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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 5 Cold Means

The night is dark and the stars and moon are dim.

A group of people walked into an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Queens. It was once an industrial site for chemical production. It closed down during the economic crisis at the beginning of the last century. Due to its remote location, it is usually sparsely populated. , is often used by gangs as a good place to deal with troubles, and occasionally performs some shady and illegal work.

“Boss, do you think that kid will be too scared to come?”

The middle-aged man stood on the roof of the factory building, and a subordinate next to him asked softly. After all, they were also the backbone of the gang. If they didn’t go to nightclubs at night or discuss business with the boss, they would inevitably come to this ghost place to wait for a high school student. There is a lot of anger.

“No, that kid is a smart man. He knows where he can’t escape. A high school student with no family or friends is just the right person to be absorbed into a gang.”

As the boss, the middle-aged man is very patient. His boss, Frank D’Amico, is a major drug lord on the West Coast. On the surface, he runs a large-scale trading company, but in fact he is engaged in the illegal trade of smuggled drugs. Recently, the gang has been involved in… The Irish gangs in Hell’s Kitchen and the Japanese occupied the territory. Many people died on all three sides. It was a time when manpower was urgently needed.

Just at this time, Sean came into his sight. A high school student could beat several street gangsters to the hospital. This made the middle-aged man a little interested, so he prepared to absorb the other person into the gang. A boss We need some capable subordinates. As for Sean’s own wishes, that was no longer within his scope of consideration. If the other party didn’t appreciate it, he wouldn’t mind letting the high school student experience the darkness and cruelty of the world in advance.

“What time is it?” the middle-aged man asked with a frown.

“It’s almost the appointed time, boss. You must teach that kid a lesson later! Who is he? How dare he ask us to wait here!”

A burly man clenched his palms, and the others also echoed, all looking forward to greeting the newcomer with their fists.

“You have to be measured in your actions. That little guy still has to earn a lot of money for me.”

The middle-aged man smiled faintly. In his opinion, the minions who peddled and sold drugs for him were his money-making machines.

In addition to large-scale drug transactions, some bulk goods will flow into the hands of a leader like him, and then distributed to his subordinates to distribute the goods. Between 30 and 50 percent of the profits must be handed over to him. , those gangsters risked being arrested by the police and jailed to peddle, and most of the money actually fell into the pockets of the gang’s upper echelons.

“Boss, that boy is here.”

A sentry man shouted. In the dim moonlight, the middle-aged man saw a dark shadow appear. Sean, wearing casual clothes, walked into the abandoned factory unhurriedly. He didn’t seem to be in a hurry at all, just like It’s like going out for a walk in the night.

“It seems like I need to give this guy some color.”

Sean’s laid-back attitude made the middle-aged man very dissatisfied, and he was determined to make this unscrupulous high school student suffer a little later.

“You are really good at stepping on it.” The middle-aged man sneered, “There was a guy who didn’t come at the appointed time and made me wait for two more minutes. Do you know what happened next? I cut it off with a knife. Take off two of his fingers! Only in this way can he remember the lesson and not make the same mistake next time.”

Sean was smiling. Maybe the middle-aged man’s bloody story was very effective for other high school students and could scare them until they turned pale. But it had no effect on him because the power of both parties was not on the same level. .

Therefore, the other party’s pretentious and cold behavior will only make Sean feel funny, just like a child pretending to be in front of adults, which looks particularly funny.

“Those who are late will have their fingers cut off, so what are you going to do for a punctual person like me?” Sean asked curiously.

“Bloom, go welcome the newcomer and let him know what the rules are.” The middle-aged man grinned and waved the burly man next to him over.

The burly man with a strong physique cracked his knuckles, and his face was full of evil, like a black bear walking upright, which made people involuntarily feel fear.

“I will be very gentle, little one.” Bloom said roughly, “If you don’t resist, I will only break a few of your bones.”

The other people standing on the roof of the factory building were like watching the fun, cheering loudly for Bloom. They couldn’t wait to see the high school student be beaten until he knelt down and begged for mercy.

The burly man strode up to Sean. When he saw that the other person was silent, he thought he was too scared to speak. He raised his huge palm, ready to knock this guy down with one blow.


There was a clear sound of bone cracking in the abandoned factory. Everyone standing on the roof widened their eyes. Even the middle-aged man who had remained calm as if he was watching a play was stunned.

Bloom’s hand was bent at a forty-five degree angle, as if the joints of his arm had been completely broken. The white bones pierced the skin, which looked extremely bloody and had a strong visual impact.

The burly man who had been so arrogant just now let out a deafening wail, half-kneeling on the ground, and a large amount of blood spurted out from his arms, instantly staining the dusty ground red.

“I’ve never been very gentle with men.”

The young high school student said with a smile, “Who would have thought that such a gentle and elegant boy could break the thick arm of a six-foot-tall man like breaking a chopstick.”

“kill him!”

Seeing that he had lost one of his men, the middle-aged man directly ordered others to shoot Sean. He had given up on conquering him. This seemingly harmless high school student was no different from a demon. His eyes Breaking Bloom’s arm without blinking.

Especially when the other party acted as if nothing had happened, with a faint smile on his face. This cold attitude made people feel chilled in their hearts. The middle-aged man pulled out the pistol from his waist. No matter how capable Sean was at shooting, he was still a human being. His flesh and blood body was shot into a hornet’s nest and there was still only one way to die!

In the silent night sky, a burst of fierce gunshots echoed. In the abandoned factory, the little flashes of fire from the muzzles intertwined into a dense network, like a series of tongues of fire, covering the high-speed moving Sean. go.

The young high school student is as agile as a nimble cheetah, fast and changeable. He constantly uses various obstacles to avoid continuous shooting, and dodges through the powerful firepower.

In the depths of Sean’s eyes, a subtle golden light flickered, and the extremely fast metal bullets gradually slowed down in his field of vision, enough to see clearly that countless bullets tore through the air, forming a dense web of death.

The middle-aged man fired continuously. The damn high school student was like a ghost, turning into a black shadow to dodge and jump. At some point, he rushed to the roof of the factory building, like a tiger rushing into a herd of sheep. Each gunman was killed. The throat was crushed, and the other party was reaping life like a god of death. The noisy factory slowly became quiet. As the last gunman fell, Sean, whose hands were stained with blood, stood in front of him.

“do not come!”

The middle-aged man’s voice trembled, and he raised his pistol at Sean, but unfortunately the magazine was empty. No matter how he pulled the trigger, he could not fire a single bullet to kill the terrible demon in front of him.

“How do you say that…Oh, I hate it when people put a gun to my head.”

Sean took the gun from the middle-aged man’s hand, squeezed it hard and crushed it into scrap metal. Inhuman power surged in the young man’s body.

“I am Boss Frank D’Amico’s man, you will get into big trouble if you kill me!”

The middle-aged man lost his previous composure, his legs became weak and he knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

“Frank D’Amico… I will go find him soon.”

Sean’s tone was calm. The best way to solve the problem is to eradicate all enemies and those who may become enemies in the future at once!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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