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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 49 New Leader

Back to forty minutes ago, outside the Chinese restaurant in Chinatown, Sean and Erica were facing each other with a long knife. Watching the black Passat go away, the young man couldn’t help but ask: “Are you from the Hand?” Black sky?”

Sean looked at the expressionless girl in red in front of him, like an exquisite doll. Her beautiful dark eyes were full of cruelty, as if a ferocious beast had taken over. This beautiful body.

A sharp sword light struck out, and Erica remained silent. As a container that carries Heikong, apart from being able to maintain basic human behaviors, she is no different from a beast, and as Heikong grows in this body The longer she survives in the body, the original personality of Erica will become smaller and weaker, until she is completely swallowed up by her animal nature.

Erica waved the long knife in her hand, and the bright blade cut through the air. Sean dodged with delicate steps. He wanted to see how terrifying the legendary humanoid weapon Black Sky was.

His long black hair was dancing and flying. Sean frowned to avoid Erica’s crazy attack. The bright sword light drew a fatal trajectory. If he was not careful, the sharp blade would tear his flesh and blood, and his body would be torn apart. The body was cut into broken limbs.

As expected, Erica, who was reduced to a black empty vessel, completely evolved into a killing weapon. As the battle continued, her strength and speed increased significantly. Her red figure was like a ghost. Suddenly approaching Sean, the long knife raised a bright silver light from bottom to top, as if it was going to split the enemy in half!

A chill surged through Sean’s heart. He hit the side of the blade with a fist carrying heavy power, neutralizing Erica’s ferocious attack. He immediately turned from defense to offense. His whole body was pressed like a mountain, and his tall body was filled with energy. With a frightening momentum, he punched hard. Erica, who couldn’t dodge, was hit in the lower abdomen, and her soft and delicate body bent like a lobster.

A powerful and heavy whip leg swept sideways, kicking Erica away who was temporarily unable to fight. The red figure hit a parked car. The metal door immediately dented and the window glass shattered. , flying debris scattered all over the ground.

Sean stood tall, looked at Erica who was struggling to get up, and couldn’t help but smacked his tongue: “What an amazing will, a beast in human skin?”

Even for an invulnerable guy like Luke Cage, it would be difficult to get up immediately after receiving a heavy punch and whip kick from himself. However, Erica, with messy black hair, held up a long knife with one hand. On the ground, he took a few breaths and then regained his fighting strength.

Those animalistic pupils stared at Sean, as if they couldn’t feel any pain at all. What drove this body was only the endless desire to kill and fighting instinct.

The swift light of the sword tore through the air, and the howling wind rumbled. The long sword turned into a ball of silver light, carrying a heart-stopping forest coldness, and shrouded Xiao Xiao. A standing street lamp was cut off straight away. , the cut is as smooth as a mirror, which is enough to prove how amazing the power of the owner holding the long knife is!

“We should sit down and talk, Erica.” Sean stepped forward, like an illusory shadow, his voice appearing and disappearing, “You can control it, any power can be controlled, as long as you Have a strong enough will…don’t become its slave!”

Erica said nothing, her dark eyes fluctuated for a moment, and then returned to normal. The sword light was fast and fierce, like the silver light blooming in the void. Sean’s chest rose and fell, and the surging energy surged like a tide. Time seemed to be passing by. At this moment, the pace slowed down, and the tall body turned into a shadow. The young man avoided the sharp edge of the long knife, and a powerful arm crossed the space and strangled the soft neck of the red figure.

“Erica Nakis.” Sean casually waved the long knife away from the opponent’s hand. He got close to the delicate and beautiful mixed-race face and said softly: “You were adopted by Daredevil’s teacher Stickman when you were a child. Later, you were fostered in the home of a Greek diplomat. In college, you met Matt Murdock, a charming young blind man, and you fell in love…”

The hoarse and deep voice echoed in Erica’s ears, and struggle appeared in the empty pupils. The beastly nature in the brain roared violently, and waves of heart-wrenching pain shot through her body!

Sean’s arms gradually exerted force until Erica felt like she was suffocating. He looked deeply at the poor girl whose body was occupied by the black sky, and said lightly: “You remember all this… you are How to die, how to be resurrected, and then let that beastly monster steal your body! Erica, you have your own name, family, and lover, that beast can’t control you!”

Erica’s legs kept kicking, and the feeling of almost suffocation brought her to the verge of death. The man’s voice was far and near, like a call from the dark, stimulating the long-forgotten emotions and memories in her heart. .

Sean approached the struggling girl in red. He looked at the painfully twisted face and asked softly: “Tell me, who are you?”

Counting the time silently in his mind, after thirty seconds, Erica, who was breathing hard, still didn’t give an answer. Sean’s eyes gradually turned cold, and he sighed regretfully, preparing to kill the blood-red rose with his own hands.

“…Erica…Nakis.” Amidst the strange whistling sounds, the girl in red, who was lingering on the edge of death, said her name intermittently.

“Nice job.” Sean let go of his arm, and the girl in red and black hair knelt down in front of him, panting like a fish starved of oxygen.

The young man lifted Erica’s chin, with a satisfied smile on his lips: “Next, it’s time for revenge.”


“It seems like you don’t want to see me.” Sean spread his hands and walked to Erica’s side with a smile. “You are too superstitious about the power of the black sky, and you also underestimate human will.”

“Erica, kill him.” Alexandra rushed in front of the woman in red and gave orders hysterically. The leader of the Hand had lost his former grace and composure.

In the hundreds of years of the Hand, there has never been an example of the black sky losing control. How could human beings resist the power of the “beast” with just their weak will? !

This broke Alexandra’s cognition. She did not believe that Erica had regained consciousness and was still trying to command the humanoid weapon.

“My name is… Erica Nakis.”

The girl in red clothes and black hair swung the long knife and cut off Alexandra’s head neatly without any hesitation. Blood gushed out like a fountain and splashed on the cold and delicate face.

Erica licked the corners of her mouth slightly, an almost coquettish smile bloomed on her cold and stern face, and a hearty pleasure appeared in her eyes. Killing satisfied her, and blood made her happy!

“Let’s welcome the new leader of the Hand.” Sean clapped his hands, put his arm around Erica’s shoulders, and pushed her to the chief position in the conference room.

Looking around at the other four leaders, the young man asked softly with a faint smile: “Who agrees? Who opposes?”

ps: Second update, maybe there will be another chapter ( ̄▽ ̄)/


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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