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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 469 Trophies

This is a world of cold rain and fog.

Moist air currents swirled and roared, and gray mist filled the sky and the earth. Whether it was walking creatures or cold rocks, they were full of withered and dilapidated aura of death, making people feel creepy, as if they had strayed into the kingdom of the dead. .

The twisted power disturbed this quiet world. The mist rolled and rolled, like a pot of boiling water, constantly stirring back and forth. It was also like the whirlpool undercurrent in the vast ocean. The swirling hurricanes blew away the misty mist, and the void shook. The buzzing sound is like a mirror about to break.

The blue ripples tore through the space, a tiny point of light shone brightly, expanded rapidly, and Hela in a green cloak jumped out!

“Heim Hades!”

Hela roared angrily, like a violent female beast, full of aggression.

She has returned to this nightmare country of the dead!

After Asgard completed its grand mission of conquering the Nine Realms, Odin flatly rejected Hela’s proposal to continue the war and decided to stop fighting, cultivate his health, and become a benevolent king.

The ambitious Hela was naturally unwilling to accept it. The father and daughter who had differences in opinions finally broke up. Odin sent out the Valkyrie Legion in anger. As a result, Asgard’s top combat power was completely wiped out. One person survived.

At this moment, Odin suddenly realized that Hela’s strength far exceeded his expectations. Thinking of his eldest daughter’s insatiable and fiery ambition, if not stopped, Asgard will definitely be led into the abyss of destruction that will never be restored.

So the King of Asgard mounted the eight-legged horse, held the eternal scepter, and personally drove Hela into the cold and dead world of Helm, and imposed a powerful seal.

“I hate this place!”

Hela looked around with disgust on her face.

This is a dark and eternal night world, filled with damp and cold gray fog all year round. The iron tree forest is filled with dead bones and dead souls, and there is no life at all.

It’s hard to imagine how Hela spent the endless years of suffering alone.

“Shouldn’t you be happy to visit your old place again?”

Sean crossed the border, the space gem flashed slightly, and the blue light waves converged and dissipated.

“You think taking me away from Asgard will weaken my power?”

The green cloak was flying, Hela waved her hands, and the dark swords were like a swarm of locusts, shooting towards Sean in a steady stream!

It was like waves of arrow rain, tearing apart the thick fog, stirring up the icy airflow, and almost covering the entire sky full of haze!

Sean opened his hands, the power gem glowed, and the purple light exploded like thunder, exploding with a bang!

The next moment, the air flow screamed and rolled back, the fog was swept away, and the overwhelming black swords were all crushed to pieces!

With surging power surging through his body, Sean stood in the underworld of Helm, and the ground beneath his feet opened with fine cracks, like a spider web spreading.

The strong purple light flashed away, like a god striking an axe with infinite power. A huge crack tore through the sky and penetrated the earth!

The green cloak was fluttering, and Hela flew straight into the air. Witnessing this magnificent force that moved mountains and reclaimed seas, she couldn’t help but feel frightened.

Thousands of years ago, she led the Asgardian army to conquer the nine realms and fought against many powerful enemies, and her father Odin was even more famous as the strongest.

But seeing the terrifying momentum of the infinite gems that could destroy the world at every turn, Hela couldn’t help but suffocate her arrogance, and the madness in her eyes faded slightly.

“At least Thor was right when he said that you would not be a good king.”

Sean held the Infinity Gauntlet, the underworld of Helm trembled and whined, large areas of the Iron Tree Forest fell to the ground, withered bones and dead souls shivering, huddled in the cold and dark caves.

A golden wheel of light rose into the sky, dispersing the heavy haze that had accumulated all year round. The majestic energy like an astronomical tide tore through the cold earth, as if thousands of horses were galloping, and the thick smoke and dust rolled up into the sky like a long dragon.

The brilliant beam of light from the Infinity Stone burst out, like a giant hammer hitting Hela in mid-air, knocking this powerful goddess of death into dust!


“Bang bang bang!”

“You damn…”

“Bang bang bang!”

“I am going to kill you!”

“Bang bang bang…”

After dozens of energy bombardments, the crazy Hela finally calmed down. She looked up at the tall figure like a god in the air, and lowered her proud head unwillingly.

