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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 57 Harvest

The bright sunshine shines on the Baxter Building, and the mottled golden light is inlaid on the steel body of the skyscraper, reflecting the shining light.

Sean stood quietly on the rooftop. The warm sunshine made him feel comfortable, as if his whole body was soaked in a hot spring. The nerves that were tense due to the continuous fighting slowly relaxed.

“…At about 10 o’clock last night, a mysterious shaking and sinking occurred on 59th Street in the Clint District near Manhattan. The mayor’s office confirmed that everything was caused by the Midtown Circle Financial Company located in West Midtown. The planning permission standards for construction projects were not met and the demolition was carried out last night…”

Sean listened to the report on the TV news with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth. Everything had come to a successful conclusion. Erica became the sole leader of the Hand and received the full support of Mrs. Gao, while Wesley Using the power of the Hand, they completely controlled the business and territory of Hell’s Kitchen, and all the disobedient gang leaders were sunk into the Hudson River.

Mrs. Gao, who survived by enduring hardships, handed over her property to Erica quite simply, without any sloppiness. This elderly woman indeed has extraordinary wisdom in life.

Of course, compared to these financial industries and the development and growth of his own power, Sean’s biggest gain still comes from the remains of the dragon bone buried underground. It is said that the “holy object” can make people immortal and resurrect. In fact, they are just the skeleton fossils of alien species, which contain huge amounts of life energy, enough to restore people’s vitality and extend their lives.

Sean was not like the leaders of the Hand, who yearned for a long life, and even harbored the vain idea of ​​immortality. In his opinion, extending life solely by relying on the remains of dragon bones was equivalent to drinking poison to quench thirst, and it was meaningless.

What he pursues is to strengthen himself and sublimate his essence, rather than to survive like a zombie.

Sean recalled that last night in the underground space of the Midtown Circle Financial Company, he deliberately used words to anger the reckless and careless Danny Rand, causing the Kunlun Iron Fist to mobilize the “qi” in his body and swing a powerful fist. Hitting the stone door engraved with an ancient seal, as two familiar energies collided with each other, the mechanism set by Kunlun was activated, and the door was successfully opened!

Danny Rand, who had lost his use value, was knocked unconscious by Sean. He stepped into the space behind the stone door. In the rich darkness, the skeleton of a huge creature appeared in front of him, as if it had survived thousands of people. Even though the dinosaur was dead thousands of years ago, its huge remains condensed into fossil-like existence over the long years.

Standing in front of this huge skeleton, Sean could still feel the wild atmosphere of hundreds of millions of years ago. Maybe they had visited the earth countless years ago, just because as time went by, the vicissitudes of life changed and the earth was covered up. traces of the survival of these alien species.

In a period when technology was far from prosperous and developed, Kunlun called them “dragons” and their remains were regarded as “dragon bones”.

Sean stretched out his hand and touched the white bones of the dragon’s bones. Suddenly, a huge surge of vitality surged into his body, rising like a tsunami. His tall body trembled, as if every cell exploded in an instant. Once again, I relived the intense pain of drinking the golden potion!

An unimaginable torrent of energy surged through human flesh and blood. Sean bent over in pain, with a faint golden light emitting from his eyes. The vast life energy surged through the body, and every inch of flesh and blood seemed like… Roasted by flames, the extreme pain squeezed every ounce of potential out of this body.

Huge life energy, like a bursting flood, kept raging through Sean’s body. He felt that everything in his body was decomposing crazily and then reorganizing, over and over again, as if a rough embryo was being forged. , until this flesh and blood body can adapt to that powerful and pure energy.

The consciousness sank into the silent darkness, and the cold feeling of being on the verge of death came over. The memory fragments of the past and present life were intertwined with each other, like fleeting glimpses. In the end, two completely different lives slowly overlapped and merged into one.

Sean suddenly opened his eyes, a pale golden light flashed, and strong vitality surged, making a huge sound like the rolling tide, and his heart beat “dong-dong” like a thunderous drum.

His body has undergone a huge transformation. Whether it is physical fitness, reaction ability, or muscle density, everything has been significantly improved.

“This is my biggest gain.” Sean looked at the densely populated Manhattan Island with high-rise buildings and busy traffic, feeling satisfied in his heart.

On the system interface in his mind, the progress bar showing the energy has advanced to 25%. The dragon bone remains that the Hand coveted directly made Sean take a huge step, and the energy absorption showed a leap. .

Spreading his palms, a faint golden light slowly condensed, and Sean smiled slightly. The huge energy not only caused earth-shaking changes in this body, but also gave him another ability.

Energy field!

Sean closed his eyes, and his spiritual power radiated outward. In the dark space of consciousness, various lights intertwined to form a huge and boundless spectrum.

The towering steel buildings, the long queues of crowded traffic, the passing pedestrians… everything has lost its original appearance. Countless energy points in the void are like stars twinkling, sometimes surging like waves, sometimes annihilating and being born. , in a cycle, he observed the world from a microscopic perspective.

Taking a deep breath, the outstretched palm turned like a whirlpool, attracting the energy tide in the void, and a flash of light shot out. The golden light was not conspicuous in sunny weather, and quickly dissipated in the air.

“This can be regarded as completing the job transition from warrior to mage.” Sean opened his eyes and said with satisfaction.

Even though energy control is still very basic now, no matter what, he is getting closer and closer to that incomparably powerful sentinel.

In the distant future, he may have to face SHIELD, the Avengers, or even the notorious Overlord of the Universe…

Therefore, the pursuit of power should never end. When the world is in crisis and one’s own safety is threatened, it is too sad to just expect superheroes to save oneself.

Superheroes are not omnipotent. They also have moments of powerlessness and place their lives and hopes on others. This is not in line with Sean’s character.

For a person who lacks a sense of security, only his own strength can maintain inner peace. This is a real and dangerous world. In movies or comics, every time a superhero saves the world and defeats the villain, under these seemingly happy endings, countless innocent people die in despair and obscurity, even if they are as powerful as Superman in another world cannot always play the role of savior.

Sean looked up at the sky and whispered, “The world needs a sun.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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