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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 471 Self

Vormir is a desolate planet, located in a dark world as silent as a tomb. Civilization is extinct and life is rare. Even adventurers are unwilling to visit it.

The blue light waves expanded, Sean let go of the golden gloves, and the ripples in the empty space gradually converged and dissipated.

He was stepping on hard ice under his feet, and the extremely cold air was swirling and whistling. As far as the eye could see, there were endless steep mountain peaks, towering majestically on the barren land.

Looking up, the light of the stars was blocked, leaving only a faint outline of light, like the black sun hanging in the sky.


Sean murmured lowly.

The five infinity stones inlaid on the golden gloves emitted strange fluctuations, like a call and a collision. Similar energies created a subtle connection.

Sean looked at the mountains in the distance, and the dark clouds piled up in the sky, like angry waves, covering the whole world.

His mental power was like a vibrating radar, radiating in all directions in ripples, and in just a few minutes, it covered the surface of Vormir’s planet.

“over there.”

A smile appeared on Sean’s lips.

He sensed the subtle fluctuations of the soul gem, and it seemed that someone was waiting for him at the top of the towering mountain.

“Welcome, holder of the Infinity Stones.”

When Sean climbed up the stairs and stood at the top of the peak, a hoarse voice sounded.

The ghost-like black robe slowly emerged, as if after a long time, the robe was decaying and weathered.

“Your identities are really countless, Sean Sipers, the sentinel, the guardian of the nine realms, the master of the Void Land…”

The man in black robes floating like mist seems to know the identity of everyone who comes here.

“I’m here for the Soul Stone.”

Sean directly stated his purpose.

He was not surprised. Just when he walked in here, an extremely obscure energy fluctuation swept across along with the extremely cold air current.

And this mysterious man in black robe may have obtained his identity from it.

“I am a prisoner of the soul gem. I will be imprisoned here forever and cannot be free…”

The man in black robe had a blood-red ferocious head, as if his face had been peeled off, and his eyes were hollow, which was quite scary.

“If you want to get this gem, you have to pay a heavy price. Everyone thinks they can bear it, but in fact… you have to make sacrifices! Give up everything!”

Sean’s eyes moved slightly, and the man in black robe in front of him was the Red Skull, the great leader of Hydra in the last century, whose original name was John Schmidt.

Strictly speaking, he was the first super soldier created by German scientist Dr. Abraham Erskine, long before Captain America.

After being injected with the super soldier serum, the Red Skull lost his true nature, and the ambition and madness in his heart were aroused. He chose to attach himself to the head of the Third Reich, vigorously develop the power of Hydra, and attempt to rule by violent means. The whole world!

Captain America stopped the Red Skull’s plan, and on a plane full of dangerous weapons rushing to New York, the destined enemies launched a final duel.

Later, the Red Skull touched the Cosmic Cube with his hand and was taken by the Space Stone to an unknown world, the planet Vormir, where the Soul Stone is hidden.

“We are from the same hometown.” Sean looked relaxed and looked at the Red Skull who was leading the way. “I know Steve Rogers, your old friend Captain America, and his relationship with Hydra is not bad…”

“Steve Rogers? So he is still alive? I hope he can understand the feeling of loneliness. Friends and relatives leave one by one, leaving him alone in this world.”

The Red Skull spoke hoarsely, his tone full of regret. A long time ago, the great leader of Hydra also pursued the Infinity Stones and obtained one.

In a church in Norway, Red Skull, who is familiar with Nordic mythology, firmly believes that the Cosmic Cube escaped from Odin’s treasure house and contains the supreme power to rule the world!

“I once had the opportunity to follow the traces of these gems like you, but the Cosmic Cube abandoned me and exiled me here to guide others to find the precious treasures that I can’t get.”

The Red Skull stopped in front of a majestic and huge abandoned building. Sean looked around with curious eyes.

The planet Vormir obviously had a prosperous ancient civilization, but just like the planet Morag, which holds the Power Stone, it suffered a terrible disaster at some time, with all life being devastated and the civilization extinct!

“The gem lies at your feet…make your choice now and pay the price you deserve.”

Sean paused in his footsteps. In front of him was a cliff of ten thousand feet. The extremely cold air roared and roared, lashing against the cold and hard rocks.

Looking down, it was a huge altar built by ancient survivors, imprinted with complex lines, which seemed to be vaguely connected to the unknown void.

“The soul gem has an extremely special status. You may call it a kind of wisdom… In order to ensure that anyone who possesses it can understand this indescribable power, the gem needs to be sacrificed!”

