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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 465 Thanos’ Purpose

Sean stayed on Sakaar for two days, and finally Thor chose to return to Asgard, and there was a former Valkyrie in the team.

That fit woman was a scavenger on Saka, number 142. It was she who sold Thor to Gao Tianzun, and her true identity was actually Valkyrie, the only survivor of the Valkyrie Legion.

A long time ago, Odin sent out the entire Valkyrie Legion in order to imprison the ambitious Hela. In that tragic battle, all the Valkyries were killed.

Originally, Valkyrie should have been like her companions, but she survived. When she woke up, she was surrounded by mountains of corpses, and blood formed streams and rivers. The murderer who committed all these crimes was imprisoned by Odin. In the underworld of Helm, from the princess of Asgard to a prisoner.

Valkyrie felt disheartened after losing her glory and comrades. She left Asgard and wandered all the way to Sakaar, where she became a scavenger and alcoholic.

“I heard that you wanted to be a Valkyrie when you were little.”

Sean boarded a huge ship suspended in outer space. This Empire-class warship, flying the flag of the United Government, was capable of conquering planets. It was equipped with four thousand powerful turbolaser cannons and carried a large number of gunboats and new space fighters.

The entire ship is equipped with thirteen large hyperspace engines, which ensures that the huge ship can advance at full speed during interstellar voyages. The thick black metal shell reflects the dark cold light, forming a silent deterrence.

It’s no wonder that Gao Tianzun entertained Sean so warmly, asking for everything, and was extremely well-behaved.

Who knows if the other party will just find a reason to capture the entire Saka planet just like they occupied the Void Land of Tanlia-Difan.

Gao Tianzun didn’t want to move in despair like collector Tanya Difan. Saka Star was the playground he had built with great difficulty.

“Is this what Loki told you again? Why should we bring an insidious guy with us who is full of lies and will betray him at any time?”

Thor glanced at Loki angrily. This younger brother, who was always thinking of conspiracies in his mind, dressed like a nobleman and stood behind Sean quite honestly.

“Because he is also one of the heirs to the throne of Asgard, and he is also very aware of current affairs, right, Loki?”

Loki, who once claimed to be a god and wanted to rule the earth, had a submissive smile on his face, without any trace of his previous arrogance.

After Thanos led the Dark Order and returned from Asgard in defeat, Loki was left homeless. From a noble prince, he became a wanderer in the universe.

Fortunately, with his deceitful ability to talk and talk, Loki has always lived well. Even when he came to Sakaar later, with his extraordinary talent of flattery and people-pleasing, he still managed to become Gao Tianzun’s guest, and he was treated like his brother Thor. The situation is worlds apart.

“Bill, look at this scheming prince. If he has any plans, just twist off this handsome head.”

Sean entered the bridge on the elevator platform. Behind him stood a semi-mechanical life wearing an iron helmet with a head shaped like a horse’s head.

This is the champion warrior in Gao Tianzun Arena, nicknamed Horse Face Bill, who was sent to Sean as compensation.

Loki glanced at the expressionless Horse-Faced Bill, his heart felt slightly cold, his eyelids were drooped, and he did not dare to make any small movements.

He didn’t know how many times he had seen Gao Tianzun’s arena matches. This powerful warrior carrying a golden war hammer smashed the heads of countless gladiators.

Thor snorted disdainfully and dragged Valkyrie, who was also a drunk, back to the cabin to have a drink. He didn’t know what method he used to convince the only Valkyrie in Asgard to face him again. Hela, goddess of death.

“Be honest, you may have a share of the throne of Asgard.”

Sean looked at Loki, who was shaking and walking on thin ice, and said calmly.

He promised Odin to maintain the existence of Asgard and prevent the arrival of Ragnarok. This was the original deal.

So far, there are three legal heirs to the throne of Asgard. The eldest daughter Hela, the famous goddess of death, is undoubtedly powerful; the eldest son Thor is deeply loved and supported by his people, and he is also the successor personally designated by Odin. The one who holds the position.

Loki, the descendant of the Frost Giant King Laufey and the adopted son of Odin, is obviously the last among the three in terms of bloodline orthodoxy. No matter how you look at it, he is suspected of making up the numbers.

“I chose you because you have nothing. The people of Asgard hate you, and Odin refused to hand over the throne to you…”

Sean looked at Loki with interest and said softly: “If you want to secure your position as king, what should you do?”

“Of course I will offer my loyalty without reservation and surrender before Your Excellency.”

Loki replied calmly.

As a scheming schemer, the Asgardian prince knows the subtleties of hugging everyone from the Frost Giant King Laufey to the Mad Titan Thanos, and later to Goddess.

Loki has never had any moral integrity in his actions throughout his life. As long as his thighs are thick enough, he doesn’t mind being a bitch.

“Compared to Thor, you are much smarter. At least he still doesn’t understand who is in the hands of Asgard’s fate.”

Sean waved Loki away and stood alone on the bridge.

The flickering light on the operating table vaguely reflected the cold and solemn face that was frowning and thinking.

“I need all the information about the Boston nuclear power plant explosion ten years ago!”

As soon as Sean’s voice fell, Skynet sorted out all the data information and arranged it in chronological order.

On March 21, 2008, a nuclear power plant in Boston accidentally exploded. The source was a particle generator that malfunctioned.

The accident, which killed thirty-two people and injured hundreds, made headlines in the New York Times.

“what is this?”

Sean’s face was as dark as water. Just a week later, he traveled through time and came to this world.

Combined with this sudden explosion, is it too much of a coincidence?

Thinking of the truth revealed by Gao Tianzun, a vague guess came to Sean’s mind, but he still didn’t dare to confirm it.

The hazy white light in his mind was looming, which was the biggest support for Sean to get to this point. Although he deliberately chose to forget the existence of this system because of the vigilance in his heart.

“He was born before I traveled through time, but someone erased everything.”

Sean thought about the Mad Titan who was tracking down the demise of the Celestial Clan, and then his eyes fixed on the information provided by Skynet, and a man with a lightning scar on his face suddenly came into view.

“Owen Reese.”

Sean slowly read the other person’s name.

This man named Owen Rees worked at a nuclear power plant. When the particle generator exploded, he was on site and was hit by energy rays at close range.

Compared to other colleagues who lost their lives, Owen was undoubtedly lucky. Apart from the indelible lightning scars on his face, he was extremely lucky to survive.

Even scientists who have inspected the explosion site find it incredible that no one has ever been exposed to such large-scale energy rays and survived unharmed.

“Beyond the Gods, Molecule Man…”

All of this seems vaguely closely related, but Sean has difficulty connecting the clues for the time being.

Owen Reese actually has another identity, the most powerful person in the Marvel universe, Molecule Man, who has the ability to control molecules at the molecular level, enough to create and destroy all matter.

“Thanos, what kind of surprise do you want to give me?”

Sean was silent for a moment, and then a low laughter sounded from the bridge.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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