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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 48 Surprises and accidents

Midtown Circle Financial Corporation, conference room.

The five leaders of the Hand gathered together for a rare occasion. Alexandra sat at the head of the table. A hint of uncontrollable excitement and joy appeared on her indifferent face. Her life was in danger, and she could feel her body organs every day. The decline, the shadow of death was approaching step by step, and the cold breath lingered on her body, as if the cold breath of death woke her up from a midnight dream.

Death is always the greatest fear of human beings, especially for people like Alexandra who have lived for centuries. The longer they experience a long life, the more they are afraid of death.

“I have captured Danny Rand, the only descendant of Kunlun, and now he has fallen into our hands.” Alexandra lost her past calmness, and was about to regain her life. The ecstasy made this Hand member The leader’s heart was full of fiery emotions, “Hundreds of years ago, in order to practice the legendary art of immortality, we escaped from Kunlun and took away the dragon bones in the dragon’s lair. With the help of the huge life energy contained in them, we gained a long-lasting life, surviving for centuries.”

“But as time goes by, the dragon bones are gradually exhausted, and we are once again faced with the shadow of death, but God has not abandoned us. After hundreds of years of searching, we have found the burial place of another dragon skeleton, Kunlun The power sealed it underground, and only the power of the iron fist can open that door!”

Alexandra’s voice echoed in the conference room, and the other four leaders listened quietly. They were all monks in Kunlun. Because they coveted the legendary art of immortality, they stole the dragon bone remains and escaped from the strict rules together. The mysterious land of Kunlun, using the dragon bone that can bring people back to life, formed the Hand and transformed into five fingers. For hundreds of years, the Hand has been growing and growing into an international criminal organization with power all over the world.

“When Danny Rand falls into our hands, will Daredevil and his gang give up?” Japanese Murakami is worried. He is well aware of the troubles faced by the street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen. Those people have always been very troublesome to the Hand. Headache.

Daredevil, the Punisher, and other weird guys cost Hell’s Kitchen gangs countless businesses, and the Hand was one of the victims.

Alexandra didn’t take it seriously. She said coldly: “Black Sky will deal with them.”

Hearing this answer, Murakami said no more. Black Sky is the inheritance they got from Kunlun. It is similar to the ancient and obscure sacrificial witchcraft. They believe in the original mysterious demon “beast” at the expense of their own emotions and reason. Obtaining powerful power from it, if the conditions for being the host of Black Sky are not too harsh, then the Hand will be enough to create a terrifying army.

“Erica is the most suitable host I have ever seen. Black Sky is in her body and her power can be fully exerted. Daredevil and the others will not be her opponents.”

Alexandra is full of confidence. Erica, who was supposed to be dead, was resurrected by her with the dragon bone and forgot the past memories. She is undoubtedly the best container to carry the black sky.

“Find a way to get Danny Rand to open the underground seal and dig out the dragon bones as soon as possible. We can’t stay in New York for too long. A mysterious organization is already targeting us.” Sowanda, a warlord from Africa, said.

As a local snake in New York, Mrs. Gao nodded. This elderly woman has a meticulous and powerful intelligence network. She knows that there is a mysterious agency hidden in the dark in this country, which specializes in dealing with supernatural events and unconventional emergencies. .

It’s just that the mysterious organization is hidden too deeply, like an iceberg floating on the sea. Only the exposed corner can be glimpsed. Even with the intelligence strength of the Hand, it is impossible to detect more information.

“In one week, dig the dragon bones.” Alexandra set a deadline.

“I will plan the transportation route. When the keel is dug out, it will touch the foundation of New York and trigger a series of chain reactions. At that time, we will take advantage of the chaos and leave.” Botu, who had been silent, said.

The five leaders of the Hand rarely get together. They all have different identities in real life. For example, Alexandra is a successful entrepreneur in New York, while Sowanda is a separatist warlord on the African continent. , Murakami is in charge of a Japanese consortium, etc. Everyone has his own power. Of course, these identities are just cover on the surface. Underneath the glamor or prominent status, there is a terrifying and deep darkness.

“What about Wesley’s boss?” Mrs. Gao asked aloud as if she remembered something.

“Erica will kill him. Hell’s Kitchen doesn’t need too many careerists.” Alexandra put her hands on the conference table. The man had an unpredictable origin and seemed to be very familiar with the past of the Hand and Kunlun. Understanding made her very wary.

“Dangerous people should be nipped in the cradle.” said the Hand leader.

For so many years, the Hand has only had five fingers. How could Alexandra tolerate one more person to come in and share the dragon bone secret elixir of immortality with them.

“Everything went according to plan.” Alexandra looked around at the other four companions. For hundreds of years, they relied on and helped each other, established a huge Hand, and escaped from the strict rules of Kunlun. “One day , we will return to that place and gain endless life!”

Mrs. Gao, Murakami, Suowanda, Botu, and the four leaders of the Hand also stood up. They escaped from Kunlun hundreds of years ago and have always been most wary of that mysterious place that exists in another dimension. and vigilance, but deep down in my heart, I always want to return to that place, eager to get the dragon bone remains contained therein and the mystery of immortality.

“We can get the secret of Iron Fist from Danny Rand. He is not only the key to the underground door, but also the only road sign leading to Kunlun.” A sneer broke out on Sowanda’s dark face.

Others also nodded in agreement. There will always be a day when the dragon bone remains are used up. If they can return to Kunlun, go deep into the dragon’s cave, and dig out all the buried dragon bones, then they are only one step away from immortality. .

Just as the five leaders of the Hand were thinking about a bright future, a clear sound of footsteps came faintly from outside the door. Erica pushed the door in with a bright samurai sword, and there was a faint smell of blood all over her body. , like a warrior who had just experienced a hearty killing, there was a sense of joyful satisfaction in his animalistic pupils.

“Did you kill that guy?”

Alexandra looked at Erica with satisfaction. After being inhabited by Heikong in her body, the original feelings and memories would gradually fade away, and in the end only the primitive instinct to kill would remain.

Erica stared at her master, and the expressionless and indifferent face suddenly broke out into a shallow smile, which suddenly shocked Alexandra.

As a black empty vessel, Erica stood quietly in the conference room, with black hair and red clothes, holding a long knife, like a blooming bloody rose, showing a strange beauty.

“His name is Sean.” A slightly hoarse voice sounded. Erica turned sideways, and a young man wearing a black mask walked in slowly outside the door.

Looking at the Hand leaders with different expressions, Sean couldn’t help but whisper: “We meet again, everyone. Are you surprised or surprised?”

ps: For all the readers who have been voting, collecting, and rewarding this book, here is the first update~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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