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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 468 The second domestic violence

“Hela, Odin’s eldest daughter, goddess of death… hello.”

Sean stepped into the grand hall. Thick columns supported a magnificent dome with flowing murals painted on it.

In the floating portrait, Odin and Hela stand side by side, the former holding the Eternal Scepter, and the latter holding Mjolnir high. Behind them is the magnificent palace of Asgard, the invincible and powerful army, and under their feet is burned by the flames of war. There was a piece of scorched earth, and countless slaves knelt down and surrendered.

“My stupid brother finally found a decent opponent.”

Hela looked lazy, stroking a giant wolf lying under the throne, which was the ferocious monster Fenrir.

In the prophecy of Ragnarok, Fenrir will swallow the sun and moon, billions of stars will disappear, mountains will collapse and shatter, and forests will be uprooted.

Therefore, this giant wolf is regarded as the “monster that shakes the earth”. It is Hela’s beloved pet. After its owner was imprisoned in the underworld of Helm, Odin ordered Fenrir to be executed. His body was placed in the Hall of Valor and will never decay. !

“How good is Odin to you?”

Just like Loki’s performance, Hela saw a trace of resentment in Thor’s eyes when she saw Thor surrounded by tiny arcs of electricity.

They are also the descendants of Odin, but they received completely different treatments. One was exiled and imprisoned, while the other was hypocritically used.

All the best things belong to Thor, whether it is the throne of Asgard or the power of Odin himself.

“Before you need help, I’d better not interrupt your brother and sister’s reminiscence.”

Sean stepped aside knowingly. He was curious whether Thor, who controlled the power of thunder, was Hela’s opponent.

“Smart man. Let’s talk about it after I solve this problem.”

Hela nodded proudly and looked down at the people under the throne.

“This should be Loki, tell me whose side you are going to be on?”

“Of course it’s the winner’s side.”

Loki bowed gracefully and replied in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

As soon as he finished speaking, he flashed to the side just like Sean, with a relaxed attitude of “Hurry up and fight, I’ll wait to shout “Come on”.

When Hela heard this answer, not only was she not angry, but she laughed and said, “I have said before that he is more like Odin than you.”

“You think you are qualified to challenge me because you have Odin’s power? My stupid brother!”

“Actually, I’m not very interested in becoming the King of Asgard, but you are so inferior. Even Loki is better than you.”

Thor rarely showed his mean side and said sarcastically without mercy.

Loki’s mouth twitched as he stood aside and watched. He obviously didn’t like the compliment.

An angry look appeared on Hela’s face, and the green flames floated and rolled, transforming into a hunting green cloak, and the long black hair condensed into a crown of thorns.

An icy aura swept across the entire venue, making people feel as if they were falling into a deep cave. The goddess of death slowly walked down from the throne, with a chill in her eyes.

“Thor, my poor brother, are you prepared to lose your other eye this time?”

A pitch-black sword appeared out of thin air, and the giant wolf Fenrir lying on the throne roared, a pair of green pupils staring at Thor, and his fangs dripping with thirsty saliva.

“I’ll take care of this big guy, and you deal with Hela.”

Valkyrie stepped out, pointing her sharp sword at Fenrir, with a frivolous smile on her face.

“Come here, cute little dog.”

Fenrir, who was provoked, roared lowly, and his huge body flew down. The entire grand hall shook and shook, but Valkyrie dodged and dodged, and his long sword drew out streaks of cold light.

One person and one wolf gradually rushed out of the fairy palace. Thor turned his head and glanced, silently, and blazing white lightning burst out from his palm.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, silver snakes were dancing wildly, and then a huge bolt of lightning penetrated the entire dome!

The violent whip twitched violently, like a ferocious python with its fangs spread out. Hela raised her hands, and the dark swords poured out like a heavy rain!

“Asgard, I should save it myself!”

Thor glanced at Sean, who was watching on the wall, and screamed in his heart that he wanted to wash away the submission and blow he had suffered for many days.

Thunder rioted, swords flew across the sky, and the aftermath of the battle destroyed the entire hall!


