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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 464 Trip to Saka Star

When Sean came to the planet Saka, Thor had already become the favorite to win the championship in Gao Tianzun Arena. Even though he lost Mjolnir, as the most powerful warrior in Asgard, fighting and fighting were difficult for him. It’s as simple as eating and drinking.

“Looks like you’re doing pretty well here.”

Sean met Thor in a spacious house. In addition to a large soft bed, there were shelves displaying cold weapons and a huge steaming bath.

The plates were piled high with fresh alien fruits, and there were many empty glass bottles on the floor. Several maids in cool clothes were cleaning and cleaning carefully. This was obviously not the treatment of prisoners.

Compared with the former God of Thunder, Thor at this time looks much more vicissitudes. His fluffy and curly blond hair has been cut short. The original majestic red cloak and shining armor have turned into the simple leather armor of a gladiator.

“How is Asgard?”

Thor’s face was expressionless when he saw an acquaintance, and he kept drinking strong drinks.

He was blinded in one eye by Hela, and Mjolnir was shattered and destroyed. It can be said that he was completely defeated.

If Heimdall hadn’t taken him away with the Rainbow Bridge at the critical moment, the prince of Asgard would have long since passed away and reunited with Odin and his son.

The energy tide of dark matter tore through space, and he kept rolling and traveling, and finally fell into the garbage dump of the planet Saka.

Thor, who was living on the planet Saka, was first captured as food by a group of scavengers. Later, he fell into the hands of a female drunkard and was sold to Gao Tianzun as a commodity. He transformed from the prince of Asgard. , became a gladiator in the arena.

“We don’t know yet. With the help of Heimdall, Sif escaped from Asgard and then found SHIELD.”

Sean chose a seat at random and sat down. The reason why he came to Sakaar was mainly because Sif asked SHIELD for help on behalf of Asgard. After all, both parties are part of the nine-star strategic defense alliance. member.

“I saw your brother Loki outside. He seems to be doing much better than you and has become Gao Tianzun’s guest.”

Seeing the slumped Thor, Sean was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that the Asgard prince would never recover after suffering repeated blows.

But it’s normal to think about it carefully. Odin returned to the darkness unexpectedly, leaving Asgard with a severely damaged vitality. And his sister Hela, who had just been released from the underworld of Helm, was a war warrior who didn’t care about family ties and blood. madman.

Mjolnir was destroyed and lost one eye. The repeated heavy blows made Thor feel physically and mentally exhausted. He could only rely on alcohol to numb himself and escape the cruel reality.

“Neither Loki nor I can stop Hela, she is too strong.”

Thor was crestfallen, not at all like the rugged, brave and unyielding God of Thunder.

When he first came here, he also thought about escaping from Sakaar and returning to Asgard to save the innocent people trapped in fire and water. However, after several failures, Thor gradually became disheartened and became free. It has become an elusive and illusory idea.

“So you just admit your failure? Are you willing to continue to be a gladiator for people’s entertainment on this planet?”

Sean glanced at Thor and said calmly: “If that’s the case, Asgard might as well be handed over to Hela.”

He didn’t come all the way from Earth to Sakaar just to save a loser with no fighting spirit.

“So what if I defeat Hela, the twilight of the gods will come sooner or later.”

Thor’s mood was waning, and he stared at Sean with his one eye. He knew that this man was very powerful, but he would never help Asgard for free.

“Not even my father can stop it, let alone me who has lost Mjolnir.”

“You are the God of Thunder, not the God of Hammers. Isn’t it because Odin gave you Mjolnir to allow you to better control your power?”

Sean sneered, he could sense the looming power of thunder in Thor’s body.

Although Odin died, all his power was engraved into Thor’s body in the form of runes.

This is the back-up left by the King of Asgard to ensure that Thor has a chance to defeat Hela and successfully ascend to the throne of the king.

“You should think carefully about whether you should return to Asgard, take back the throne from Hela in a fair and just manner, and save the people from the fire and water, or stay on Sakaar and continue to be the gladiator that Gao Tianzun loves. “

Sean stood up suddenly, but he didn’t have much patience to enlighten Thor.

The reason why he came to Sakaar was not only because he promised Odin to guarantee the life of his son and the survival of Asgard, but also because he wanted to dig out the whereabouts of Thanos from Gao Tianzun.

The missing Mad Titan has always been a minor threat.

Ignoring Thor, who was in a complicated mood, Sean left the room and came to Saka alone. Gao Tianzun did not neglect him, but showed great enthusiasm.

“Dear guest, if you want to take away the Asgardian who can discharge electricity, I have no objection.”

Gao Tianzun wore a colorful and luxurious robe and entertained Sean warmly.

Nowadays, the reputation of the earth resounds throughout the universe. Before this, no civilized planet could escape the devouring planet devourer, not even the Skrull Empire, one of the three great empires.

As the oldest civilized empire in the universe, the capital planet of the Skrull Empire was still devoured by Galactus as food. This triggered continued political struggles within the empire, the bloodline of the royal family, and the growing warlords and religions. The forces are constrained and consumed by each other, and they have not yet been unified.

“Where’s Tanya Difan? I was looking forward to meeting him.”

Seeing the soft smile on Sean’s face, Gao Tianzun felt a little cold in his heart. He obviously knew that the Collector had organized and entangled a group of space pirates and staged a wonderful show of invading the Void Land.

“Difan was just confused for a moment, I can make compensation on his behalf.”

Gao Tianzun’s smile remained unchanged. Since the retreat of Planet Devourer, the Earth has begun to expand its territory, occupy uninhabited resource planets, and develop colonies.

Especially after forming an alliance with the Kree Empire, it exploded at a staggering rate of development, joining the Galactic Parliament and becoming a rising star.

With such unlimited potential in the future, it would be best if he could not offend him, and Sean himself was one of the rare strongest people, and would be regarded as a guest even in the three major empires.

“There’s no need to compensate. I’m not a fussy person.”

Sean laughed heartily and didn’t seem to mind at all, which made Gao Tianzun feel relieved.

It is really not easy for a powerful man with five infinite stones to find something that impresses him.

“But…” Sean pondered for a moment and said meaningfully: “I heard that you are very familiar with the Mad Titan Thanos?”

“I’m not! I didn’t! Stop talking nonsense!”

Gao Tianzun immediately denied it three times.

He didn’t want to have anything to do with the Mad Titan and the Dark Order. Last time, he was careless and fell into Thanos’ trick, forcing him to reveal the secret of the demise of the Celestials.

This was originally a taboo topic. Even the elders of the universe were unwilling to take the initiative to bring it up. The group of terrifying beings from the extraterrestrial universe, known as the transcendent gods, was really frightening.

“I want to know what information Thanos got from you.”

There was a smile on Sean’s lips, his voice was gentle, and the Infinity Gauntlet on his right hand shimmered.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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