“I recognize your strength, mortal…”

Hela climbed up in embarrassment, her green cloak was in tatters, and her black thorn-like crown slowly dissipated.


Sean raised the Infinity Gauntlet on his right hand.

“Okay, the weak obey the strong. This is the rule I believe in.” Hela lowered her head in frustration, her tone was slumped, and her cold face was filled with a bitter smile, “You win.”

The goddess of death stared at the five gems in the golden glove. Odin once coveted this powerful power and even asked the dwarf king Aitri to create a replica.

As early as ten thousand years ago, the dark elves had mastered the ether particles, which were the carriers of the reality gems; and the first generation of supreme mage later discovered the time gem on the earth and regarded it as the supreme artifact, naming it the Eye of Agamodha ; The Cosmic Cube, whose body is a space gem, escaped from Odin’s treasure house, and was obtained by Hydra’s Red Skull in a Norwegian church after several twists and turns.

No matter in the past or now, the Infinity Stones have always been the treasures coveted by countless powerful people!

“Mortals cannot grasp this power.”

Hela said sadly.

Not everyone can become the holder of the Infinity Stones. Odin had no choice but to give up the beautiful idea of ​​gathering six stones to form the Infinity Gauntlet because of fear or fear.

But Sean in front of him has mastered five gems. How powerful this is!

Hela looked at the other party with complicated eyes, gradually accepting the second disastrous defeat in her life.

“War and conquest are eternal themes in the universe, but they are not the only way.”

The blue light waves flashed, and Sean came to Hela’s palace. It was an empty hall made of ice and snow, with ice crystals intertwining into crystal curtains, and above it was a dark throne.

The hazy rain and fog rolled in wantonly, bringing with it an endless chill. Hela followed closely behind Sean. Her tall and slender body was wrapped in a green cloak, and with her pale and indifferent face, she looked like an ice queen. Inviolable.

“Asgard is not suitable as a war machine. Your lifespan is long, but your reproductive capacity is extremely low. It is considered a magical civilization and its industrial level is insufficient… War is really a huge drain on you.”

Sean sat on the throne as if no one else was around, looking down at the angry Hela, and continued: “Asgard is a sharp sword, but without careful maintenance, one day it will be full of chips and rusty. Eventually it breaks into scrap metal.”

“This is why Odin didn’t choose you. Asgard needs a calm king, not a war madman.”

“But it was Odin’s decision that caused Asgard to step down from the throne of the co-lord of the nine realms, and be overtaken and surpassed by the Midgard World, which was once a vassal!”

Hela was indignant. She had the ambition to conquer in her heart, and only killing and war could satisfy her.

“You have to make a choice again. Do you want to stay in the underworld of Helm and become a prisoner forever? Or do you surrender to your brother?”

Sean was too lazy to continue arguing and asked the question directly.

Hela’s face was full of confusion. She didn’t want to bow to Thor or Loki. Even Odin couldn’t make herself surrender, let alone these two people.

“Are you the ruler of the Midgard World?”

The goddess of death thought hard, then raised her head and asked after a while.

“You can think so.”

Sean shrugged, both SHIELD and Umbrella have huge influence in the coalition government.

“Then I choose to surrender to you, the ruler of the Midgard World. Since Asgard is no longer the co-lord of the nine realms, instead of following a reckless man or a conspirator, it is better to attach to the truly strong.”

Hela gave an unexpected answer, which shocked Sean.

“You won the battle, and I am your prize.”

The goddess of death, who had recovered from her frustration, twisted her graceful figure and slowly walked up the steps.

“If I can’t be the only king of the Nine Realms, then I don’t mind being a queen.”

“It sounds good, but if you want to impress me, you can’t just rely on nice words.”

Sean raised his hand and lifted Hela’s chin, his deep eyes looking indifferent.

“You will be satisfied, my king.”

Hela bit her lip lightly, her cold face melting like an ice floe.

She quietly lowered her body, her tall figure wrapped in a green cloak revealing her beautiful curves.

“I’m a little excited now.”

Sean lifted Hela’s black hair, and a pleasant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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