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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 474 The Destruction and Ending of the Multiverse

Time and space collapsed and the stars trembled!

Matter is like a roaring tidal wave, constantly annihilating and collapsing, and then turning into nothingness.

This is definitely the scariest and most shocking scene that Sean has ever seen. Five huge figures standing in the void, blocking the ever-expanding cracks. They symbolize the fundamental rules of the universe and are the supreme creation gods.

However, in the face of the transcendent gods who made their debut, the five omnipotent gods gradually fell into a disadvantage. The white life form known as the “Ivory King” itself represents the power of rules of the extraterrestrial universe and is not affected by the creation gods at all. control.

Every collision between the two sides is shaking the foundation of this universe. Time and space are extracted and become a separate fragment, serving as a huge battlefield for this multiverse-level showdown!

Sean tried his best to be a bystander, and the golden torrent in his body continuously poured into the Infinity Gauntlet, blooming with dazzling brilliance.

In his eyes, the five great gods and the transcendent gods confront each other, like a fierce battle between the light of creation and the original darkness of the universe. They are like water and fire, and they will never be compatible!

In the aftermath of the collision, countless parallel universes gradually collapsed, like castles piled up on the beach. When a wave hit them, they collapsed instantly!

This multiverse-level pinnacle battle has even affected the vast, beginningless and endless river of time and space. The stable space is like a shattered lens, and the infinite timeline has curled up and converged.

Sean’s foothold at this moment is as chaotic as a pot of boiling water. The past and future are superimposed on each other, and infinite parallel universes are constantly collapsing and dying at extremely fast speeds!

As Thanos said, today is the end of the universe.

This extremely crazy overlord of the universe, he learned from Gao Tianzun the truth about the Transcendent God Clan’s massacre of the Celestial God Clan, and then found the Molecule Man Owen Reese, causing large-scale killings, causing the order of the universe to finally become unbalanced, and attracting the five gods. s concern.

This is a carefully designed trap to kill the supreme creation god!

What good does it do to Thanos if it just attracts the Transcendent Protoss?

Or does the Mad Titan really want to see the multiverse destroyed?

Sean raised his right hand, and the six-color light supported a barrier, and the collision between the five creation gods and the transcendent gods became more and more intense!

Beyond the Ivory King among the gods, those three perfect white life forms are not restricted by time, space, energy, or any law of cause and effect.

They are brand-new beings in the extraterrestrial universe. They once slaughtered the entire Celestial Clan, wander among many dimensions, and regard the multiverse as a testing ground, wanting to verify the ultimate secrets of their creation and destruction.

The chaotic and overlapping timelines were twisted into a mess, and Sean’s vision began to become blurred. He saw the same battle going on in every universe that was heading for destruction; he also saw the Ivory King killing the Ivory King alone. The Celestial Clan, those tall and powerful gods wrapped in various armors, fell one after another…

One of them even had his head chopped off by the Ivory King. His huge corpse floated in the cold void, and was finally packed away by the Transcendent Gods.

This is the truth behind the disappearance of the Celestial Clan!

He also saw the deep connection between the Transcendent Protoss and the Molecule Man Owen Reese. The lucky man who survived the explosion of the particle generator was a huge bomb that destroyed the multiverse!

In countless parallel universes, the molecular man Owen Reese is constructed as a constant across time and space. He is the product of the grand experiment of the Transcendent Gods.

While Sean is immersed in the dense and chaotic illusion of time, the collapse and destruction of the multiverse is still continuing——

Galactus fell first, and the Ivory King, who looked like a white life form, killed the body of Galactus brazenly!

Then came “Death”, the ultimate goddess who once gave Thanos instructions. In the collision between the transcendent gods, her black robe was torn and shattered, and countless phantoms collapsed one after another!

That is the symbol of death in all myths and legends, such as the God of Death, King of Hell, Hell, etc., all of which are wiped out at this moment!

Three of the five gods survived, but they did not last long. After dozens of parallel universes were destroyed and collapsed, “Infinity” was also wiped out, and the space of the multiverse disappeared!

Sean saw that the Infinity Stones were dimming, and felt a little bad. This meant that the rules of the universe were gradually being erased. It was like a solid house, slowly removing its supporting pillars and beams, and it might collapse at any time. Danger.

He stood in the boundless void and watched this terrifying duel from beginning to end, and was extremely shocked.

The last one to die was “Eternity”.

The conceptual body encompassing the stars instantly turned into countless fragments and fell into the thick darkness.

Three white life forms stood in the huge whirlpool. The crack continued to expand, and more intense light overflowed.

The five gods will fall one after another, and the rules they symbolize will be erased, as if they never existed, and the end of the multiverse seems to be coming to an end.

“The stars fall, the gods perish!”

“We transcend everything to find the truth!”

“The end of all things…”


The magnificent golden figure suddenly arrived!

