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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 51 Join forces

In the old apartment building in Hell’s Kitchen, Matt, who had changed into a red demon suit, was lying on the sofa, with circles of white bandages wrapped around his chest and arms, and his face was pale and weak.

The blind lawyer’s home was very lively at this time. The Punisher was leaning on the cupboard, carrying a bottle of beer and drinking heavily, while Jessica and Luke Cage were sitting on chairs, frowning, as if Thinking about the ultimate problem.

“You should be lying in the hospital.” Jessica looked at the seriously injured Daredevil and couldn’t help but said: “Your sternum is broken and there are contusions on your arms and shoulders. If you don’t receive treatment, I’m afraid it will be difficult to recover in a short time. .”

Matt, who revealed his true identity, shook his head and said feebly: “Now is not the time to talk about this. Danny Rand was taken away by the Hand. Although we don’t know why they did this, but from Frank’s investigation, It seems that the Hand is definitely not simply inviting Danny Rand to be a guest. No matter what their purpose is, we must rescue Danny.”

The Punisher nodded in agreement. The Hand is brewing a huge conspiracy, and Danny Rand is undoubtedly a key figure. He must not allow the other party to be under the control of the Hand.

“We are no match for that guy.” Jessica poured cold water on him at the right time. The man wearing the mask single-handedly killed five people, including himself.

Almost all the street heroes in Hell’s Kitchen were defeated by the opponent. Such a powerful opponent made Jessica unable to even think about fighting.

“That guy shouldn’t be from the Hand… Maybe they are just a cooperative relationship. In any case, we have to take action.” The Punisher’s rich voice echoed in the apartment, and his eyes swept across Jessica and Luke – Cage seemed to be waiting for the answer.

The burly black man shrugged and said, “I’ve always been on your side.”

Seeing Luke Cage agree to join the team, Matt, who was lying on the sofa, couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief. This black man who was invulnerable and had amazing defensive power was really a rare combat power. With his help , the difficulty of dealing with the Hand has also been reduced.

Seeing everyone’s eyes focused on her, Jessica stood up irritably. After walking back and forth a few times, she complained angrily: “I just want to live a peaceful life, but why does trouble always come to my door! ?”

The brunette with a cold temperament sighed helplessly: “It’s such a bad decision to fight with one group of lunatics against another group of lunatics!”

Jessica, who actually refused deep down, finally agreed to join the team. She didn’t know why she made such a decision. A blind man, a wanted criminal, a black man, and herself, there were only four people, but Prepare to fight against a powerful evil organization.

This is not a heroic story in comics. In the end, justice defeats evil, good people are always rescued, and bad people are punished. The real world is often cold and cruel, and is far less beautiful than the story.

After experiencing a heavy blow, Jessica deeply understood that becoming a hero often requires paying a huge price, so she repeatedly refused to join the team of Punishers.

But why did you agree again?

Jessica looked at Daredevil who was covered in bandages, Luke Cage with firm eyes, and the Punisher who was wiping his weapon. Something in her heart was slightly touched, perhaps because the blood in her body had not yet cooled down. Or maybe he was infected by these lunatics! ?

The brunette shook off the messy thoughts in her mind and turned to look out the window. Lead-gray clouds gathered in the sky, as if a heavy rain would fall soon.


Hell’s Kitchen, Port Warehouse.

In the spacious warehouse filled with goods, the four leaders of the Hand gathered together, the stumbling Mrs. Gao, the Japanese Murakami, the African warlord Sowanda, and the grim-faced fighter. They sat on a table and looked at each other. They looked at each other with different emotions in their eyes.

“Alexandra is dead, Black Sky is out of control, and our current situation is very unfavorable.” Murakami spoke first.

The Japanese looked at the fighter with a sinister expression. The opponent controlled the armed forces of the Hand Association. Apart from the ninjas in his own hands, he was the strongest fighter.

“We will have to pay a heavy price for killing Heikong, and without her, who will deal with the street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen? Besides, Danny Rand is still in the opponent’s hands.” Bo Tu shook his head.

At this time, only fools will take the lead. No one knows the strength of Heikong better than them. It is a natural killing machine. Unless they are prepared to do anything at all costs, no one dares to take action rashly.

“Heikong is not alone. There is a guy beside her whose origins are unclear.” Mrs. Gao, the eldest, reminded her that her sharp intuition over the years told her that that man was even scarier than Heikong.

The five fingers of the Hand are actually five different factions, and they do not cooperate seamlessly with each other. They also have intrigues and conspiracies, but these petty quarrels are not usually brought to the table, but now this kind of In this situation, the four people ignored their previous conflicts of interest. The black sky made them feel a huge threat. Alexandra’s death made the leaders who had lived for centuries fearful.

That’s why they gathered together in private to discuss how to deal with Black Sky and regain control of the Hand.

“Let’s bear with it for now. We’ll wait until we get the dragon bone.” Suowanda’s dark face was filled with chills. “No matter how powerful Heikong is, she is only flesh and blood after all. If you want to kill her, there are countless ways to do it. arrive.”

“Yes, the keel is the most important thing. Nothing is more important than extending life. Use the black sky to deal with the street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen, and finally catch them all!” A faint look appeared on Mrs. Gao’s wrinkled old face. smile.

This old woman who looks like she is in her final years actually controls 80% of the drug business in New York. Even the underworld emperor Kingpin once had to be polite to her. If anyone thought that she was old, they would have contempt for her. Heart, then the end will probably be extremely miserable.

“Now is a critical moment. I hope everyone can put aside their previous selfishness, stop worrying about petty profits, and cooperate sincerely.” Murakami said in a weird Japanese pronunciation.

The other three nodded. When people are threatened or panicked, they will always hug each other for warmth. This is a biological characteristic derived from the subconscious.

In the spacious and secluded port warehouse, the four leaders of the Hand reached an agreement that the inside must be settled first and the outside must be settled first. Black Sky could first deal with the street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen, and finally free up the hidden dangers.

The four leaders who secretly joined forces left the quiet port one after another. A black car parked on the dock slowly started. Wesley, who was sitting inside, took off his glasses and wiped the lenses.

After a while, he dialed the phone and said softly: “Boss, both parties are here.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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