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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 63 List

Warm sunlight penetrated the clouds and shone on the earth. On the spacious lawn, researchers taking off their work uniforms walked back and forth, enjoying champagne and barbecue on the long dining table.

This was an open-air reception to celebrate the official establishment of the laboratory. It was proposed by Sean himself. The waiters arranged the tables and chairs neatly, arranged the tableware, and set up the grills. In this sunny weather, Ambrey La’s staff were in a happy mood, enjoying the benefits provided by the young boss.

The brand-new laboratory is a towering minaret-like building, like the majestic tomb of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. The whole is made of high-strength glass, supported by a backbone-like steel beam structure. When the weather is fine, the sunlight Shining down through the glass dome, it looks like a shining crystal palace.

The external construction is also complete, including underground parking lots, wide aprons, and other leisure facilities and entertainment venues, all of which are available.

This laboratory named Umbrella has used up almost all the funds that Sean held. If Wesley hadn’t controlled many businesses in Hell’s Kitchen, and with the secret support of the Hand, I’m afraid that he, the The youngest billionaire at New York University has fallen into the dilemma of a broken capital chain.

Sean wanted to build a world-class scientific research institution, so he needed a world-class scientific research team. He left the recruitment to Dr. Connors, and he gave a list of outstanding scientists he remembered. The net has been cast out, and I don’t know how many big fish can be caught.

After a huge effort, the results are naturally satisfying. Sean stood on the lawn in a straight suit, holding a glass of champagne in his hand, as if admiring a wonderful painting, slightly raising his head and looking at the dazzling laboratory. building.

A sense of satisfaction arises from the bottom of my heart. This magnificent pyramid-like building is a private palace that belongs entirely to Sean, and he will take the first step in his career from here.

“It feels like watching your own child, from the first cry after it is born, to learning to walk, and gradually growing up and turning into a strong young man…” Connors dressed formally and poured out the contents of the cup. The champagne was drained in one gulp.

This normally taciturn middle-aged scientist, perhaps stimulated by alcohol or because of his inner excitement, changed his previous dullness and became extremely talkative.

“Doctor, I thought you would be hiding in the laboratory at this time. I heard that the research on cross-species inheritance has reached a critical stage?” Sean patted Connors on the shoulder and asked in a friendly manner.

“I really wasn’t used to this kind of occasion before, but today is different. This is the most glorious moment in my life, and I have to attend.” Connors looked at his empty sleeve, with a lot of emotion in his tone, “It’s still… I want to thank Dr. Zhao Helen for your recommendation. She is indeed the most outstanding biologist I have ever met. With her participation in cross-species inheritance, progress will be accelerated a lot.”

“Except Dr. Helen Zhao from South Korea, is there anyone else who can give an answer?”

Sean and Connors sat under the white parasols set up, with the mellow aroma of wine floating in the air, the soothing and quiet music flowing quietly, feeling the warm sunshine in the afternoon, and one could not help but be intoxicated by the beauty of this moment. In the atmosphere.

“The young genius who graduated from Columbia University, Reed Richards, rejected Umbrella’s invitation. In fact, he is not suitable for us. He observes cosmic storms, collects data on violent and chaotic ray flows, and then deciphers human genes. No matter what the prospects of this project are, its initial investment is too huge. Not only does it require unimaginable huge funds, but it also requires renting a spacecraft from the space agency to go to space in person…”

Connors shook his head. He was not optimistic about the famous genius Reed Richards’ experimental project at all. It was full of too many variables, the possibility of failure was extremely high, and from an investor’s point of view, there was no profit margin. And the value is not great.

“Okay, Mr. Richards is out.” Sean smiled faintly. It was a pity that he did not win over the future Mr. Fantastic. “How about Dr. Otto Octavius? I remember that he is an independent scientist and would be interested in invitations from scientific research institutions.”

Independent scientists generally mean lack of funds and experimental equipment, and will rarely refuse to join an emerging scientific research institution.

“Dr. Otto is still considering it. Do you have the idea of ​​entering the energy field?” Connors asked doubtfully.

Currently, the Umbrella Laboratory is conducting biomedical research projects, such as the development of genetic drugs and the overcoming of cross-species inheritance. Dr. Otto is a famous nuclear physicist who specializes in Atomic energy seems to have been conducting theoretical research on artificial suns in recent years, and is preparing to develop a cheap and efficient new energy source.

“No, I’m just interested in his new energy source.” Sean said softly. Mr. Fantastic may be able to let it go, but Doctor Octopus must hold it in his hands.

Dr. Otto, who wanted to create a new type of energy, lost his beloved wife due to a failed nuclear fusion accident in the original timeline, and became one with the mechanical tentacles controlled by artificial intelligence. Gradually lost my mind. Since then, the outstanding scientist Otto has become a dangerous super criminal, known as “Doctor Octopus”!

“I will continue to contact Dr. Otto, but the people on your list are involved in various fields. Even if they join Umbrella, they will not be able to play their role.”

Connors gently reminded him that he was afraid that Sean would become famous at a young age, and the sudden honors and praise would make this gentle and humble young man lose himself.

The scientific world has always been a place that values ​​results. You cannot gain a long-term foothold by relying on temporary fame or research results. Why is Tony Stark called a genius? Because he can always come up with one novel theory after another, no matter it is In many fields such as high-tech weapons and artificial intelligence research and development, he can be regarded as an absolute authority.

“For example, Ms. Maya Hansen, she is a botanist, and Eric Selvig, he studies astrophysics. They may be outstanding in their professional fields, but they are not suitable. Umbrella.”

This newly emerging laboratory is still a young baby that has not yet grown up. If it steps too fast, it may fall heavily.

Listening to Dr. Connors’s kind advice, Sean did not explain too much. This one-armed middle-aged man who originally had the title of “Dr. Lizard” has been pulled onto Umbrella’s chariot, and what he has to do is , is to gather more people under his command and let them use their outstanding scientific research capabilities to provide services for the various ideas in their heads.

In this dangerous and wonderful world, the power of technology cannot be ignored. The Iron Man of the future is the best example. Tony Stark, who is mortal in body, relies on his genius brain to design the constantly improving Mark series armor. It can even compete with powerful monsters like the Hulk.

“Doctors, they are all outstanding talents. Our goal is to build Umbrella into the world’s top scientific research institution, so we naturally need the top team. The people on this list are all solid in realizing our future blueprint. cornerstone.”

Sean looked at the crowds of people on the lawn, looking across the green forest in the distance with a deep gaze: “Don’t think about stopping, we can have more.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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