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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 58 Umbrella

The next morning, Sean drove to the new location of the laboratory on Long Island. The scientific research environment of the State University of New York could no longer satisfy him and Dr. Connors, and some secret experiments that were not convenient for outsiders to know could not be carried out smoothly. .

Therefore, after completing the cooperation with Osborne Industries, Sean and Dr. Connors worked together to find a new laboratory. From site selection to planning and design and a series of other matters, it took almost a week to complete it.

The new laboratory is located in Long Island, New York, which is surrounded by sea on three sides, has many ports, convenient and smooth transportation, and is adjacent to many institutions of higher learning, such as the State University of New York at Stony Brook, where Sean is located. This can be regarded as attracting scientific research talents. one of the channels.

By the time Sean returned to Long Island from Hell’s Kitchen, the new laboratory had completed the relocation work under the arrangement of Dr. Connors. The original scientific research team and experimental materials were all packed away. At the same time, a large number of people were recruited, and through Sean and Dr. Connors, who are famous for ALZ-112, are no longer unknown in the scientific world. Especially Dr. Connors, who won the National Medal of Science. He was suddenly in the limelight and was considered by the media to be the Nobel Prize winner next year. A strong contender for the award.

Dr. Connors, who was once looked down upon by others and even ridiculed as a “mad scientist”, is now proud and elated, having washed away the humiliation and depression he suffered for many years. Therefore, this one-armed middle-aged man is also particularly pleased with the completion of the new laboratory. Having your own independent laboratory is what every scientist dreams of.

The black car passed through the tree-lined alley, and it didn’t take long to reach its destination. In the middle of Suffolk County, Long Island, New York, a striking and majestic building was in sight.

Driving through the wide square, Sean stepped out of the car and looked up at the towering spire-like building. He couldn’t help but feel satisfied. It was indeed right to choose Dr. Connors as his partner. This man who had been frustrated in the first half of his life was right. A down-and-out disabled scientist who only cares about scientific research on cross-species inheritance and has no other complex thoughts is easier to control.

Sean stepped inside the laboratory. The high-strength steel beam structure was like a backbone, supporting this huge building. The irregular transparent glass had an extremely outstanding lighting effect. Warm sunlight fell from the dome. It reflects brilliant and colorful light, and when viewed from a distance, it looks like a dazzling crystal palace.

After passing the identity verification, Sean entered the circular corridor on the second floor. People were coming and going in the square below. Staff and interns were walking in a hurry. Occasionally, some people stopped and sat on the benches on the lawn to take a rest. , dense forests cover large villa floors, which are residential areas for wealthy people in New York.

“You’re finally back.” After hearing the news of Sean’s return, Connors rushed over immediately and pretended to complain: “The new laboratory is waiting for you to sign for it, but you left a lot of things behind and disappeared. Harry is about to ring up the phone, and if you don’t show up, maybe he’ll put a missing person notice in the newspaper.”

Sean smiled a little apologetically: “To deal with some personal matters, you can contact Wesley next time you can’t find me.”

The street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen and the Hand delayed him for a while. Fortunately, Dr. Connors handled everything, otherwise the new laboratory would not have been built so quickly and could be put into use in the shortest possible time.

“Why is Harry so anxious to find me? Is there something wrong with ALZ-112?”

Sean and Dr. Connors were walking in the corridor. From time to time, scientific researchers passing by would recognize the two and look at them with respect or admiration. After all, these two people have been active in the headlines of major news pages recently, especially It’s Sean, and he is even called the “second Tony Stark”. If purely based on his academic status in the scientific community, this is indeed a compliment.

“That’s not true. It’s just that a week later, the White House will hold a Department of Defense commendation dinner, and we also received an invitation.” Connors explained.

Sean raised his eyebrows, with a hint of surprise in his eyes. He smiled and said, “When did we establish a relationship with the Ministry of Defense? Or is it that Harry still doesn’t give up and wants to become an arms contractor like Stark Industries?” ?”

Dr. Connors shook his head and replied: “Harry just wants to get on the big backer of the Department of Defense. ALZ-112 is about to be put on the market. You know, an estimated 5.4 million people in the United States have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.” The number of mute patients is growing rapidly as the population ages. Once ALZ-112 officially enters the medical market, it is expected to receive countless huge orders.”

“How can those established medical companies sit back and watch us steal the market from them? Huge profits often attract a group of nasty flies… Well, these are Harry’s exact words.”

A smile appeared on Connors’ dull face. He was just a scientist obsessed with research and knew nothing about the game of capital market.

“Oh, it seems Harry is feeling the pressure.” Sean knew in his heart that the introduction of ALZ-112 was enough to cause turmoil in the entire market. Moreover, Osborne Industries’ entry into the biomedical field would undoubtedly have a negative impact on established medical companies. , pharmaceutical groups pose a considerable threat.

After all, Osborne Industries is not a small fish or shrimp. It is a capital giant. Now that it has entered the new market with a fierce attitude, it is bound to cause a bloody storm.

Rather than giving themselves another competitor, these powerful capital groups should launch a fierce offensive before their opponents grow, and kill Osborne Industries in advance before it enters the market!

Monopolizing the entire market and being the dominant one has always been the ultimate goal pursued by capital groups. Even if there is an anti-monopoly bill, the Sword of Damocles, hanging over their heads, they will continue to take advantage of legal loopholes to gain greater profits. Interests.

As Marx said, once there are appropriate profits, capitalists will be bold. With a profit of 50%, it will take desperate risks; for a profit of 100%, it will dare to trample all human laws; with a profit of 300%, it will dare to commit any crime and even risk hanging. danger.

“Well, it’s really hard to rest for a moment. I thought I could give myself a holiday after the new drug comes on the market.” Sean complained.

I don’t know which capital giant is targeting Osborne Industries, which is about to enter the biomedical field?

Sean frowned. He was now tied to Osborne Industries. The construction of this new laboratory cost him more than half of his own money. To maintain the normal operation of a world-class laboratory, it takes more than a small amount of money. Whatever can be solved, especially as an independent scientific research institution, research funding must be solved by oneself, and according to Sean’s character, he will not allow others to interfere.

If ALZ-112 is blocked from entering the medical market, then for Sean, it will be equivalent to cutting off a steady stream of funding channels.

“Looks like I have to help Harry.” He made up his mind silently.

Connors looked at the somewhat lost young man and felt a sense of illusion in his heart. He had felt that he was in a dream more than once, from an unknown professor to a well-known and highly praised scientist. It’s like a dream.

It was the young man next to him who changed his life. Connors breathed a sigh of relief and said with emotion: “Sean, I have had the same dream repeatedly recently. In the dream, because I couldn’t get the job from Osborne Industries, With funding, I took the risk to conduct human experiments with my own body, and turned into a terrifying humanoid lizard… I fell into madness – thank you, Sean, if it weren’t for your appearance, I might really be like in the dream In that way, he becomes a beast that has lost its mind.”

The young man listened quietly, with a bright smile blooming at the corner of his mouth, playing with the strings of fate, quietly changing the original trajectory of others. This feeling of being as high as God is indeed intoxicating.

“Dr. Connors, what you have now is what you originally deserved.” Sean smiled lightly.

Connors no longer indulged in the bitter past. He looked at the young man who was radiating warmth like the sun and said, “Then give our new laboratory a name. As you said, this is The starting point for our future.”

“Umbrella.” Sean pondered for a while, recalling the giant company he had heard about in his previous life that almost destroyed a world, and said with shining eyes: “It will become the protective umbrella of this world.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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