A transcendent divine race suddenly shattered into pieces and turned into powder under the heavy and grand gaze of judgment!

An existence greater than the five creation gods has appeared!

“Living Court?”

Sean squinted his eyes and stared at the majestic golden figure. It had three faces, symbolizing different meanings, representing justice, necessity and revenge respectively.

Now, that half-covered face representing revenge is facing the Transcendent Gods, its sharp gaze seems to tear the universe apart and penetrate all things!

Without too many words, a star was held in the palm of the Tribunal of Life, and crashed down like a stone!

Naturally not to be outdone, the Transcendence God Clan began a new round of terrifying showdown between the two sides!

The boundless void is filled with intense brilliance, which are the sparks that burst out after every collision of rules.

In Sean’s eyes, it was like the dazzling light produced during the Big Bang, where endless matter was born and destroyed.

The concept of time has become blurred, and Sean no longer looks at this terrible battle that shocked the multiverse, as if he is worried that the intense light bursting out will burn his eyes.

I don’t know how much time passed, but when there was only one Ivory King left behind the expanding rift, the aftermath of the battle gradually stopped, and the loud roar like angry thunder disappeared.

Sean opened his eyes, and the intense brilliance converged and dissipated. The majestic and huge golden figure of the Life Court gradually became clear and solid, and then dimmed and floated in the dark space.

The supreme being of the multiverse, the Tribunal of Life, which can be said to be omniscient and omnipotent, possessing almost all authority, still fell powerlessly in the face of the transcendent gods.

The stars fell into silent mourning, like the sound of a death knell, which was despairing.

At this time, the collapse of the multiverse has also come to an end.

Countless parallel universes disappeared and were wiped out, leaving only the last one.

“All the stubborn resistance, all the struggles… are just futile delusions.”

The white life form named the Ivory King whispers in a low voice, but it makes a sensation in the multiverse!

He stared at Thanos coldly, with some doubts in his eyes, as if he didn’t understand why the other party did this.

Beyond the Protoss will not deliberately spare the world just because Thanos dares to lead the way.

In their understanding, all the billions of creatures in this universe are sacrifices for that great experiment.

“Everything I did was to kill you.”

Thanos’s voice was deep and contained unprecedented power.

The Mad Titan speaks candidly and gives shocking answers.

The Ivory King, who is a member of the Transcendent God Clan, has an expressionless face and even a hint of ridicule.

The most powerful supreme beings in the universe have all been eliminated by them. From the Celestial Clan to the five creation gods, and finally the Tribunal of Life, each one has fallen and will never exist again from now on.

What qualifications does a humble being like Thanos have to say such a thing?

“A trivial ant, an earthworm trying to shake a big tree.”

The Ivory King gave a calm evaluation.

Behind him, more transcendent gods emerged from the ever-expanding rift.

As long as this last universe is erased, they can get the results of the experiment.

From the birth of a multiverse to the destruction of a multiverse, the Transcendent Gods have been waiting for too long.

Thanos was silent, and the well-preserved Temple II suddenly started up. This ship of the Dark Order, like a dying beast, charged towards the Transcendent Gods.

“I want to take away your power and make it my own… This is my purpose.”

Thanos stared at the expanding crack and said firmly and forcefully: “You killed the five creation gods and the Tribunal of Life, destroyed countless parallel universes, and burned that dark forest…”

“And I will kill you! Create a new universe again!”

Temple No. 2 bloomed with dazzling light, and the Ivory King standing in the crack didn’t care. Even the regular collisions between the five creation gods and the Tribunal of Life couldn’t hurt him. This small explosion was more like It’s just a little spark, insignificant!

But as the energy of the explosion leaked out, the face of the Ivory King suddenly changed, and the Transcendent Gods who kept emerging behind him also let out angry roars!

“You despicable life! How dare you play with us! Curse your behavior…”

The superior Transcendent Protoss cursed Thanos with all the vicious words, but the energy from the explosion of Temple No. 2 blocked the crack, and then there were magnificent and gorgeous fireworks!

The dazzling light continued like a tide, pouring into the huge crack that had stopped expanding, and unimaginable destructive power continued to fill it.

Thanos stared at this overwhelming light of destruction, his purple face full of indifference. He fulfilled his promise and killed the transcendent gods from outside the territory.

When the aftermath dissipated, before Sean could recover from the shock, he met Thanos’ indifferent gaze.

“I said you should have killed me sooner.”

The void rippled, and the molecular man Owen Reese, who had never appeared, emerged. This man with scars on his face gently plucked the string of matter.

Sean turned around in surprise. Who would have thought that his body would suddenly be torn apart, his flesh and blood disintegrating, directly disintegrating and annihilating from the molecular structure level, turning into powder!

“This is the end, Sean.”

The remaining consciousness heard Thanos’ indifferent declaration, seeming to put an end to everything.

ps: If I end like this, I will probably be beaten to death by you ̄▽ ̄


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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