Half an hour later.

Sean had a bored expression on his face. He was originally looking forward to a fierce and exciting brother-sister fight between Thor and Hela.

Who would have thought that Thor, who controlled the power of thunder and looked so powerful, would be so weak. Only half an hour later, he was pressed to the ground and rubbed by his sister Hela.

What about saving Asgard as promised and avenging the shame?

Looking at Thor who was stabbed in the abdomen and knocked to the ground with one punch, Sean felt sorry. Sure enough, he couldn’t say harsh words too early.

Hela in Asgard, even if Odin is resurrected, may not be able to defeat him, let alone Thor who only controls the power of thunder.

“Odin is indeed blind in one eye. He actually thinks that you will be the best choice. How can a stupid, arrogant and reckless man be worthy of becoming the king of Asgard.”

Hela stepped on Thor’s head, her tone full of ridicule. She really didn’t like this brother at all.

“A reckless man who doesn’t know how to advance or retreat is better than a crazy woman who thinks about starting a war all day long!”

Thor struggled hard, his one eye bloodshot and red.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Sean who was watching the show with a pleading look.

If he wasn’t desperate, Thor really didn’t want to leave the fate of Asgard in the hands of the other party.

Seeing that the Asgardian prince finally let go of his pride and lowered his posture, Sean couldn’t help but smile softly and stepped out.

“Excuse me. As a representative from Earth, I will officially intervene in the royal succession dispute in Asgard from now on. Do you have any opinions?”

“Earth? That remote and backward barbaric land?”

Hela sneered, very disdainful.

Sean was stunned for a moment. This goddess of death who had just escaped from the underworld of Helm still had the same concept as before, thinking that the earth known as the “Atrium World” was still that barren and barren land, attached to Asgard. under the rule of

“I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you. Today’s Earth has surpassed Asgard. It was at Odin’s invitation and Thor’s request for help that I intervened in this internal dispute over the change of imperial power in the name of a third party. “

“The prince of Asgard you are stepping on has handed this country into my hands, so… please move your feet, release Thor, and let’s sit down and talk seriously.”

Sean’s words made Hela feel unbelievable. That remote and backward civilized country has undergone such earth-shaking changes?

Seeing Hela’s astonished expression, Sean spoke gently and continued: “This is a well-known fact. The Earth has formed an alliance with Asgard, and I have the right to intervene in the succession of the throne.”

“While you are still indulging in the glory of the past and feeling satisfied, we have broken free from the shackles of the earth and are moving towards the vast sea of ​​stars, constantly opening up colonies and acquiring more abundant resources.”

“Even the Nova Corps and the three major empires have recognized the strength of the earth and allowed us to join the Galactic Parliament… Asgard, the ruler of the nine realms, is a thing of the past.”

Hela frowned coldly and kicked Thor away hard, feeling extremely angry inside.

“This is all Odin’s fault. He caused Asgard to fall! He ruined the future and glory of this country with his own hands! But there is still hope. I returned to Asgard and will soon be able to lead my people to build a better country.” A powerful country, conquer the nine realms!”

“Perhaps Thor is right, it is indeed impossible to communicate with a war madman.”

Sean shook his head helplessly, putting the Infinity Stone on his hand, and the vast energy swept out like an astronomical tide!

Hela looked at Sean, who was standing in the center of the ruins, and felt that the earth seemed to be shaking, and ripples appeared in the void, like huge waves of a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

“You are indeed very strong, much stronger than that loser Thor.”

Hela praised from the bottom of her heart. She has always respected the strong, which is one of her tenets in life.

“But as long as I exist in Asgard, no one can defeat me!”

“Oh, is it so?”

Sean’s face was calm, and a dazzling wheel of light slowly rose from behind him. He said calmly: “Then I will take you away from Asgard.”

The blue light waves flashed suddenly, and the void twisted and changed, as if a huge crack opened, swallowing Hela directly.

Sean followed closely behind, and in an instant, in the ruined palace, only Thor, who was covered in blood, and Loki, who was expressionless, were left.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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