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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 466 Heroic Spirit

From the control center of the Rainbow Bridge, dazzling beams of light penetrated, and several figures walked out of the colorful void passage. The leader was Sean, followed by Thor, the Valkyrie, and others who were ready to shout and cheer at any time. Loki.

“Your Highness, it’s great to have you back.”

Heimdall, who once again provided a wave of assists, knelt down with his sword in hand, completely ignoring the other prince next to him, Loki.

“I took some civilians and hid in the secret fortress built by my ancestors. It was a temporary refuge for the Asgardians. Hela is a complete madman, and no one will truly surrender to her!”

The dark-skinned Asgardian gatekeeper said in a deep voice.

When he learned about Odin’s death, he vaguely predicted Hela’s return, so he left the Rainbow Bridge first and lay dormant waiting for Thor to return to Asgard from the Land of Fire.

However, Hela’s power exceeded everyone’s expectations, so Heimdall had to use the Rainbow Bridge to send away the defeated Thor and hide in the mountains and forests with the big sword.

Until not long ago, Thor, who was determined to return to Asgard and save his people from the fire and water, left Gao Tianzun’s Sakaar planet. Through Heimdall’s magical eyes, the two parties finally made contact.

“Hela draws on the power of Asgard and becomes stronger every day.”

Thor knew what Heimdall meant. He was Hela’s defeated opponent and may not be able to defeat him now.

“It’s okay. My brother has brought reinforcements. If Hela is really as powerful as you say, Mr. Sipos will let the Empire-class warship parked outside Asgard fire and bombard this place.”

Loki intervened at the right time, with a bad smile on his face, and said nonchalantly: “Asgard can be relocated to Earth. Lord Sipos promised that the United Earth Government will provide assistance to Asgard refugees through Plan’, the initial resettlement location is in Northern Europe.”

Thor glanced at Loki coldly and clenched his fists subconsciously, making a “click” sound. He never thought that one day, he would not even be able to protect his home.

“Don’t worry, this is just a backup plan. You have to prepare for the worst in everything, right?”

Sean interrupted Loki’s sarcasm. He didn’t want to see the embarrassing scene of Thor waiting to hammer his brother.

The huge Asgard seemed extremely quiet, like an empty city. Apart from the rising rolling fire and a few occasional exclamations, no other sounds could be heard.

Sean stood on the Rainbow Bridge, looking at the majestic and huge buildings in the distance. Billions of bright and dazzling stars loomed in the dark sky. The fairy palace at the top of Asgard stood like a sharp sword piercing the sky. Like a sword, it stands high on the top of the mountain, overlooking the entire country.

“I can feel the breath of Hela. She is connected with Asgard. No wonder you will lose to this sister who just escaped from trouble.”

Sean expressed his understanding that as long as Asgard exists, Hela has endless power and cannot be defeated or killed.

Thor sighed. He had personally experienced Hela’s strength. When they first met, he was beaten up by his unreasonable sister and one of his eyes was blinded. It was heartbreaking to say it.

Thinking of the scrapped Mjolnir, Thor couldn’t help but feel a throbbing pain in his heart. He had to go to Nidave to find the dwarf king Aitri. He was in urgent need of a handy weapon.

“The people of Asgard will not recognize Hela. As long as she can be defeated, everything can be undone.”

Thor said in a deep voice, how could Hela, who had been imprisoned in the underworld of Helm for endless years and even her name forgotten, gain the support and love of everyone.

Even though she does have the blood of Odin and is the eldest daughter of the king, this goddess of death is too crazy. After experiencing the brutal invasion of the Dark Order of Thanos and the Chitauri army, Asgard now only has Longing for peace and quiet.

No one wants to restart the war, but Hela only wants to conquer the nine realms, dominate the galaxy, and then move into the dark universe to satisfy her crazy ambition.

Although the Asgardians are warlike and martial, they do not want to live under the rule of a tyrant, so Odin chose to imprison Hela instead of handing the throne to her.

If Hela is allowed to act recklessly, Asgard will definitely be dragged into a never-ending chariot, and then rush towards the abyss of destruction. As the king, Odin will never tolerate this happening.

“Then what are you going to do after defeating your sister?”

Sean asked thoughtfully.

Thor was silent for a moment and gave the answer with a cold face: “Perhaps the underworld of Helm is her true destination.”

