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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 54 Opening

Dark clouds covered the night sky, sparse starlight dotted the dark sky, and only a crescent moon reflected the bustling city.

Rows of high-rise buildings stand tall and tall, like a steel forest made of reinforced concrete. Against the bright moonlight, they look like a crawling and sleeping giant beast.

Under the silent night sky, Daredevil once again put on the red devil suit, his body was low on the top of a building, and his extremely developed super senses replaced human eyes, overlooking the noisy city shrouded in the night. Countless long and short sound waves oscillate in the air. The honking of cars, the conversations of pedestrians, and even the sound of the cold wind are all transformed into various messages that are accepted.

These complex and trivial information fragments were transformed by Daredevil into clear pictures in his mind. He squatted half-crouched on the top floor of the building, like a dormant hunter, and said in a low voice: “Many people… There are at least several people in that building. Hundreds of people, they are distributed on different floors, with the most people on the lower floor, including Hand ninjas. These people’s heartbeats are very slow, so they are easiest to distinguish.”

Although he is blind, Daredevil’s actions are not affected by his unusually sharp senses. He observes the world in another strange way.

A signal sounded in the headset, and a rich voice came: “The explosives have been installed. There are about thirty blasting points. If they are activated at the same time, this building will look like a castle on the beach, boom!” One big wave can destroy them all!”

The Punisher, who is proficient in explosive raids, has already secretly sneaked into the Midtown Circle Financial Company and planted the time bomb he made. This was his plan. Four people couldn’t cope with the Hand’s ninja army, so they decided to blow up the building and destroy the enemy’s lair in one fell swoop!

“According to the information I heard, Alexandra hasn’t appeared for a long time. Danny Rand should be locked up in the underground space, right under the big hole dug out. The keel dug by the Hand is also there.”

Jessica stood on the busy street with her hands in her pockets, like a homeless homeless person. The building standing opposite was the Midtown Circle Financial Company, which was also the secret lair of the Hand.

The group of them had already learned the true purpose of the Hand from Stickman, and also knew that Danny Rand was captured because of his identity as the Kunlun Iron Fist, but what surprised them even more was that this Under a bustling area near Manhattan, the remains of an ancient creature were actually buried. Everything the Hand did was to dig it out from the ground.

“It feels like I’m involved in a third-rate comic book story. The evil villain is willing to destroy a city in order to live forever, and there are only four of us, but we have to go beyond our own capabilities to stop their terrorist plot.”

Jessica chewed gum and laughed helplessly at herself. She just took on the task of investigating a disappearance and helped a housewife find her long-lost husband. However, she ended up getting involved in the conspiracy vortex of an evil organization.

This inexplicable development made the extremely capable brunette feel quite unhappy.

“In addition to being a private detective, it would be nice to work part-time as a heroine.” Luke Cage’s teasing voice came from the headset.

The four street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen, after several days of careful preparation, are ready to go. They are determined to rescue Danny Rand and destroy the lair of the Hand tonight!


Midtown Circle Financial Corporation, conference room.

Mrs. Gao, Murakami, Suowanda, and Botu arrived one after another. They received a message from Erica, claiming that Danny Rand had opened the underground door, so they were invited to discuss how to remove the dragon bone remains. Dig it out and transport it to a safe place.

The four of them looked at each other and had a cryptic exchange with their eyes. Finally, Murakami broke the silence: “I have a close relationship with Yashida Pharmaceutical, and we can transport the keel to Japan first.”

Mrs. Gao nodded in agreement. She also had a deep foundation in Japan. However, Suowanda, who was far away in the African continent, and the fighters who had always fought alone were hesitant. With the death of Alexandra, the Hand originally The five major factions have collapsed, and everyone is beginning to want to become the only leader.

Erica’s taking that position was only a temporary expedient. No one among the four was willing to let Black Sky control the Hand.

“You guys should discuss the plan. The door has been opened and the excavation of the keel can be carried out at any time.” Erica said with an indifferent expression.

She looked at the four people sitting in the conference room coldly, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and the awe-inspiring killing intent in her heart became more intense.

“You mobilized many ninjas from the Hand tonight to prepare for some big operation?” the usually taciturn fighter asked.

The other three people also turned their attention to Erica. They had also been secretly wary of Heikong, worried that the other party would suddenly take action to get rid of them in order to control the power of the Hand.

“We have reached a cooperation with Mr. K. He is going to use the power of the Hand to clean up the gangs in Hell’s Kitchen.”

Erica wrote lightly, scanning with a sharp gaze. The fighter who originally raised the question lowered his eyelids and said nothing more. He was just a little wary. After thinking about it carefully, the keel has not been dug out yet, even if the other party wants to do it. I won’t take advantage of this moment.

The scheming Mrs. Gao stared at Erica. She always felt that some kind of strange change had occurred in Heikong, which made her feel vaguely uneasy.

When the four people in the conference room were thinking about their own thoughts, a sharp alarm suddenly sounded, and a noisy and boiling sound resounded inside the building. Erica’s face changed and she said coldly: “There is an intruder!”

“It must be those restless guys from Hell’s Kitchen!” Murakami looked gloomy. He didn’t want anything to go wrong at this critical moment.

Immediately afterwards, the elite ninjas who served as guards reported the situation. Daredevil and others broke into the building and were rushing to the underground space.

Everyone who heard the news stood up suddenly, with anger and anxiety in their eyes. Only Mrs. Gao could remain calm.

“Just catch them all!” Suowanda’s eyes were sinister. He had long wanted to completely eradicate Daredevil’s gang.

Boutu echoed: “Since these people are targeting us, let them know what price they will pay for provoking the Hand!”

Murakami walked out of the conference room first and led his ninjas towards the underground space. At such an important time, the dragon bone remains must not be missed at all. It is related to his own life and the future of the Hand!

The others followed suit, and Erica walked in the forefront with striding steps, the corners of her mouth slightly raised. Just as Sean expected, the curtain had been raised and the show was about to take place.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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