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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 55 Fierce Fight

In the dark and empty underground space, Erica led everyone in the group to ride the elevator all the way down. The sound of fierce fighting could still be heard vaguely. The electric light lines installed on both sides of the rock wall seemed to be cut off, and the lighting miner’s lamp flickered erratically. After a few beats, it dimmed and went out.

When the elevator reached the bottom, Erica walked in the forefront carrying a sharp short knife. Murakami, who was one step ahead, had already led many ninjas to fight with the street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and others There is Luke Cage. The three people who broke into the Hand’s lair were surrounded by masked ninjas holding long knives.

“It seems like one person is missing.”

Suowanda frowned. He remembered that there was also a burly man in this group of people, who was called “The Punisher” by the gangsters in Hell’s Kitchen. His style of behavior was bloody and violent, which was completely different from ordinary street heroes.

A group of ninjas swooped up with long knives, and the blades drew sharp light in the dim space. Luke Cage stood in front of his teammates. The black man with amazing defense was not afraid at all, and the long knives slashed at him. The steel body made a sonorous sound like metal collision.

With Luke Cage as a human shield in front of him, Daredevil drew out his short stick and rushed into the battlefield. His target was directly at Murakami, the leader of the ninjas, while Jessica relied on her strange strength to fight against the enemy. Rampant in the surrounding area, this cool girl with black hair and long legs seemed to want to vent all her anger on the Hand. She kept waving her fists and knocked down the ninjas who rushed forward one by one!

Erica stood there, staring at Daredevil, Matt Murdock, who was fighting fiercely with Murakami. The image of the blind lawyer who yearned for justice and law became increasingly faint in his heart, like an old photo washed away by time, unable to make any waves in his heart.

They have embarked on two completely different paths. Erica felt the power of the black sky in her body, and the nostalgia in her eyes gradually faded away, replaced by indifference.

“Leave him to me.” After hearing Erica’s order, Murakami immediately got rid of Daredevil and retreated from the battlefield.


Hearing a familiar voice, Daredevil, who wanted to take advantage of the victory, stopped. Even though the Punisher told him that Erica would be resurrected by the Hand, when his former lover appeared again, he still couldn’t restrain the fierceness in his heart. mood.

“Matthew, long time no see.” Erica called the other party’s nickname and approached gracefully. Before Daredevil could be happy about this reunion after a long separation, his expression suddenly changed and he ducked sideways to avoid the sharp sword light.

“Erica, what are you doing?” Matt, under the red demon mask, asked with confusion.

Erica did not hesitate to strike the fatal blow with a faint smile on her face, as if what she had just done was just a trivial matter.

The girl with black hair and red clothes twirled the short knife in her hand and drew out a bright sword, “Matthew, you are still as childish as when I first saw you, always dreaming of a righteous hero.”

“Didn’t Gunsou tell you that I am no longer the weak Erica you know? The Hand gave me new life, and the Black Sky gave me new power! I chose another path , no longer need to follow those pedantic rules, hypocritical morals…I have never felt better than now.”

“Erica, don’t be like this, I don’t want to hurt you.” There was pain in Daredevil’s tone. He didn’t want to be an enemy of his former lover.

“It’s so touching, Matthew, but it’s a pity that I really want to hurt you.” Erica stepped forward, drawing a sharp trajectory with the short knife, showing no mercy!

She had already made her choice. Erica, who had died once, was unwilling to go back to her previous life. Just like Sean said, a brand new future was waiting for her, so why dwell on the miserable past.

The blade tore through the wind, and Daredevil was overwhelmed by Erica’s fierce offensive. He hoped to wake up his former girlfriend: “They took you away, they turned you into a weapon, you are not Black Sky! You are Erica Nakis!”

“Thank you for your tenderness, Matthew, but I know who I am. The Hand didn’t turn me into this. I’ve always been this person.”

Erica raised a blade with her backhand, and the sharp light tore open Daredevil’s red demon suit. Blood seeped out from his abdomen. Matt covered the wound and seemed to want to say something, but was whipped in the leg. After hitting the target, his whole body flew up into the air and hit the rock wall heavily.

“You are right, I am indeed not Black Sky.” The red figure raised his leg and stepped on Daredevil’s body, his voice cold: “I am the new Erica Nakis.”

“You always wanted to find the light in my heart. I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

The sharp dagger penetrated directly through Daredevil’s abdomen, and a large amount of blood gushed out from the wound. There was no emotion in Erica’s eyes. She pulled out the blade without hesitation and turned around to leave.

On the battlefield at the other end, Madam Gao, Sowanda, Murakami, Bo Tu and others have already fought with Jessica and Luke Cage. The situation has been out of control. The perfect combination of powerful monster strength and invulnerability, actually temporarily Sexually suppressing the Hand’s side, in the dark and empty underground space, people continued to come down the elevator from above.

A team of black-clad bodyguards holding submachine guns joined the battlefield. This was the force arranged by Suowanda. The bright fire flashed violently, and a series of tongues of fire spurted out from the muzzle. The metal bullets tore through all obstacles, and Luke Cage threw away Open two masked ninjas, crumble their sharp long knives into a ball of scrap metal, and rush forward against the opponent’s powerful firepower.

The strong kinetic energy of the metal bullet hit the body with a burst of pain. Although it was not fatal, it also made Luke Cage a little bit unbearable. At the critical moment, a black tear gas rolled into the battlefield, and the irritating smoke suddenly exploded, and the darkness There was a burst of gunfire in the space, and the Punisher jumped down from the elevator, holding a Browning pistol, harvesting fresh lives.

After a while, the smoke slowly dissipated, and the scene fell into a stalemate again. There were only four leaders of the Hand and a few soy sauce fish, while a new Punisher was added to the opposite side. The strength of both sides maintained a strange balance.

“Kokusora, kill them, and never let anything happen to the dragon bone.” Murakami couldn’t help but shouted when he saw Erica with black hair and red clothes approaching.

The red figure waved the short knife, and a head rose into the sky, and blood spurted out like a fountain. Erica didn’t even look at the fallen Murakami, as if she had just trampled to death a screaming ant.

“You long for the dragon bone so much, so I’ll let you be buried with it.”

Erica looked around at everyone present. The dark and empty underground space fell into dead silence for a moment. No one expected that this girl in red, who seemed to be from the Hand, would actually behead Murakami with a single blow. This cruel method made the other three The leader was speechless for a moment. They looked at each other for a few times and leaned together in perfect understanding.

“The game is over.” There was a hint of sharpness in the cold voice.

Erica seemed to feel something and looked at the open stone door. A tall figure stepped out of the darkness, holding the unconscious Danny Rand in his hand.

“Everyone, it’s time to finish.” The man’s face was covered by a black tactical mask, and his eyes flashed with a deep light.

“That’s the end of tonight’s show.”

ps: Thanks to the boss “Yu Ye Ming” for the reward (ω)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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