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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 47 Black Sky

With a bang, the iron fist carrying the rumbling wind came in an instant, hitting Sean’s shoulder like a battering ram. The surging power was like a raging wave, knocking the young man who was unstoppable from the moment he appeared on the stage into the air. His tall and straight body He broke through the antique carved wooden door and fell heavily into the shadows.

Danny Rand was also surprised by this ferocious blow. Although he was awarded the title of “Immortal Iron Fist” as the guardian of Kunlun, in fact, he was not worthy of the title and could not skillfully control the “qi” in his body. Therefore, in the previous attack During the battle, he was never able to help.

There was an unbelievable look in Jessica’s eyes. She didn’t expect that this reckless-looking kid could unexpectedly throw such a powerful punch. Without this guy’s help, she would have been able to defeat Sean on her own. Not easy.

“Take advantage of this moment to get rid of him completely!” The Punisher hidden aside is waiting for the opportunity. As a soldier, Frank has always been good at seizing the right opportunity.

The Punisher was like a vigorous cheetah, quickly scurrying into the shadows. He knew how terrifying Sean was, and if he couldn’t get rid of him at once, he might be the unlucky one.

“I think he’s too nervous.” Danny Rand shrugged. He didn’t think that the man who suddenly appeared could get up immediately after receiving a heavy punch from him.

Shaking his clenched fist, Danny Rand looked confident. Even though Sean had shown strong defensive power in the previous battle, this guardian from Kunlun had great confidence in his iron fist. , even the extremely hard steel body will be penetrated by his full blow just now!

This is the power of “qi” inherited from Kunlun. Once mobilized and used, it is like a trump card, which can be used against everyone.

“He is a real warrior.” Jessica shook her messy long black hair. Who would have thought that the most powerful street hero in Hell’s Kitchen would almost be killed by that man tonight.

Danny Rand glanced at the unconscious Daredevil lying on the ground, then turned to look at Luke Cage who was thrown out of the window, and said helplessly: “I think we should call an ambulance, maybe one Even the car was not enough, that guy was hit by my punch, and he probably won’t be able to use a knife and fork again for the rest of his life.”

“Oh, looks like I’m going to disappoint you.”

With a slight smile in his deep voice, Sean slowly walked out of the shadows. His tall body was like a mountain, showing a strong sense of oppression, especially when Jessica and Danny Rand saw each other. His right hand tightly strangled the punisher’s neck, and he was even more shocked. The burly man, who was six feet tall, was held in his hands like a chicken, and he kept breathing “ho ho” with difficulty. Voice.

The scene suddenly became quiet for a moment, and Danny Rand, who thought he had turned the situation around, looked ugly. Logically speaking, that punch was enough to completely make Sean lose his fighting ability, but the fact was like a loud slap on his face. .

“That punch of yours was indeed heavy enough. This was the first time I was injured.” Sean said calmly, his left hand hanging down weakly, and his entire left shoulder seemed to have been hit by a hammer. “Throw it to a person for the first time.” In the hands of a man, to be honest, I wasn’t in a good mood.”

Sean’s right hand was like iron, strangling the Punisher’s neck. If it weren’t for the boiling life energy in his body, which quickly repaired his injuries, he might have become the Punisher’s prisoner at this time.

“I made a mistake. Perhaps from the beginning to now, I have gone too smoothly along the way. All the enemies I encountered fell at my feet, and I encountered almost no setbacks or obstacles… so I was a little bloated. , this is not a good phenomenon, even Achilles will be shot in the ankle by a hidden arrow and die. I will encounter more and more powerful opponents in the future. If I continue to maintain this arrogant mentality, maybe in the future It will suffer an irreversible defeat.”

Sean seemed to be reflecting on himself, his voice was neither fast nor slow, and his calm eyes were devoid of any emotion. His right hand gradually exerted force, like a tightening iron clamp, and the punisher who was holding his throat was close to suffocation. The two eyeballs were bloodshot and protruding, and not even a sound could be made.

With a bang, the two-hundred-pound body fell to the floor with a dull sound. Sean moved his injured left shoulder, and the broken bones were intact under the golden light.

“Okay, let’s make it quick. Maybe I can take home a cheese and nut pizza before the pizza place closes.”

Sean didn’t even look at the Punisher, who had lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen. The golden light in his eyes flashed out. He stared at the alert Jessica and Danny Rand, with a dangerous smile on his lips. bloom.


A black Passat parked outside a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown. Alexandra, one of the leaders of the Hand, leaned on the back seat of the car. She had been paying attention to the battle from the beginning. If Sean had not appeared, according to Her original plan was to use the most powerful force in her hands to bring Kunlun’s iron fist in front of her.

“Erica, if Wesley’s boss fails, then it will be your turn.” Alexandra gently stroked the woman sitting next to her like a tame pet.

The woman named Erica turned her head blankly, her eyes devoid of any emotion, like an exquisite puppet, lacking the breath of life.

No one would have thought that this cold and expressionless woman was the Hand’s most powerful weapon, the legendary humanoid weapon, the Black Sky!

“If Wesley’s boss didn’t make a mistake, then it’s up to you to deal with him. No unknown person has ever dared to raise conditions with the Hand.” Alexandra’s eyes were cold. Since the other party was so open-minded, she might as well let him do it. You should pay the price for your greed.

Erica nodded, holding the katana in her hand. For Heikong, any weapon that can tear flesh and blood and harvest life is an extension of its own limbs. Compared with powerful thermal weapons, this ancient and Cruel cold weapons can better satisfy her inner desire for killing and blood.

Time passed by, and just when Alexandra was waiting impatiently, the door of the Chinese restaurant was pushed open, and a man wearing a black mask hummed a relaxing tune and dragged a body on the ground. Drag the body.

“Danny Rand, I brought you the Iron Fist of Kunlun.” Sean said in a relaxed tone, throwing the bruised and swollen Danny Rand onto the black Passat as if throwing away garbage.

As if to retaliate for that heavy punch, there was no intact skin on the Kunlun Iron Fist’s face. His entire face had at least swollen in size, and at least a dozen of the bones in his body were broken.

“Don’t worry, I was very measured in my actions. They are all skin injuries. Just find a doctor to treat him. He will not be disabled or life-threatening.”

Danny Rand, who was still conscious, almost wanted to curse when he heard these words, but unfortunately he couldn’t even move a finger now, let alone make a sound.

“Erica, deal with him.” Alexandra ordered. Now that Kunlun’s iron fist is in hand, there is no need for the guy in front of her to exist.

Erica, dressed in a black and red ninja outfit, stepped out of the car, her sharp samurai sword slowly unsheathed. She stared at Sean, who seemed to be unaware, with an animalistic light surging in her pupils.

“There is really no spirit of contract.”

Sean shook his neck as he had expected it. It was as if electric current was running fiercely in his skin. A slight stimulation filled his body. The repeated battles allowed him to faintly touch the essence of his own strength.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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