Sean smiled calmly. It seems that setbacks and suffering can indeed make a person grow rapidly. Even Thor, the once reckless and arrogant God of Thunder, has now become mature and sensible, vaguely like a king.

At least he no longer cares about family ties. Odin imprisoned his daughter back then, and Thor has made the same choice now.

The group crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Asgard is now an empty city. The Asgard guards who were supposed to patrol and guard had been slaughtered by Hela long ago. The panicked civilians were taken by Heimdall to the secrets deep in the mountains. fortress.

As if taking a leisurely stroll, Sean easily entered the magnificent fairy palace that used to be heavily guarded. He didn’t care at all about Thor who looked anxious, but instead admired the exquisite reliefs and murals on the walls with great interest.

Most of the vivid pictures describe Odin’s heroic deeds in conquering the nine worlds and the magnificent epics of the nine kingdoms. These ancient stories that have been passed down for thousands of years are painted on the walls and doorways with thick ink and heavy colors by craftsmen for future generations. People admire and admire.

“When exactly are we going to stop Hela?”

Thor finally couldn’t restrain his inner anxiety. According to Hela’s crazy character, if the people of Asgard are unwilling to surrender to her, the goddess of death will kill without hesitation.

“I thought you would ask this earlier.” Sean shrugged and turned his gaze to the main hall of the Immortal Palace. “She already knew we were coming.”


In the grand and spacious hall, Hela sat quietly on the huge throne of the King of Asgard, supporting her chin with one hand. Sitting here could overlook the nine worlds, as if she were the supreme king who dominated everything.


Hela suddenly raised her head, and her eyes collided with Sean’s deep eyes across the empty space.

“It seems my brother has found reinforcements.”

There was a trace of disdain in the eyes of this death goddess. As long as she existed in Asgard, she was invincible.

This is why Odin thinks he can’t stop Hela. After returning to Asgard, her power comes from the country under her feet and is unshakable!

Unless someone can destroy all of Asgard, Hela is simply difficult to defeat or kill.

In a sense, as Odin’s eldest daughter, Hela’s power and soul are connected to Asgard, and she is indeed the most qualified successor to become the king.

But no matter how strong Hela is, even if she is recognized by Asgard, Odin’s most suitable candidate for king is always Thor and no one else.

Thinking of this, Hela’s hatred for Odin became even deeper in her heart. It was obvious that she had conquered every civilized country for Asgard, but what did she get in the end?

In order to secure his throne as the leader of the nine realms and demonstrate Asgard’s powerful force, Odin set off a huge war that swept through the nine realms!

It was she who led the Asgardian army to crush those civilized countries that dared to resist or fight under the torrent of iron hoofs!

How glorious and powerful Asgard was at that time!

It is regarded as the co-lord of the nine realms, the supreme ruling king, the guardian of the World Tree, and the land of the gods!

“You could have brought Asgard to the pinnacle of the Supreme and become the most powerful civilization in the universe! But just because you suddenly wanted to be a benevolent king, you stopped the war, and then you hoped to pretend that the blood and The wailing never existed…what a hypocrisy!”

Hela sneered contemptuously, her eyes filled with resentment. She could not understand what Odin had done, and even though she was imprisoned in the underworld of Helm for endless years, she still could not agree with it.

Could it be that relying on kindness can expel the dark elves and defeat the frost giants?

Isn’t the reason why Asgard became the protector of the Nine Kingdoms because of its own powerful force?

“I will prove you wrong, and Asgard will regain its former glory in my hands!”

Hela suddenly stood up from the throne and looked down at the nine worlds in the illusion.

She waved her arm gently, and the eternal fire in her palm swept out, turning into green flames and seeping into the Hall of Valor underground.

Sleeping under the Immortal Palace, the Asgardian warrior who once died heroically seemed to have received some kind of summons. Cold flames ignited in his empty eyes, and the dry corpse seemed to be re-infused with life, and he got up mechanically.

Just like tens of millions of years ago, these Asgardian warriors who turned into heroic spirits and slept underground once again blew the horn of war.

“Let me see if you are qualified and worthy of being the son of Odin and the king of Asgard.”

Hela stood quietly in front of the throne, and the unconscious army of heroic spirits poured out of the palace with heavy steps like a black tide.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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