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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 461 Late Dusk

A faint blue light flashed suddenly, and Sean walked out of the void with his head held high. The space passage behind him rippled like water, gradually shrinking and dissipating.

Mountains came into view. This was Norway’s Lofoten Islands, which means “Lynx’s Foot” in Norwegian, and also alluded to a series of precipitous islands rising from its territory.

Looking from afar, this archipelago known as the “Lofoten Wall” forms a huge barrier of 160 kilometers long between the Western Channel and the North Sea, blocking the cold wind.

Sean stepped on the green grass. The island standing in the bay had a wide view, with low hills behind it. He walked slowly to the edge of the cliff, and the endless sea surface was sparkling, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds.

The moist sea breeze blew against his face, and Sean looked at the one-eyed old man sitting on a pile of stones. This king of Asgard who came to the mortal world did not wear a majestic golden armor, nor did he hold a powerful weapon. Eternal Scepter.

The legendary eight-legged god Maslepnis is not around, the two ferocious wolves Kili and Kuliqi are also missing, and the divine crows Fujin and Wuni who fly across the nine realms are not perched on his shoulders, telling the story of the world. Observations of changes everywhere.

At this time, Odin looked like an old man in his dying years, with his vicissitudes of eyes filled with nostalgia, as if he was nostalgic, as if he was lamenting.

His life was so eventful. He took over the throne of his father, King Baol, at a young and strong age. At that time, Asgard defeated the Dark Elves and took the position of co-lord of the nine realms. Not long after, the Frost Giants of Jotunheim were watching. , Suterte in the Kingdom of Fire is also restless. The nine realms are in turmoil and wars are going on. It can be said that there are many crises.

At that time, Odin entered the Kingdom of Fire alone, with an eight-legged horse on his crotch and an eternal scepter in his hand. He was majestic and arrogant.

Bravely snatching the eternal fire from the hands of the flame giant Suterte, he immediately formed a legion, trained the Valkyries, and created a huge momentum, which stabilized the difficult situation surrounded by powerful enemies.

When Hela grew up and Asgard ended its long recuperation, Odin specially asked the dwarf king Aitri to create Mjolnir and give it to his eldest daughter who was growing in strength.

Since then, Odin has begun the war to conquer the nine realms and expand his territory.

He lived up to his father’s expectations. At that time, Asgard was at its peak and glorious, and no civilization dared to challenge it.

Odin himself is even more famous in the galaxy. He is respected as “Heavenly Father” and “God King” by the nine realms, and his prestige is unparalleled for a while.

“As people get older, they always like to recall things from the past.”

The one-eyed old man leaned on the pile of rocks. He looked at Sean with complicated emotions in his eyes.

This young man is like himself back then, bringing the unknown earth civilization to the stars and the sea, and gaining a place in it.

“After walking through the final stretch, I didn’t want to stay in Asgard. This is a good place.”

Odin looked at the endless sea, with no fear of the impending death on his face.

Asgard is the origin of Norse mythology, and it was in Norway that the final battle between Odin and Laufey, the king of the frost giants, began.

The ending is naturally a victory for Asgard. Odin takes away the Frost Giant’s artifact, the Ice Box, and drives these old enemies back to Jotunheim.

It can be said that Norway is also another home of Asgard.

“Where’s Thor? Don’t you need him to accompany you?”

Sean could feel Odin’s ever-expanding divine power. The King of Asgard had obviously reached the end of his life.

“After he heard the prophecy of Ragnarok, under the instructions of the three goddesses of destiny, he foresaw the fragments of the future, so Thor went to the Kingdom of Fire to prepare to prevent the arrival of dusk.”

A helpless smile appeared on Odin’s face, but Thor still didn’t understand that the reason why the prophecy is scary is because it will always come true.

No matter what you do, the trajectory of fate will return to its original path, and then everything in front of you will be crushed into powder!

“how did you find me?”

Odin turned around and asked.

He stepped down from the supreme throne overlooking the nine realms and came to the earth alone, just wanting to leave alone and silently.

The renowned King of Asgard, who has been fighting for half his life, is now relieved.

Thor is enough to take on the important task and inherit the throne. Asgard and the Earth have formed an alliance. In the following Ragnarok, Hela is destined to escape from the trap. This is a fact that cannot be changed.

The power of this ambitious eldest daughter comes from one body with Asgard, and she will become stronger and stronger as long as she sets foot on that land.

“Strange has established a magical network on Earth to guard against foreign invaders.”

Sean said calmly.

Since the Ancient One transformed into the Dimension Demon and competed with Dormammu for the Dark Dimension, Strange inherited the position of the Sorcerer Supreme and at the same time began in-depth cooperation with S.H.I.E.L.D.

“For a powerful man like the King of Asgard, as soon as you appeared in Norway, the three major temples issued a warning.”

Sean showed a relaxed smile. He had just attended Reed and Susan’s wedding of the century and rushed to Norway directly.

“I didn’t expect you to reach this point. Even Galactus gave up on the earth and left the galaxy.”

Odin sighed, and golden particles slightly escaped from his body, which was the radiance of divine power that formed its essence.

Galactus is a far more terrifying existence than the Mad Titan Thanos. Even Odin in his heyday may not be able to resist him.

The corner of Sean’s mouth twitched and he said without changing his expression: “Under my strong persuasion, Galactus voluntarily left the galaxy and claimed that he would never invade the nine star fields.”

Hearing Sean’s resonant answer, Odin nodded with satisfaction. Only such allies can have a chance to stop Hela and help Thor successfully sit on the throne of Asgard.

“I will try my best to give Asgard a good future. As for your daughter Hela, given her character, I may not be able to persuade her to live in harmony with Thor.”

Sean’s eyes were deep. He could promise Odin to try his best to help Asgard get rid of the doomsday prophecy of Ragnarok, but there was no guarantee that Thor would sit on the throne of the king.

Earth and Asgard are in an alliance, but Thor is not a qualified ally or the most favorable candidate for king.

In Sean’s eyes, Hela is warlike and violent, Thor is inflexible, but Loki, who has disappeared, is quite suitable for his choice.

“It is the best outcome to ensure the survival of Asgard.”

Odin chuckled softly, his old face full of freedom.

Soon, his decaying body glowed with golden light, and his surging divine power surged like the ocean tide, disappearing like grains of dazzling sand in the wind.

The sea breeze howled suddenly, dark clouds piled up in the blue sky, and the haze shrouded the islands. They were sudden rain clouds condensed with dense water droplets.

“Help me tell Thor that he will be a worthy king.”

Odin’s body disintegrated and dissipated, and the lingering sound came like clouds of smoke.

Sean nodded slightly, rolling thunder resounded through the clouds, and a heavy rain was about to come.

Standing on the Rainbow Bridge, Heimdall’s eyes contained deep sadness. The stars in the sky bloomed with brilliance, and clouds of flames scattered in all directions.

The bronze bells in the fairy palace rang, and the candles were lit, as if to bid farewell to the greatest king of Asgard.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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