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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 460 A big gift

From the mouth of Galactus, Sean learned many ancient secrets, such as the Celestials who dominated the universe. They once held power gems, destroyed planets at every turn, or created civilizations, standing at the top of the evolutionary path.

The Celestials are huge, each one is more than two thousand feet tall, and are covered in thick armor. No one knows what their true form looks like.

Like the bridgehead and resource transportation center of the earth, in the void, there is the broken head of a god.

However, this cosmic powerful race eventually disappeared and was quickly replaced by the three rapidly rising empires, becoming an ancient thing buried in the dust of history.

According to the narrative of Galactus, this is because the Celestials suffered a large-scale massacre. Another terrifying race from the extraterrestrial universe slaughtered all the omnipotent Celestials and completely erased even the traces of their existence.

Even Galactus, one of the five gods, showed a hint of solemnity and fear when he talked about this matter. That group of races from outside the territory claimed to be “beyond all things and the creators and destroyers of all matter.” Possessing unimaginable power.

This made Sean more vigilant. Thanos took the initiative to investigate this past event that no one knew about. No matter how he looked at it, he wanted to make a big deal.

After getting close to Galactus for a while, Sean did not stay long. This ancient being, one of the five gods, was in an extremely bad mood because he was interrupted from eating. In addition, his daughter Janata was pregnant out of wedlock. Being able to maintain a calm attitude and talk to yourself is probably the limit.

You must know that the father-in-law always gets more and more angry when he looks at his son-in-law. Who knows if he stays here any longer and Galactus will suddenly turn against him and hammer him to death!

But before leaving, Sean sent a surprise gift in order to please his future father-in-law.

“Ahem, as Janata’s father, I didn’t bring any gifts for your first visit…”

Sean smiled brightly, then reported a list of coordinates, and said sincerely: “This is an ancient planet where life consciousness was born. It is delicious and rich in nutritional value. I hope you can enjoy it.”

Galactus, who originally didn’t care much about it, his eyes lit up slightly when he heard this, and he reluctantly nodded, recognizing the gift.

“You have a heart.”

After all, a living planet with sufficient energy is indeed a rare gift. This makes Sean’s favorability value slightly rise from negative to positive in the heart of Galactus.

When Sean left with Janata, Galactus’ thoughts moved slightly. Silver Shadow, who had lost his surfboard and was beaten brutally, instantly appeared inside the huge spaceship.

“Summoning the stars, the Flame Emperor and the Tyrant. A living planet with self-awareness. This should relieve my hunger.”

Silver Shadow half-knelt on the ground and nodded in agreement.


“…In this way, I reached a consensus with the planet devourer. He was deeply moved by what I said about the concept of love and peace, and decided to leave the galaxy and reflect on the killing sins he had committed alone.”

On the top floor of the Basteque Building, after a world crisis ended without any resolution, Reed and Susan’s wedding was once again put on the agenda.

It was the night before the wedding. There was no bachelor party. Everyone gathered on the rooftop of the building. There were bright stars above their heads. As far as the eye could see, there was a lot of traffic and a sea of ​​lights.

Human beings have always been extremely adaptable. After a terrible disaster that swept the world, life continued without stopping for a moment.

“You mean, a terrifying creature that devours planets and destroys civilization was persuaded by you with love and peace?”

Tony’s face was full of disbelief, but Sean insisted on this explanation, and there was nothing he could do about it.

“Don’t go see Pepper yet. She has been waiting for you. It’s time to witness the courage of the Stark family men.”

Sean nudged Tony with his shoulder, and Pepper had been at Susan’s side since the party started.

“You are such a qualified lobbyist.”

Tony complained and reluctantly got up and walked towards Pepper. The two hid in the corner of the rooftop and whispered.

Looking at Stark’s serious face, he may soon repeat Reed’s fate and lie obediently in the grave of love.

Sean looked at the Fantastic Four who were enjoying themselves, Tony and Pepper on the side, on his right was Wanda in a backless evening dress, and on the other side sat Janata and Envy with her mouth full of fruit. Mindy.

The red-haired Qin crossed her long legs, holding a glass of champagne and sipping slowly. She was looking at herself with interest. Next to her was a young girl named Lorna Dane, who was the daughter of Magneto. Brought to the Mutant Academy by Iceman Bobby.

Sean sat in the middle seat, shaking the wine glass in his hand, feeling inexplicably satisfied.

Soon Nebula will bring Gamora to Earth. When the time comes to know the whereabouts of the last gem, it will be equivalent to possessing the complete Infinity Gauntlet.

As for Thanos’s true purpose, Sean has asked John to inquire about the Dark Order. Sooner or later, he will find the Mad Titan.

Ever since Thanos came back defeated and lost the opportunity to compete for the Infinity Stones, the two sides have already exchanged offense and defense.

It’s time to launch an exciting hunt for the Mad Titan.

A smile appeared on Sean’s lips. When Nebula found Gamora, the dancing group that had gotten together for various reasons was being chased by the Sovereign fleet. Ge saved.

The powerful man who destroyed Sovereign’s entire fleet in one move claimed to be Star-Lord’s father. Intimidated by Ego’s strength, Nebula followed him all the way to a beautiful planet and took away his sister Gamora.

This is also the reason why Sean knows the specific location of Planet Ego.

Peter Quill, who was raised by predators since childhood, is actually a second-generation god. Although he is not as good as Janata, he still has half of the blood of the gods.

His father, Egg, is actually a living planet that gave birth to self-awareness, and is also a member of the Celestial Clan.

He was probably too young back then and managed to escape the horrific massacre. Since then, Ego began to use his own material to create a plant body similar to clones, and scattered them across the planets in the universe.

When these plant bodies are activated, the entire planet will be engulfed by erosion and merge with Ego until it covers the entire universe.

I have to say that this idea is still very creative. In fact, if Ego hadn’t suddenly had a sudden intellect and told Star-Lord directly in front of him that he killed his mother.

With a new god providing energy, Igo might be able to achieve his goal, integrate many planets and civilizations, and transform into a brand new life form.


Sean’s eyes flashed. With the four Star Devourers and the Planet Devourer, one of the five gods, I’m afraid Igo can only become food obediently.

As for the other Guardians of the Galaxy, I can only say good luck to them, because Sean inexplicably has a father-in-law who regards the planet as a snack.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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