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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 52 New Abilities

Lead-gray clouds piled up in the sky, and the bright electric light was like a silver snake, tearing apart the thick cumulonimbus clouds. Torrential rainstorms came unexpectedly, and heavy raindrops poured down from high in the sky, knocking on the glass windows and making a slight sound. sound.

The world outside the window is shrouded in a hazy rain curtain, water mist rises between the sky and the earth, the winding and congested traffic on the highway, the huge and bright billboard lights, the brilliant light blooming is looming, like a strange and bizarre world. Strange world.

Sean stood quietly in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the densely populated skyscrapers in the city, and said softly: “The street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen, and the other four fingers of the Hand, they all started to take action.”

Erica stood in front of the weapon shelf, pulled out two strange weapons called “Iron Rulers”, and played with them enthusiastically, “Aren’t these all what you expected, Suowanda, Murakami, Mrs. Gao, Bo Disciple, none of these people are economical. Even when Alexandra was alive, they all had their own thoughts and refused to obey anyone, let alone me taking the position of leader.”

Sean smiled, took off the black mask on his face, revealing his unusually young face, and took a deep breath. He had instructed Wesley to secretly monitor the whereabouts of the other leaders of the Hand, and the four fingers also had something to do with it. Action, and the street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen begin to team up, sooner or later there will be a fierce collision between the two sides.

As long as they plan well, he and Erica will not become profiteers. The Hand’s goal is to bury the dragon’s remains underground, while the street heroes want to save Danny Rand and destroy the Hand’s conspiracy. The conflict between the two parties is irreconcilable.

“You have made up your mind…” The young man seemed to have thought of something, and a hint of joking appeared in his eyes, “Are you sure you can face Matt Murdoch, your former lover, with your current appearance?”

Hearing Sean’s question, Erica’s dark eyes fluctuated, like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing tiny ripples.

If there is anyone else in the world who can be Erica’s bond, Matt Murdock, the blind lawyer with a sense of justice and the red devil of Hell’s Kitchen, probably ranks at the top.

She and Matt met in college, and soon fell in love – behind the beautiful and pure love story, there was actually a cruel truth hidden, all of which came from the stickman’s order to get close to Matt-Mo Doc, then pulled him to his side and built him into an outstanding warrior to fight against the powerful Hand.

When Erica realized that she had devoted her true feelings, she decisively chose to leave. A few years later, she reunited with her old lover in Hell’s Kitchen, but their positions had changed, and Matt put on the red devil suit. , transforming into Daredevil, fighting crime and upholding justice; while Erica’s hands are covered in blood, and the tenderness of the past has long been destroyed by the cruel reality.

Putting aside the complicated emotions in her heart, Erica took a deep breath and said softly: “You said that I have been given a free life and have the right to choose my own life.”

“This is the choice I made. Nothing can go back to the past. It’s better to forget it and let it remain the best it once was.” She stared into Sean’s eyes and whispered.

“Well, are you sure you have this determination?”

Sean walked up to Erica. His six-foot height allowed him to look down at the beautiful girl in red clothes and black hair. The man’s gaze was very aggressive, like a ferocious beast that suddenly showed its fangs. A dangerous aura suddenly emitted from his tall and straight body.

Erica took half a step back, and then looked directly at each other not to be outdone. The two were very close, already beyond the safe distance between opposite sexes. The stubborn girl could almost feel Sean’s slightly warm breath. A faint blush appeared on her frosty and indifferent face.

The atmosphere seems to be gradually heating up, with a tendency to slip towards the edge of ambiguity.

“Are you really determined enough in your heart?” Sean looked at Erica deeply, questioning in his tone, “Choose to become the leader of the Hand, integrate with the power of the black sky, say goodbye to the past completely, and get rid of the past. The bondage of the stickman to you, the bondage of Matt Murdock to you, cut off all of these, embrace a new life – have you really thought about it!?”

The man’s voice was like thunder on the ground, suddenly shaking Erica out of her confusion. She subconsciously looked up, and a pair of deep eyes stared at her, with an inexplicable and strange power that was breathtaking.

The dust-laden memories in my heart flashed quickly like a fleeting glance, and the fleeting clips kept switching like a movie, stickman, adoptive parents, Matt Murdock…

Those who hold an important position in one’s life clearly appear before his eyes, and the beautiful memories and emotions break through the confinement and turn into an endless turbulent wave, impacting the established spiritual defense line.

The animalistic light flashed fiercely, and the power originating from the black sky roared ferociously in his mind. Like a beast trapped in a cage, it had surrendered to Erica’s will. The desire to kill and the desire for blood merged like instinct. To this body, it will never allow Erica, as the container, to regain those weak and useless emotions!

Two completely different emotional consciousnesses collided with each other in the mind, like two armies at war. No one was willing to give in, fiercely occupying every inch of space.

A look of pain appeared in Erica’s eyes. She couldn’t help but turn to Sean for help. Her beautiful eyes flashed with pleading. She grabbed the other person’s shoulders tightly with both hands, trying to get strength from this powerful man to fight against the two kinds of diseases in her body. A fierce confrontation of emotions.

“You’re not ready yet, I can help you.”

The corner of Sean’s mouth curled up slightly. The black sky in Erica’s body has always been a hidden danger. It can bring powerful power to people, but if you are not careful, you will become a slave to the beast.

It’s like a double-edged sword that can both kill the enemy and hurt yourself.

Sean wants to solve this problem, at least so that he doesn’t have to worry about when Erica suddenly loses control and turns into a senseless killing machine. The human will is always strong and fragile at times, so the black sky that may bring danger in the future must be eradicated once and for all.

The man’s palm gently touched Erica’s cheek. The warm palm made the struggling girl calm down a little. Her chin was gently lifted, and she had to raise her head to bear the aggression of those deep eyes. look.

“Take a deep breath… stay calm… don’t be afraid, forget the fear in your heart, that beast can’t hurt you… control it!”

Sean’s eyes flashed with brilliance, and the solar radiation absorbed in his body slowly condensed like tiny bits of light. His mind controlled this gentle power, flowing up along his limbs and bones, like a gurgling water, seeping into Ai bit by bit. In Rika’s body.

After a series of battles, Sean vaguely touched the essence of power. The powerful energy derived from solar radiation. In addition to strengthening his own physique and improving various values ​​such as strength, speed, recovery ability, etc., he should also have other abilities. The wonderful use.

Later, he got inspiration from Danny Rand’s manipulation of the “qi” in the body, and tried to control the energy in the body with his thoughts. Just like Kunlun’s iron fist, he released the energy and mixed it with the power of his own mind to form a special Ability.

The energy formed by the star’s light flowed through Erica’s body like a trickle. The originally restless emotions suddenly calmed down. The negative personality condensed in the black sky suddenly trembled and dissipated under the impact of the shining golden light!

A golden figure filled Erica’s heart, and in the blurry shadow, a firm will shined brightly like the sun.

“You are now qualified to make a choice.”

ps: It’s a new week, please bookmark the routine, please vote…

Don’t pity me, just hit me as hard as you can (ω)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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