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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 462 The first meeting between siblings

The Kingdom of Fire is a red and scorching world. The gloomy sky is covered with thick clouds, like the accumulation of volcanic ash, making the place dark all year round.

Thor waved Mjolnir, smashing into pieces the swarming Fire People – they were all black, like life forms and ant colonies made of charred rocks and flames, moving towards them crazily like a colony of ants. The Asgardian prince pounced.

Mjolnir spun rapidly, and the atmosphere emitted a vibrating explosion, like the roar of thunder, echoing in the empty underground world.

Strips of bright electric light loomed like silver snakes, swaying with violent energy.

The people of flame who came one after another were smashed into large pieces of sparks, and then shattered into powder!

Thor carries the heavy crown of the Fire Giant on his back, which is the concentrated essence of Suterte’s power. He foresaw the twilight of the gods in his dream, so he came to Muspelheim, the legendary land of fire. .

In the dream instructed by the three goddesses of fate, Asgard fell into a sea of ​​​​fire, the fairy palace collapsed, the Rainbow Bridge was broken, and the whole world seemed to be doomed.

As a flame giant, Suterte is huge, like a mountain, standing on the top of the mountains, holding the Sword of Twilight, spewing angry flames wantonly, destroying all life!

Thor, who witnessed Ragnarok in his dream, decided to strike first and imitate Odin’s legendary deeds of entering the Kingdom of Fire alone to deal with the threat of Suterte alone.

I have to say that this is indeed in line with the Asgardian’s usual style of doing things, which is to act recklessly when encountering difficulties!

Anyway, today’s Suterte has been weakened to a great extent, and it no longer has the terrifying reputation it had in its heyday.

Just like Laufey, the king of the frost giants, Odin took away the eternal fire from the other party’s hand, making the flame giant, who was once angry enough to burn down a world, weakened day by day, and could only hide in the underground world, waiting for all the evil spirits. Twilight of God.

“What on earth is Heimdall doing?”

Thor couldn’t help but feel a little numb when he looked at the people of flame who were coming towards them in a steady stream like waves.

No matter how powerful Mjolnir is, facing a swarm of endless enemies, he will sooner or later be swallowed up and bitten to death.

After calling several times in succession, a huge beam of light suddenly descended from the sky and the earth, covering Tony who raised his war hammer, allowing him to escape from the mouth of a fire-breathing earth dragon.

Violent light flashed dazzlingly, and the energy of dark matter surged like a tidal wave. Thor jumped out of the channel of the Rainbow Bridge, followed by a huge head and a large splash of smelly blood.

It was the head of the Earthly Dragon, which happened to be within the range of the Rainbow Bridge. It was cut off and brought back. It was as big as a giant elephant.

“Who are you? Where is Heimdall?”

Thor frowned and looked at the bald man who was splashed with smelly green blood.

The opponent was wearing armor and held the key to controlling the Rainbow Bridge, a heavy sword.

As the gatekeeper of Asgard, it is Heimdall’s responsibility to guard the Rainbow Bridge. He never leaves his post without permission, so he has Odin’s deep trust.

“I am Skorchi, and I once had the honor of fighting alongside His Highness in Vanaheim.”

The bald man had a strange expression on his face. He looked at the dusty Thor, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

After hesitating for a moment, perhaps out of inner uneasiness, Skorchi said cautiously: “With all due respect, you should not return to Asgard at this time.”

Thor paused, and a bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart. During the time he left Asgard and went to the Kingdom of Fire, something big must have happened, otherwise Heimdall would not have left.

He subconsciously held Mjolnir tightly and cast his gaze in the direction of the Asgard. An extremely powerful aura rushed into the sky, containing the meaning of cold death.

Thor, who rushed back to Asgard happily, suddenly remembered that Odin once said that he had a sister who was imprisoned in the underworld of Helm.

Her name was Hela, and she was Odin’s first child. She led the Valkyrie Legion in the north and south, and settled many conflicts in the nine kingdoms. Because of her powerful strength and ruthless methods, she was called the “Goddess of Death.”

Hela was born with the crazy blood of conquest and destruction in her bones. Her ambitions expanded with the war, and finally reached a terrifying point that even Odin could not control.

So the King of Asgard, who had secured his position as the co-owner of the nine realms, reluctantly imprisoned his daughter, drove Hela into the cold and dead Hell of Heim, and then wiped away this secret past.

So when Thor learned that he had a sister, he was very surprised because he had never heard anyone mention it.

Odin carefully warned Thor that Hela’s power originated from Asgard. Once she returns, she will become extremely powerful, and even he himself will be unable to stop it.

