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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 61 The Beginning of Everything

“I think he looks familiar…” Tony frowned, feeling a little strange as he looked at the back of the young man who had made him lose all night.

“Sean Sipers.” Happy, the bodyguard standing behind him, reminded him quietly. “The young man who was hailed as the ‘second Tony Stark’ in the newspapers is also said to be a genius scientist. The newly invented genetic drug is worth billions of dollars. He has reached a cooperation with Osborne Industries. This period The newspapers were all about him.”

Tony picked up a glass of champagne from the gambling table and snorted disdainfully: “The second Tony Stark? There is only one me in this world, unique!”

The billionaire casually placed a few bets, and then seemed to lose interest in continuing to play. Surrounded by his friend Rod and a group of bodyguards, he swaggered out of the hotel. This period was Tony’s most proud day. After the prodigal son returned at the age of 21 and took over the position of CEO of Stark Industries, he was regarded as the darling of the media.

No matter how many hot models he slept with, or what new weapons he invented, reporters always swarmed him immediately, like sharks smelling blood. At this time, Tony Stark was indulging in a life of extravagance and wealth, feeling the glory that everyone was seeking. Apart from inventions and creations, nothing could attract his attention more than beautiful women.

“There are many young geniuses, but there is only one Tony Stark.” The mustached man praised himself without hesitation. Colonel Rhodes next to him was already used to his friend’s narcissism.

Who knows what he said is indeed the truth? No matter how many shortcomings Tony has, they often give military bosses headaches, but there is no doubt about his genius.

“Don’t underestimate that young man. He was a twenty-year-old genius scientist who invented genetic drugs worth billions. He was the best student at the State University of New York. Some even say that he and Dr. Connors created a new era of biopharmaceuticals in the United States. Era is a strong contender for the next Nobel Prize!” Colonel Rhodes added.

At Sean’s age, he has achieved what he has achieved today. He is indeed young and promising, with a bright future.

Tony, who was surrounded by everyone, smiled contemptuously. He was at the peak of his life, so how could he listen to the advice of his friends? He laughed and said: “If his mind is half as good as gambling, then I am reluctantly willing to admit that he is a gambler.” genius.”

“Twenty-year-old genius scientist? Invented genetic medicine worth billions?” Tony put his arm around Rhodes’ shoulders, with a hint of excitement on his face after drinking, “I took over as Stark when I was twenty-one. Industry has made it the most powerful arms giant in this country, and it also controls tens of billions of properties. All his achievements seem insignificant in front of me – the men of the Stark family have always been the best. that.”

Rhodes shook his head helplessly, turned to Happy and said, “Take good care of him and don’t let him be late tomorrow.”

In this world, there are usually only two types of people who can communicate with Tony normally, either scientists who also have a genius mind, or beautiful beauties who can’t control their inner impulses.

Colonel Rhodes, who did not belong to any of these people, could only silently pray that this trip to the front line in Afghanistan could be completed smoothly, and that Tony would not cause anything.


“Is that Tony Stark?”

Connors walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked down at the mustachioed man who was flirting with a beautiful reporter. This billionaire who inherited Stark Industries at a young age not only made headlines every day in tabloid scandals. , also has a prominent reputation in academia, especially in the field of weapons manufacturing, with outstanding achievements and can be called an authoritative figure.

“Well, an interesting guy who lives in his own spiritual world.” Sean commented with a smile. “Speaking of which, I won a lot of money from Mr. Stark tonight. I can afford the presidential suite in the hotel thanks to his generosity.”

Connors smiled faintly. In his eyes, the young man next to him was as talented as Tony Stark. The decay rate algorithm that he had not solved for many years was easily solved by Sean, which brought him fame. The ALZ-112 with interests is the outstanding work of the other party, and I only made some trivial improvements.

Connors actually disagrees with the media and newspapers’ evaluation of “Stark is second”. He believes that sooner or later, Sean will become a big man standing side by side with Tony Stark.

Getting rid of the strange thoughts in his mind, Dr. Connors asked softly: “Where did you and Harry go? It’s more painful for me to deal with those celebrities and rich people at the banquet alone than for me to perform on stage.”

“Because ALZ-112 failed to be launched quickly, Harry felt a little depressed. I asked him to put aside all his worries and release his inner pressure in Las Vegas.”

Sean smiled strangely. In the luxurious suite next door, Harry was fighting several passionate and charming girls alone. I hope he can still get up tomorrow morning.

Connors, who had been single for half his life, was speechless. In the end, he could only sigh with emotion: “Young people are in great health.”

Fortunately, the hotel room was well soundproofed, which was enough to save Sean from a night of brain-piercing demonic sounds.

After chatting with Dr. Connors for a few words, the middle-aged scientist returned to his room. Sean stood alone in front of the window, looking at the bustling city with bright lights in the night.

He didn’t expect that this trip to Las Vegas would actually allow him to meet the future Iron Man. Judging from the timeline, Tony Stark should be going to the front line in Afghanistan to promote the company’s new weapons. As a result, he was kidnapped by terrorists – if the trajectory of fate has not changed due to the butterfly effect, then Iron Man will be born soon!

Wouldn’t it be more interesting if Tony Stark died in the attack and did not become Iron Man because of his arrival in this world, causing the butterfly’s wings to flap?

Sean thought with malice, as for deliberately getting on the line with Tony Stark, or participating in the plot, saving the billionaire, in order to win the other person’s favor and gain a step up, this kind of idea didn’t happen to him. Wouldn’t even consider it.

The goal he longs for is to carve out his own path, without relying on any superheroes or taking orders from SHIELD – maybe they will all become his enemies in the future. If he wants to get rid of the constraints of rules and regulations, except for his own powerful In addition to strength, one must also possess sufficient power and wealth. These are the cornerstones of status in human society.

Besides, this arrogant playboy is not a good choice for a partner. Tony is neither as easy to control as Dr. Connors, nor is he an easy-to-manipulate character like Harry. The collision between Sean’s strong character and Stark’s arrogance will only cause unnecessary conflicts.

Instead of cooperating with the future Iron Man, it is better to control everything by himself. He looks forward to Umbrella taking root in this world and growing stronger.

Sean watched with cold eyes as Tony got into the car with the beautiful reporter, with an indifferent arc on his lips. This is the beginning of all timelines. The gathering of superheroes, the clues and whereabouts of the six gems, all start from here. .

“Have a nice trip, Tony.” He said silently in his heart.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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