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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 6 The Mysterious Department

The next morning, the piercing siren broke the tranquility of the suburbs.

A police car was parked outside a long-abandoned chemical plant, with yellow cordons drawn around it. There was a fierce gun battle here last night. Residents who lived far away heard it, so they immediately called the police. Bureau’s phone number.

Two uniformed police officers got out of the car and walked into the abandoned factory that was filled with a rotten musty smell. They saw a shocking and bloody scene. A strong and burly man fell to the ground, with one arm broken and twisted. The ground was dyed red with blood, and the big man’s eyes were bulging, as if he was suffering tremendous pain before his death. There were many bullet holes all around, and it looked like a fierce gun battle had indeed taken place.

Walking up the stairs, more people fell to the ground, holding firearms in their hands. Most of them had their throats crushed or their necks broken. According to the rich experience of the two police officers, the other party’s tactics It was clean and powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to break an adult’s neck in an instant. Finally, their eyes rested on the middle-aged man in a suit. His dim eyes were full of shock and fear. , as if you can’t believe anything until you die.

“I’m busy again.” A young policeman said excitedly. What a newcomer like him looks forward to most is to encounter such a big case.

“Stop the daydreams in your mind. This matter is probably difficult to handle. There are too few clues.”

The older policeman poured cold water on him. Judging from the remaining traces at the crime scene, the murderer seemed to be a professionally trained killer or mercenary. In the face of so many gunmen, he still solved the battle very cleanly. It’s scary just thinking about it.

“This guy seems to be Frank D’Amico’s subordinate, maybe a gang vendetta.” The young policeman recognized the dead middle-aged man.

“No matter what it is, it’s not our turn to take care of it. We can just write the report when the time comes.”

The older policeman shook his head. He knew that there was a special agency responsible for handling such matters. The confidential files of the police station would be handed over to those black agents. Even the police chief, who had always had a bad temper, treated those indifferent and rigid people. The agents in black all have smiles on their faces. You can imagine how terrible the power the secret agency behind them wields.

“Sealing the scene, we may be able to find some useful clues. Anyway, just leave this matter to those guys.”

The older police officer patted his colleague on the shoulder. The truth of many things cannot be explored because the facts hidden behind them are often unbearable.


At ten o’clock in the morning, the bright sunshine shines through the window into the lively and noisy classroom.

Sean, who was leaning on his seat out of boredom, saw Peter Parker who was a little different from usual. This nerdy guy had become very energetic today, as if his whole body was filled with inexhaustible power. Even His voice was much louder when he spoke, and his whole person exuded a sense of confidence.

This earth-shaking change surprised even his best friend Harry Osborne. He didn’t understand what Peter had experienced and how he could have such a huge change.

Sean, who was sitting in his seat, raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He was perhaps the only person who knew the reason. In his perception, Peter, who used to be extremely weak, had undergone tremendous changes. When he walked, his muscles were full of strength, and his whole body was full of strength. People’s reaction ability has also become extremely fast, as if it has been strengthened several times. This is the genetic mutation brought by the super spider, which gives Peter strong physical fitness and some incredible special abilities.

“But compared to who he is now, Peter is still a little bit behind.”

Sean compared himself with Peter and thought that if they really fought, he should be able to beat the young and immature Spider-Man to the ground.

Bathing in the midday sun, Sean was filled with joy. He had been doing physical exercises recently, which would absorb energy much faster. Especially after going through the devilish extreme exercise, he found that his physical fitness was still growing. This makes Sean very happy. There is room for improvement, which means that he can continue to strengthen.

Living in a complex world with cosmic-level gods, Sean is far from satisfied with his current power. He hopes to become more powerful until he can gain a foothold and have a place in this world.

After spending another boring afternoon, Sean quickly packed his things and prepared to go home for his daily training plan. By the way, he planned a cordial visit to Mr. Frank D’Amico, the drug lord who roamed the West Coast. Who would have thought that there would be a high school student carefully planning how to get rid of himself and his gang.

“Wow, I can’t believe it. Peter just beat up Thompson on the football team!”

“You mean that nerdy Peter Parker?”

“Of course, it’s that ‘insignificant Parker’. He just pissed off Thompson in the restaurant, and then in the corridor, Thompson was about to make trouble for Peter, but he got a severe beating instead!”

“Is that guy taking stimulants? Thompson is the star of the football team and is as strong as a cow!”

Sean couldn’t help but snicker as he listened to the campus gossip whispered by the students. Today’s Peter Parker is no longer the nerd who allowed others to bully him.

Probably soon, there will be a masked weirdo in a red and blue uniform in New York, dragging a long spider silk from the sky, and knocking a group of criminals to the ground.

When school was over, Sean saw Peter walking out of school with high spirits. Different from the humble and timid past, this high school student now looked like a victorious general, holding his head high. This was probably the change brought about by strong power.

Walking on the street home, Sean suddenly felt unusual attention, as if someone was following him and peering at him. He was slightly startled, suppressed the thought of turning his head, and walked to the door of a store pretending to be casual. , bought a bottle of soda, looked in the reflector of a car parked on the street, and saw a man in black wearing sunglasses, pretending to buy a newspaper from the newsstand, but in fact his eyes were always on himself.

“Frank D’Amico’s men are here?”

Sean had doubts in his heart, how could a big drug lord do this trick of tracking and surveillance? And as he walked along, he found that there was more than one person following him. The person seemed to have received professional training. If Sean hadn’t had keen perception, Coupled with some knowledge of anti-stalking, I really can’t detect these people.

“If you’re not a gangster, how could you be…”

Sean’s face was gloomy. He remembered a special agency in this world that specializes in investigating various supernatural events and dealing with unconventional crises. By the way, it also assembled a group of powerful superheroes to form a team.

“You probably won’t find me so soon.”

Sean thought in his heart that he didn’t want to come into contact with that special agency so early, especially when he saw a one-eyed black man. According to the usual routine in movies, people who work for the government never get a good ending.

He could deal with mutants, or chat with the playboy about his appreciation and taste in women, but he might as well avoid being entangled by Nick Fury and joining S.H.I.E.L.D.

“Logically speaking, it’s impossible for SHIELD to notice me. There must be something wrong with this.”

Sean frowned, it seemed he had to figure out what was going on, otherwise he would remain in a passive position.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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