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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 50 Door

The sound of huge metal collisions echoed in the empty underground. Sean rode the elevator all the way down. Erica, who was following him, looked at the masked man from time to time.

“They will not obey me sincerely. Whether it is Murakami or Suowanda, these leaders of the Hand have their own ideas.”

Erica put on a long black trench coat and held a short knife in her hand. Her beautiful eyes no longer shone with a cruel and ferocious animalistic light, replaced by the clear thinking of a human being.

“How can we make them succumb by force alone? These people are old guys who have lived for centuries. How can they give their loyalty easily.” In the dimly lit metal cage, the young man smiled and said, “Kill Alex Sandra, you are just a deterrent to them. You are the only black sky in the Hand, the totem of faith for hundreds of years, and those ninjas have fanatical worship of you. This is your chance to control this huge organization.”

“What about Murakami and the others? Have they all been killed?” The murderous intention flashed in her eyes. Perhaps as the first person she saw when she woke up, Erica had a strange and inexplicable trust in this strange man. feel.

Sean turned his head and glanced at Erica. Although her beautiful and delicate mixed-race face had a bit more human vitality, it still maintained an iceberg-like indifference. As a container that has carried black space, even if a clear consciousness is restored, the missing human emotions will be difficult to find immediately.

“Killing will not solve the problem. The Hand is a huge organization with a strict internal structure. It has footprints all over the world and secretly controls many multinational trading companies. It also has strong political power, such as the African warlord Sowanda. He has manipulated coups in countless countries, and Murakami is also closely related to the Japanese giant Yashida Pharmaceutical. These are the real forces of the Hand.”

Sean talked freely. He had already asked Wesley to investigate the Hand before. Combining the information in his mind, he could at least roughly outline the outline of this huge organization.

“Then why did you…” Erica’s eyes were full of doubts. If this was the case, then why did Sean push her to the position of leader of the Hand just now?

“The situation will change.” The young man wearing a black mask said calmly. “The remaining leaders of the Hand, they currently need Black Sky to deal with the street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen, so even if you kill Alexandra, they will not do it rashly, because for the time being, the most important thing for them is to dig out The keel in the ground extends its own life, and everything else can be put aside.”

“This is your chance! When Madam Gao, Murakami, Suowanda, and Fighter fight to the death with the street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen, you can slowly integrate the power in your hands.”

Erica stared at the man next to her. His casual tone contained a terrifying aura of darkness. Perhaps due to the influence of the black sky, she was actually very obsessed with this feeling.

Like a candlelight in the night, attracting moths to come closer, Erica, who had been parasitized by the black sky, was full of admiration and recognition for Sean’s seemingly casual, but actually cold conspiracy, as if she had found a similar kind.

“Of course, it all depends on your wishes.” Sean paused, and then continued: “You have regained your freedom, Erica, now you have the right to choose your own life… You can leave the hand Yes, return to Matt Murdock’s side, or stand on the side of Stickman and destroy the evil organization The Hand. There are countless choices in life, pursue whichever life you like.”

Sensing Erica’s surprised look, Sean guessed the other person’s thoughts and said calmly: “What the Hand values ​​​​is exactly what I value least. Relying on the so-called ‘keel’ to continue life, this is different from those lying on the ground.” What’s the difference between a decrepit old man living in a hospital bed and relying on oxygen tubes and life-support equipment?”

“The meaning of life has never been about its length, at least for me.” The young man’s voice echoed in the underground space, and every word was quite shocking. “Even without your help, I can still hold the Union in the palm of my hand. The difference is just that I have to use more methods. Erica, we are not superficial allies who use each other. I don’t want to get anything from you, and you don’t need to do anything for me. Do anything.”

Erica was silent. She was adopted by a stickman when she was a child and received harsh and cruel training. Later, she was sent to the family of a Greek diplomat and became a wealthy lady in the upper class. Most of her life Sometimes, things are done with purpose or plan. Few people will tell her that you have the right to choose freely!

Erica’s face was obscured by her long black hair. She was mumbling, as if she was hesitant to speak. With a “boom”, the elevator reached the bottom, and Sean walked out first.

The dark underground space was filled with a rotten musty smell. Using the name of a construction company as a guise, the Hand bought the building and then continued to dig underground in an attempt to find the burial place of the dragon bones.

In the end, they achieved their goal. After spending a lot of manpower and material resources, the Hand discovered the burial place of the dragon bone remains. After confirming that it was correct, Alexandra was overjoyed and prepared to start mining the dragon bones immediately. Who knew that a basin of cold water would come from With rain pouring down from their heads, a sealed door blocked their way.

“Have you not tried other methods?” Sean went deep into the underground space and saw the door engraved with ancient writings.

“Alexandra has tried many methods, such as explosives, drilling rigs, etc., but tough methods cannot work. This door is a seal set by Kunlun. As long as you don’t enter through the correct way, the mechanism behind the door will immediately When activated, the entire space will collapse.” Erica explained.

Sean stroked the obscure words engraved on the door, like an ancient language. The door would only open automatically if activated by some special power.

“This is the seal set by Kunlun Iron Fist, so you need another Iron Fist.” Sean understood the cause and effect. Only Kunlun’s unique inherited power “Qi” can activate this door buried deep in the ground.

“So Danny Rand is extremely important to the Alliance.” Erica stood in front of the ancient stone door. Behind this door was buried the remains of a dragon bone. The huge life energy contained in it can bring people back to life. Extend life.

The Hand’s ability to have political allies in many countries relies on the magic of the dragon bone. Even the rich and powerful politicians have endless desire for life.

Everyone is afraid of the coming of death. As they age, they will become more and more nostalgic for the beauty of this world. The Hand has the secret medicine that can bring people back to life, so it can naturally attract a large number of solid allies.

“Greed often makes people’s eyes lost.” Sean said a motto, his eyes were meaningful.

For the leaders of the Clan, behind this door is the continuation of life, but it may also be the burial ground.

ps: The additional update task is completed, spread the flowers~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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