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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 467 Asgard’s eight o’clock time

The green flames ignited the fire of life of the sleeping heroes. The dim souls that had long fallen into the dark abyss returned again as the dead under the call of Hela, the goddess of death.

In those dry eye sockets, green flames like will-o’-the-wisps fluttered, like dark eyeballs, giving people a cold and terrifying feeling.

These heroic warriors who sacrificed their lives for the glory of Asgard’s empire, marched with heavy steps, blew the loud war horns, and were always ready to launch another fearless charge against the enemy!

The army of armored and armed heroes, armed with spears, spread like a raging black tide, rising from the ground and pouring out of the main hall of the fairy palace, trying to tear all the ungrateful intruders into pieces!

“If you tell them now that you are the descendant of Odin, the prince of Asgard, and the legal successor of the king, is it possible that these heroic warriors will let us go?”

Sean stepped onto the steps and looked at the army of heroic spirits that were as dark as dark clouds. He turned his head and asked Thor.

This group of dead people who had died once and whose bodies were placed in the Hall of Valor were blessed by the power of the eternal fire and revived. They now only obey Hela’s orders.

“Even if my father is resurrected, these dead heroes may not stop.”

Thor shook his head helplessly. Who would have thought that Hela would resurrect these Asgard warriors.

They once followed Odin to conquer all directions, and after their death, they were driven by Hela and became the killing tools in her hands.

“They have no idea what they are doing. They are not afraid of pain and death. They are no different from the undead.”

Hearing Thor say this, Sean shook his head and smiled, walking forward with relaxed steps, as if the endless army of heroes in front of him were a ball of air.

The Valkyrie took a sip of strong wine, drew out her sword, and charged forward with heroic strides following the unfazed Thor.

Returning to Asgard again, seeing everything familiar and recalling the memories of the past, it felt like a fire was burning in her heart.

This time, she wants to find the lost glory for those dead comrades and companions!

Loki, who was about to shout and cheer, wisely hid behind him. Fighting and killing was obviously not suitable for the evil god who liked to play tricks.

A mummy-like Asgardian warrior with dry cheeks rushed forward first, his heavy armor clanking, the spear in his hand raised high, and he stabbed Sean head-on!

The dim green soul fire fluttered slightly, and this long-dead Asgardian warrior seemed to remember the glorious years of conquering the nine realms.

Those powerful dark creatures, the dark elves of Walter Alheim and the frost giants of Jotunheim, have been pierced by the spears in their hands countless times, their flesh and blood torn apart, and they fell under the iron hoof of Asgard. The enemy in front of him cannot escape the same fate!

“You think too much, go back to the dark abyss.”

Sean smiled slightly, and with the power of the Mind Stone, he could easily see the Asgardian warrior who had turned into a heroic spirit, and the soul fluctuations emanating from the green will-o’-the-wisp.

Immediately afterwards, the dark red light of the ether particles rippled like water waves, and the murderous Asgardian warrior in front of him instantly turned into a stiff stone sculpture, as if it had experienced thousands of years of wind and rain, and gradually became like weathering. Dissipate away.

The army of heroic spirits covered him in waves like a tidal wave, but Sean was like a hard rock in the roaring waves, standing firmly in the center of the waves without being affected at all.

The dark red liquid of ether particles, like tiny water droplets, surrounded him in circles, and the Asgardian warriors who came one after another turned into dust before they could get close.

Thor followed closely behind. The God of Thunder, who had lost Mjolnir, could only use a pair of iron fists to knock away the heroic spirits that rushed towards him. Compared with Sean who was walking in front, he was really embarrassed.

“Do you need help?”

There was a relaxed smile on Sean’s lips.

Thor, who was arrogant by nature, was unwilling to bow to the opponent anymore, so he punched the Asgardian warrior away, and the blazing thunder in his one eye loomed.

He seemed to hear the loving voice of his father Odin. The King of Asgard had long returned to the dark abyss under the World Tree, and his soul and body fell into eternal sleep and would never wake up again.

But Odin’s whispers clearly echoed in Thor’s ears, and that extremely kind and powerful aura lingered around him.

“Thor, as the heroic Thor of Asgard, don’t you know that you won’t be able to fight if you lose Mjolnir?”

Odin’s joking laughter emerged clearly, and his kind and generous voice and smile slowly appeared.


Thor murmured.

Dong dong dong——

He heard his heart beating violently like a drum, and the violent and fiery power of thunder suddenly surged through his body!

“Thor! What are you doing?”

The Valkyrie, who was locked in a bitter battle, saw the army of heroic spirits surrounding the absent-minded Thor. The opponent seemed to have given up resistance and stood motionless.

Like a flock of black crows pecking at a corpse, the Asgardian warriors rushed in crazily, ready to tear Thor’s strong body apart!

Those withered and terrifying cheeks revealed extremely fanatical greed, like a hungry ghost who saw a sumptuous meal and couldn’t wait to eat it.

“Hela shouldn’t bother you!”

The blazing electric light swept across like a long whip, and the army of heroic spirits were like wax statues roasted by the high temperature, quietly melting amidst the violent and dazzling thunder!

“Ashes return to ashes, dust returns to dust…the dead are liberated, and the living are at peace!”

Thor was bathed in the blazing electric light, strode forward, and soon caught up with Sean.

As the fists and feet waved, streaks of lightning burst out, and the power of thunder surged, sweeping away waves of the heroic spirit army!

“Hela, I’m back!”

Thor regained his strength and couldn’t help but gain confidence.

He believed that he might not lose to Hela again. The crazy power of thunder in his body was like a shot in the arm, injecting Thor with extremely strong confidence.

For the first time in history, Thor can easily control the violent thunder and harness this powerful force without the need for Mjolnir!

Waves of blazing electric light rolled like a storm, and the army of heroic spirits who were not afraid of death were like pieces of snowflakes in the high temperature, turning into nothing!

Loki, who was following behind, had a complicated look on his face. Odin always left the best for Thor, and the others were not even qualified to be looked at seriously.

Thinking of Sean’s vague meaning, Loki’s eyelids drooped, and a slight coldness appeared on his handsome face.

Asgard will never belong to him, so why should he be persistent? Even if Thor defeats Hela and prevents the Twilight of the Gods, how should he deal with the booming earth?

“Okay, the warm-up match is over.”

Sean said calmly.

He stood on the highest step of the fairy palace, looking at Hela who was leaning lazily on the huge throne. The graceful figure of the Queen of Death was outlined under the green cloak.

If I hadn’t intervened, I’m afraid all this would have turned into a bloody palace battle drama in Asgard. The three siblings were fighting each other to the death for the throne. The TV series would be broadcast at 8 o’clock in the evening.

In the depths of Sean’s eyes, golden light shone, and the dark red light shrank and condensed, then erupted violently!

The power of etheric particles distorted reality and tampered with the rules. The army of heroic spirits who were not afraid of death let out horrifying cries, as if they were being burned by fire. They struggled crazily one by one until the dim green soul fire was extinguished!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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