punisher turned around suddenly, and a sharp sword light struck out!


Sean, who was hiding in the shadows, was a little surprised. With his extraordinary reaction speed, he ducked sideways. The light of the knife grazed his body, and a heavy and powerful fist followed closely, hitting Sean’s shoulder with a powerful blow. The punch seemed to hit a solid steel plate. Both men took a few steps back, and the punisher let out a painful groan. Is this guy made of iron? !

“Let me teach him a lesson!”

Luke Cage strode forward and pounced like a tiger. Compared with Daredevil and the Punisher, this strong black man’s fighting skills can be said to be very rough, but he did not fall behind in the face of Sean.

This black man who was born in Harlem has extraordinary strength and invulnerable skin. Even though he is not proficient in fighting, he relies on his strong defensive ability to fight with Sean continuously. Heavy punches hit Luke Cage’s body from all directions, making a dull sound, like hitting a sandbag quickly.

Luke Cage kept retreating. He tried to catch Sean, but whenever a fist was thrown, the opponent would always dodge first and then quickly fight back. After so many fights in Harlem, Luke- Cage had never felt so aggrieved. He could only be beaten like a sandbag. He had no power to fight back. Even though he had the defense to withstand bullets, he could withstand the heavy punches that rained down on his body. He still felt a bit of pain!

“This is the first time I’ve met someone like you, with such a strong ability to withstand a beating. Are you interested in being my sparring partner? How about paying by the hour?”

Sean punched the opponent under the ribs with another punch. The energy in his body surged, like an electric current running through his body. A slight tremor spread throughout his body. He took a deep breath. The boiling energy in his body seemed to have found a breakthrough and poured into it. Luke Cage, who was bearing the violent blows from his rapidly swinging fist, suddenly retreated like a frightened beast!


A hard solid pillar was broken by Sean at the waist. He strode forward, grabbed the retreating Luke Cage with both hands, and his arms instantly exerted force to lift the heavy body of more than 400 pounds high. Throw it out the window!

The car siren rang through the night sky. The strong black man broke the window and hit a black Chevrolet sedan. The roof collapsed directly, the glass window shattered and broke, and the automatic alarm was triggered, making a sharp scream.

“There are three left -” Sean walked out of the darkness with light steps, “I told you earlier, we can save some trouble if we go together.”

Jessica crossed her hands and kneaded them a few times. She had just watched this guy’s fight and found that the opponent’s strength, speed, muscle density and nerve reflexes were far beyond ordinary people, and he seemed to be proficient in fighting skills and fighting ability. Not bad. Overall, he is indeed a tough opponent.

Danny Rand, who has been playing soy sauce, worked hard to enter a meditative state and tried to mobilize the “Qi” in his body. Although he was awarded the title of Kunlun’s “Immortal Iron Fist”, he was actually only a half-timer. He has not mastered the use of “Qi” yet. “Methods.

“Danny Rand, I’m actually very curious about Kunlun.” Sean shook his neck, and the bones in his body twisted and made a slight sound.

Danny Rand, who was adjusting his breathing, snorted coldly: “A villain like you will never be worthy of stepping into Kunlun!”

“What a righteous statement.”

Before the joking words could be finished, Sean shot out like a sharp arrow and rushed in front of Jessica. He whipped his leg like a tomahawk, tearing the air from the right side and pulling out Jessica’s hands. Protecting her head to block the powerful blow, her black hair fluttered in the strong wind. This tall, indifferent woman exuded a wild aura, like a female leopard, unleashing a fierce offensive!

The two men were fighting hand to hand, fists and bodies colliding with each other, making continuous dull sounds. The rapid and violent fighting style of both sides made it impossible for Danny Rand to intervene. The tables and chairs in the restaurant were like pieces of paper, falling between them. This terrifying guy was easily torn into pieces in the aftermath of the battle, and sawdust flew everywhere for a while, making it a mess.

“How long can you hold on?” Jessica said coldly, “After such a long battle, I don’t believe you won’t feel tired!”

“As a beautiful lady, you shouldn’t doubt a man’s staying power.” Sean pumped his fist quickly and let out a meaningful laugh.

Jessica Jones, like Luke Cage, does not belong to the category of normal people. This black-haired woman who runs a private detective agency is not only extremely strong, but she can also fly. Her physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people. Among the small groups composed of people, they belong to the top combat power.

“Men who say they are durable are usually not very strong in reality.” Jessica, who has a rather bold personality, retorted.

“Then give it a try. Maybe you will become obsessed with me later.”

Sean laughed in a low voice. During the fierce confrontation with Jessica, his expression suddenly changed. A golden fist struck quickly, and the surging power was accompanied by the whistling wind and hit directly in the face!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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