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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 463 Domestic Violence Scene

Thor seemed to have turned into a statue and froze on the spot, his eyes full of disbelief. Mjolnir disintegrated into pieces in the hands of Hela. The one who was given the power of thunder by Odin had defeated countless powerful enemies. The metal war hammer immediately fell into pieces and turned into a pile of scrap metal falling to the ground.

Because of his extraordinary bravery, Thor was regarded by Asgard as the god of thunder and strength, and the strongest warrior among the Asa clan. Mjolnir was a symbol of supreme glory, representing great military exploits. and Odin’s commendation.

Now that Thor’s hammer was crushed by Hela, Thor suddenly felt as if a piece was missing in his heart, as if the power of thunder in his body no longer existed with the shattering and destruction of Mjolnir.

Hela clapped her hands indifferently. Her power comes from Asgard. Even if Odin is resurrected, she may not be able to stop her now, let alone Thor, who is far less powerful than her father.

The indestructible Mjolnir, the proud work of the dwarf king Eitri, is nothing in the eyes of the goddess of death. The only thing in Asgard that can hurt her may be Odin’s eternal scepter. It is a symbol of the king’s power. It is also cast by the dwarves and is engraved with rune characters. It is enough to penetrate all things in the world and is extremely powerful.

However, the spear also known as “Kungunir”, Asgard’s first artifact, has long been buried with Odin in the dark universe.

“When I led the Asgardian army to conquer the nine realms, Thor, you were not even born yet… challenging me has no other use than to prove your own courage and stupidity.”

Hela slowly walked down the steps, and the Asgardian warriors in the wide courtyard retreated like a tide, with fear and panic in their eyes.

This black-haired woman who calls herself the goddess of death has shown everyone her powerful force and ruthless methods.

After Odin returned to the embrace of darkness, Thor’s war hammer was crushed. Looking at the entire Asgard, who else can stop her?

“What, you still don’t want to surrender to me?”

Hela stared at Thor who was greatly shocked. She didn’t mind being a little more patient with her ungrateful brother.

“I know you, Thor. You are the most powerful warrior in Asgard, with a reputation for bravery and proficiency in battle. Compared to my other brother Loki, you are more admired by me.”

“It is said that after the Rainbow Bridge broke, it was you who led the Asgard Army to calm down the chaos in the Nine Kingdoms. When the Dark Elves awakened, it was you who stood up to stop Malekith… Thor, you are just like me! Born for war and conquest!”

Hela stretched out her hand from afar, with a smile on her cold face, and said softly: “Come on, stand by my side. You are qualified to rule Asgard with me, go and fight for me, and conquer one after another. Civilized country!”

Thor opened his mouth, hesitation on his handsome and brave face, and the series of blows that followed made him a little overwhelmed.

His father Odin, whom he admired in his heart, is no longer in this world. His mother Frigga died in the Mad Titan’s invasion. His younger brother Loki doesn’t know where he is wandering in the universe. Mjolnir has been accompanying him in all his wars. , was also crushed by her sister Hela.

If we want to compare life to anything, Thor is obviously a coffee table filled with cups.

Looking at his empty hands, Thor’s heart was filled with confusion. His father’s kind face appeared in his mind, and the majestic voice of the King of Asgard seemed to echo in his ears——

“You are destined to become the king of Asgard and lead your people towards a beautiful peace. This is your inherent mission and responsibility!”

Wisps of lightning lingered in the palm of his hand, and Thor suddenly raised his head, his confused eyes filled with thunder, revealing a fierce meaning.

“I still have that answer, please forgive me that I can’t do it.”

“Foolish people are always stubborn.”

Hela shook her head helplessly, and the dark sword buzzed and vibrated, like a black lightning piercing out!

Although he lost Mjolnir, Thor did not intend to surrender. He avoided the lightning-fast black sword and grabbed a spear from the guard behind, like a fearless Spartan. , striding towards Hela.

“Father said that a wise monarch never initiates a war——”

Thor rose into the air, raised his spear, and swooped down like an eagle!

“But he must always be ready to fight!”

Hela shook the thorn-like black crown, and the two dark sharp swords blocked the spear that was stabbing hard, with a relaxed expression.

She once single-handedly destroyed the Valkyrie Legion in Asgard. Compared to her rich combat experience, Thor was far inferior.

“Your actions are so obvious that even a blind person can see it!”

The sharp sword was like lightning, suddenly slicing across Thor’s chest, cutting a bloody wound deep enough to show the bone.

Hela walked elegantly, as if she was wandering in a grand royal ball, with a calm and indifferent attitude.

Her younger brother is like a reckless man who can only roar. His fighting style is rough and simple. If he encounters an opponent of equal strength, he may be able to rely on his ability to become braver with each fight, and finally win with his own bravery.

But this time Thor encountered Hela, the treacherous and ruthless goddess of death. In front of her, her sudden attack seemed clumsy, and without the power of Mjolnir, Thor was very vulnerable. He soon fell into a disadvantage, struggling to maintain the situation.

“I really don’t know what Odin thinks. He actually thinks that you are better than me and more suitable to be a king…”

With anger in her eyes, Hela cut Thor’s right leg open with her sword, then turned her palm and knocked him to the ground.

“Are you unique? Ridiculous!”

The black thorn-like crown dispersed and turned into long vertical hair. Hela stepped on Thor’s head and pressed the opponent’s strong body against the hard steps.

“Let me tell you the difference between you and me. I am the eldest daughter of Odin, the first heir, and the queen of Asgard! And you…are nothing!”


With a dull sound, Thor was kicked hard and hit the ground like a sandbag.

This prince, who is usually regarded as the God of War by the Asgardians, has no power to fight back at all and can only passively withstand the fierce attack.

Hela looked at Thor who was struggling to get up in disgust. The dark sword was raised high, and then he swung it down without mercy!

Painful screams sounded, and the world in front of Thor suddenly darkened. Blood overflowed from his eyes, soaking half of his face!

One eye was blinded by Hela, and severe pain hit his brain. Thor knelt on the ground slumped, breathing rapidly, preparing to welcome death.

“Since Odin likes you so much, I might as well send you to meet him.”

Hela’s tone was lazy, as if she was talking about a trivial matter.

Things like blood and family ties don’t hold much weight in her heart.

The dark sword edge was raised high, and when he was about to give Thor the final blow, the energy tide of dark matter suddenly burst out, and a brilliant beam of light enveloped Thor, who was kneeling on the ground.

Hela looked in the direction of the Rainbow Bridge angrily. Heimdall, who had left without authorization, was holding a sword in both hands. At his feet was the unconscious Skorchi. The gatekeeper of Asgard saved his life at the critical moment. Thor hanging by a thread.

“I can only help you so far.”

Heimdall sighed, the surging energy overwhelmed Thor’s figure, and the huge light pillar tearing apart the space rose into the sky, as if penetrating the nine star fields!

When the dazzling light dimmed and extinguished, there was no trace of Thor in the center of the courtyard. Hela sneered at the gathering Asgardian army, her green cloak flying, and endless black swords emerging behind her.

Next, is a feast of death!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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