Mjolnir tore through the atmosphere, flying rapidly through the air with Thor, and soon landed in front of Asgard. He heard an indifferent female voice——

“…I noticed that you seem to know nothing about me.”

“I am Hela, the first descendant of Odin, the ruler of the Asgard Legion, the first heir to the throne…I am the goddess of death!”

“Odin has died and returned to the embrace of the World Tree. We were once the symbol of absolute power in this universe! No one dared to challenge our authority, but my father Odin stopped in the Nine Realms. He forgot Asgar The mission of virtue is to rule everything! Conquer everything!”

“I returned to Asgard just to regain the empire’s former glory and kill all the enemies who dare to challenge us! Kneel down to me and join me on the journey of conquest. This It is destined to be a path of glory!”

Thor came to the wide courtyard. A black-haired woman wearing a green cloak stood at the foot of the steps. Asgardian guards gathered below. They all held spears and wore armor, led by the three warriors of Asgard. , making a vigilant posture of being ready, as if he would launch a charge at any time.

“You said my father is dead?”

Thor stood out from the crowd. He simply did not believe that the King of Asgard, the once most powerful person in the Nine Realms, would fall like this.

“I am Thor, son of Odinson! I heard my father mention you, Hela, my sister.”

Hela glanced sideways at the strong and heroic Thor, with a contemptuous smile on her cold face, and looked down condescendingly: “Really? You are nothing like him.”

“You are a warrior, Odin is more like a king.”

There was no respect in Hela’s tone, but a hint of ridicule. She said with hatred: “I saw everything in the underworld of Helm. Odin’s body collapsed and returned to the darkness of the universe… This made me It’s a pleasure.”

The goddess of death was imprisoned in the underworld of Helm by her father Odin. For endless years, she suffered from loneliness alone, so much that Asgard even forgot her name.

“I heard that I have a younger brother, his name is Loki. To be honest, that little guy is probably more like Odin, just as cunning and cunning.”

“You returned to Asgard just to rule everything?” Thor raised Mjolnir in his hand and said solemnly: “I can give up the throne to you, provided that you can lead the people towards a beautiful peace. “

“Stupid idea!”

Hela sneered, her eyes cold and devoid of any warmth. This was not at all like the warm scene where siblings met for the first time.

“The throne of Asgard should belong to me. I followed Odin to conquer the Nine Realms, sweep across all countries, and win great military exploits! But his vision was too short-sighted and limited to the small Nine Realms. When I took the initiative to launch war against more civilizations, this great king of Asgard actually imprisoned me in the underworld of Helm!”

“That country of death with only icy fog all year round! I spent endless years there, looking forward to Odin’s death every day, and then I can return to Asgard!”

Hela stared at Thor coldly, dismissing the peace in his mouth, and said mockingly: “Look at this country that once ruled the nine star regions, what has it become? Mad Titan Sa North, the Dark Order, the Chitauri… when we step on the dark elves and frost giants and ascend to the throne of the nine realms, these young people don’t dare to make mistakes!”

“Peace? Asgard never needed this!”

Hela raised her hands, and a cold and dead dark aura surged out. Her long black hair fluttered and danced, condensing into a strange crown shaped like thorns.

She stared at Thor and said coldly: “Kneel down, kneel down to the Queen of Asgard!”

The dark swords appeared out of thin air, like dense locusts, flashing with sharp cold light, ready to gnaw at life at any time.

“I’m sorry I can’t do it!”

Thor roared angrily. He really couldn’t communicate with this sister whom he met for the first time.

Throwing Mjolnir hard, the extremely heavy metal hammer tore through the air and pulled out powerful air waves!

The thunderous whistling sound, like the roar of a giant, echoed in the fairy palace, making people feel that even a big mountain standing in front of them would be completely shattered by the surging power of the war hammer!

A slender arm calmly stretched out and held Mjolnir, who was stirring up air waves and making thunderous sounds.

The metal warhammer, which was strong enough to smash the mountain into pieces, was firmly positioned in front of that arm. No matter how hard it struggled, it could not escape its control.

“This is impossible!”

Hearing Thor’s exclamation, Hela’s lips curled up into a smile.

She looked at her brother, whose face was full of shock, and said calmly: “Little guy, you don’t even know what is possible.”

Mjolnir was once Hela’s weapon. Odin ordered the dwarf king Aitri to forge this metal warhammer and give it to his daughter, who was growing in strength, as a reward for her outstanding military exploits.

As Hela squeezed her hand hard, the indestructible Mjolnir burst into dense cracks like a spider web. Countless white thunder and lightning danced like silver, and the dazzling white light burst out, and then quickly extinguished.

Hurricane-like air waves swept through, and Mjolnir fell to the ground, leaving only broken fragments.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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