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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 60 Encounter in the Casino

“…Tony Stark, a dreamer, genius, and patriot. Since his boyhood, as the son of legendary weapons developer Howard Stark, he has quickly attracted people’s attention with his extraordinary intelligence. At the age of four At that time, he made a circuit board; he built his first engine at the age of six; he graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with the highest honors at the age of seventeen…”

Dr. Connors stared blankly at the screen, which was showing a documentary proving that Tony Stark was indeed a genius. Didn’t they agree to attend the award dinner together? Where did Sean and Harry go?

The middle-aged scientist, who was sitting uneasily in the audience, was filled with three ancient philosophical questions at this time. There was a burst of warm applause in the venue, and the representative of the military, Colonel Rhodes, came to the stage to speak——

“As the military liaison to Stark Industries, I have the privilege of working with a true patriot who is my mentor and friend. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present this year’s highest honor to Mr. Tony Stark! “

As the words fell, fast-paced music started playing in time, and there was another burst of warm applause. The guests in the audience looked left and right, looking for the figure of this scientific genius.

Colonel Rhodes held the trophy and shouted several times, but did not see Tony Stark appear. It was not until he found Obadiah sitting below that he kept shaking his head that he seemed to understand something, with a helpless expression on his face.

The top CEO of Stark Industries, Obadiah Stane, stood up quickly, stepped onto the stage to save the situation, and cleaned up Tony’s willful behavior. For him, it was almost a daily routine, and people often only saw Stan with a bright and shining genius. Tucker rarely pays attention to whose hard work has allowed Stark Industries, which has experienced two generations, to have its current glorious status.

Dr. Connors drank champagne, thinking that young people today are really unreliable, disappearing at every turn, even Tony Stark, the protagonist of this party.

Sean, who was separated from Harry, came to the casino on the sixteenth floor. He rubbed his itchy nose and muttered: “It seems that he has forgotten something important. By the way, where is Dr. Connors? An old man People are still running around, really…”

Sean held a free drink in his hand and wandered aimlessly in the casino, feeling the warm atmosphere of the casino. The noisy sounds were like waves, one after another, continuous. Every year, countless people from all over the world come to Las Vegas. Vegas is just to experience the charm of this world’s casino city.

Some people have lost everything here and have nothing, while others have seized the opportunity and become rich overnight. As people say, this is a city of miracles where angels and devils coexist.

Sean was playing with a few colorful chips in his hand. Occasionally when he got interested, he would stop and play a few. Just like Harry said, Las Vegas can make people forget all their worries. Wonderful paradise – provided you have enough chips or banknotes in your pocket, then you are qualified to become the god of this city.

After winning several games of blackjack in a row, the chips in front of Sean had piled up like a mountain. He couldn’t help but wonder to himself, if he continued to win, someone in the casino would take him to a small dark room…

“These are all yours.” Smiling at the hot female dealer, Sean picked up a few chips and prepared to get up and leave.

“Man, you’re so generous.”

A bearded man in a burgundy shirt spoke out. He had just lost several games in a row and was currently looking for comfort in the two tall girls.

“A little tip for gambling, when you are lucky, you should learn to share it.” Sean turned and leaned on the gambling table, “I feel like I caught the skirt of Lady Luck tonight.”

The man with the mustache raised his brows, seemingly unwilling to admit defeat. He took off his sunglasses and said, “Why don’t you try the roulette game and see whose side Lady Luck is on tonight.”

“When it comes to being attractive to women, I have never lost to anyone!” he added confidently.

Half an hour later, the mustached man had an expression of disbelief on his face, so that the two beautiful girls beside him could not attract his attention at all. “You have won thirteen games in a row? According to the mathematical probability, this is almost impossible.” possible!”

“No, including the round just now, there are fourteen in total.” Sean corrected calmly, “It seems that Lady Luck prefers my one tonight.”

The man with the mustache looked embarrassed. He had spoken confidently before, but in the end he slapped himself in the face, which made him somewhat embarrassed. As for how much money he lost, he didn’t care at all. If he wanted to, he could even buy the hotel.

“Well, I have to admit that all the good luck in Las Vegas is converging on you tonight.”

The bearded man buried his head in his female companion’s plump breasts. After taking a few deep breaths, he regained his composure. He turned to the bodyguard behind him and said, “Happy, give me a bigger bargaining chip.”

“Do you want to continue? I already have so many chips that I don’t know how to spend them.” Sean shrugged. A small mountain was piled up in front of him. He felt the jealous or resentful eyes of the gamblers around him and felt an inexplicable sense of relief. Feelings arise spontaneously.

“You can just give it all to the dealer like you did before.” The man with the mustache chuckled.

Seeing the tall and round male dealer looking at him with expectant eyes, Sean couldn’t help but look disgusted and simply rejected the proposal: “It’s a pity that not every dealer has a pair that makes people unable to move away.” Legs with eyes.”

The man with the mustache looked at Sean with a comrade’s eyes. Just as he was about to share his thoughts on the female figure, a black man in a straight military uniform walked through the crowd and walked over, with a look of guilt on his dark face. expression.

“Who told me that if I gave someone an award, he would be deeply honored?” asked the black man with the rank of colonel.

“Of course, I will definitely feel honored to have the young and promising Colonel Rhodes present the award to me – well, have the awards begun? I can’t wait to go on stage to receive the award!”

The mustached man’s superb acting skills at this time were enough to win him a statuette. Unfortunately, as a good friend, Colonel Rhodes didn’t buy it and directly raised the trophy in front of him: “I’ve already brought it to you.”

“Wow, that saves trouble. You are so considerate.”

The bearded man tried hard to show that he was moved, but the arm that gradually climbed up the waist of the female companion, Water Snake, had already betrayed his inner thoughts.

“How about the last one?” The man with the mustache asked unwillingly. He wanted to win no matter what. He didn’t believe that the goddess of luck really favored this young boy so much.

“You have lost enough tonight, Mr. Stark.” Sean smiled slightly. He had long recognized this rather bohemian man with a mustache as the famous Tony Stark.

“He’s right, Tony. We have an important journey tomorrow, so we can’t be late.” Colonel Rhodes knew his friend’s style very well. If he continued, he would definitely not be able to see him on the plane on time tomorrow.

Popping out a chip in his hand, Sean said with some meaning: “I wish you a safe journey, Mr. Stark.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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