The empty eyes of the Red Skull are filled with a hint of mockery. The soul gem will only appear automatically if the holder pays a heavy price. This is a malicious curse from fate that no one can violate.

“If you want to get the gem, you will lose your true love!”

“Exchange soul for soul!”

Sean remained silent. He seemed not surprised by the answer, with complicated emotions in his eyes.


Have you ever loved anyone completely?

Figures of people flashed through my mind. Those figures were cold, charming, and charming. They only stayed for a short moment, and then they were instantly shattered.

Although Sean doesn’t want to admit it, the cold fact is before his eyes that he only loves himself.

“It’s a fair exchange of equal value.”

After a while, a relieved smile appeared on Sean’s face, and he raised the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand.

“The Soul Gem exists in the unknown void. It is an offering from the planet Vormir. Everyone who desires power will come here through hardships and sacrifice their loved ones in exchange for this cursed powerful power.”

Red Skull thought that Sean was going to use the other five gems to forcibly summon the soul gem, trying to skip this cruel prerequisite.

“The altar under your feet was built by Vormir. Without the sacrifice and exchange of your beloved soul, the gem would not appear.”

Sean ignored the Red Skull. On the golden gloves, the five-color light lit up slightly, and the void fluctuated violently.

Golden light shone in the depths of his eyes, and the Sentinel Armor suddenly appeared and covered Sean’s body. Then waves of terrifying aura surged and released, and the entire planet of Vormir began to tremble.

The pure golden glow faded, deep darkness fell, a black cloak emerged from behind, and the extremely cold air flowed like a hurricane, making a hunting sound!


Before the Red Skull could make a sound, he was dissipated by the force of the void explosion. It was like the tidal eruption of the original darkness of the universe. But standing still, the void was like a mirror shattering and collapsing, and the majestic mountains under his feet rumbled and shook!


Sean took a gentle breath, and the atmosphere was like a ignited powder keg, making a rumbling explosion!

“You have always existed in my body… I face this self that is born to destroy everything, be violent and crazy, even if you are eager to kill and have unsatisfied desires, but I never resist, never fear… I accept it gladly , to be recognized.”

“We are two sides of the same coin. I am both the Sentinel and the Void…I am Sean Sipers.”

“I only love myself and pursue power… now is the time when sacrifices must be made.”

The voice of his heart turned into words, echoing under the gloomy sky. Sean, who had entered a state of nothingness, clenched his fists. His dark eyes were like lava volcanoes, containing hot desire.

“You are right, it is time to make sacrifices. We must become stronger, like the knight symbolizing death, leading to the ultimate Supreme Being.”

Void nodded slowly, the Infinity Gauntlet was surrounded by five-color light, like a subtle electric arc beating and flashing, and gradually, a clear figure emerged.

The ether particles tamper with reality, the mind gem gives will, the space gem maintains the form, the time gem solidifies time, and the power gem constructs the body.

The five gems bloomed with light, peeling away the void from Sean’s body and condensing it into a brand new existence.

“Sacrifice your loved one, sacrifice yourself…I am willing to pay the price.”

Sean looked at the Red Skull that appeared like smoke and said softly.

He stretched out his hand to strangle the void and broke the other person’s neck without hesitation.

As another self, nothingness has no resistance from beginning to end and welcomes death calmly.

The cold corpse fell off the cliff and hit the center of the huge altar heavily.

In an instant, the air current surged and the situation changed!

The huge altar trembled, and a dazzling light rose into the sky, covering Sean, and the white light covered the entire world.

After a moment of silence, the world in his eyes returned to its original state.

The Red Skull was stunned, this equal deal was completed, and the Soul Stone quietly fell into Sean’s hands at some point.

“it’s time.”

Sean murmured softly.

In exchange for his void, his other self, he obtained the Soul Stone, which he then set into the Infinity Gauntlet.

When the last gemstone was embedded in the golden glove, it was like a power source being turned on, and powerful energy poured into the body. This was an unprecedented feeling.

Sean has an illusory feeling that he is above all the laws of the universe, as if the stars are at his feet and the universe is in the palm of his hand, like a god, omnipotent!

Across time and space, master creation and destruction…

Just like a water droplet contains countless water molecules, Sean’s unique body also encompasses many dimensions.

There is no doubt that at this moment, he is completely at the single universe level.

The golden torrent exploded and released, and the sentinel power in the body was 100% developed!

“Thanos, it’s time to end this.”

Sean, who had conquered time and space and could easily destroy the single universe, gently raised his right hand.

The Infinity Gauntlet lights up slightly, and the six gems shine brightly. As the holder, he can restart the universe at any time.

“I will write the ending this time.”


A snap of the fingers.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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