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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 64 Lobbying

“What were you talking about with Dr. Connors just now?” After sending away the worried Connors, Gwen, wearing casual clothes and her long blond hair in a ponytail, came closer.

The blond girl, who had just been promoted from an intern to a researcher, joined Umbrella with her mentor Connors. She walked up to Sean with a glass of juice, wrinkled her nose and said, “It’s been a long time since you last met.” Appeared in class, young billionaire, be careful of failing the exam at the end of the semester.”

“I disappoint you, Miss Stacey.” A smile appeared on Sean’s lips, “I only need to earn enough credits to graduate from this school, and as a genius, how can I worry about failing? The problem of science.”

As classmates, the two teased each other. Since Osborne Industries’ press conference, Sean has become a man of the hour at the State University of New York, a young billionaire and a genius scientist with a promising research result. The exaggerated reports in the media and newspapers, as well as the deliberate promotion of Osborne Industries, put a dazzling halo on the head of this young man.

“I heard that Principal McCann also wants you to be the guest speaker at this year’s opening ceremony?” Gwen asked curiously, sucking on the juice.

Sean shrugged and said calmly: “Maybe this is just a little return from the principal when he heard that I wanted to donate a library to the school.”

“Hmph, even the principal has been bribed by you…be careful, I will report you!”

Gwen frowned, then clenched Bai Shengsheng’s fist, deliberately making a fierce expression, which made her look more delicate and cute, exuding a youthful and lively atmosphere.

As the daughter of the New York City Police Commissioner, Gwen is not a delicate flower in the greenhouse. She certainly understands the true face of the world. The society composed of adults is always full of various transactions and compromises, as well as the relationship between interests. exchange between them.

Therefore, this innocent blonde girl did not have any objection to Sean’s straightforward words. Of course, this did not exclude personal feelings.

“It feels like everyone has become different…” Staring at Sean’s young face, Miss Stacey felt inexplicably: “Harry inherited the family business and worked hard to learn how to run the company. The last time I saw him At that time, I almost didn’t recognize it. And Peter, he seemed to be very busy all the time. Whether at school or elsewhere, he always looked like he was in a hurry. Sometimes he would actually fall asleep during class, and he would often be called on by the teacher… …”

Sean chuckled in his heart. While Peter was busy with his studies and part-time job at the Daily Bugle, he also had to be a good neighbor in New York. He transformed into Spider-Man to fight criminals and maintain law and order. He changed different identities during the day and night, which made Peter physically and mentally exhausted. Tired, especially the complicated romance between him and Mary Jane and Harry, it became a situation that the young Spider-Man didn’t know how to deal with.

“You are the one who has changed the most, Sean.” Gwen covered her mouth and chuckled, “Everyone is saying that Sean Sipers is a genius, but I still remember the first time you entered Dr. Connors In the laboratory, he can’t even rinse the flask, he looks clumsy…”

Sean, whose dark history was exposed, coughed twice and stared at Gwen with piercing eyes. The other party seemed to feel the burning gaze, and two red clouds appeared on her cheeks.

“You also forgot about one person, the carefree Miss Stacey, who is now an official reserve scientist… Dr. Gwen, haha, that sounds pretty good.”

Gwen became angry after being teased. Regardless of continuing to maintain the image of a lady, she began to chase Sean who turned around and ran away. The rest of the staff were still cheering on the side. After they joined Umbrella, they discovered that this person known as “S. The young boss “Tucker II” is not at all as arrogant and difficult to get along with as Stark. On the contrary, he is very approachable and even makes some jokes with everyone in private.

“Hello, Mr. Sipers.” An annoying voice interrupted, “I am Wilt Hamilton from Watsonton Company.”

Sean frowned. He looked at the middle-aged man in front of him who reported his family name. He was wearing a suit and leather shoes, and his hair was meticulously combed. He exuded the calm demeanor of a successful person, but there was a hint of arrogance in his eyes, especially When he said he was from Watsonton, he had a hint of condescension.

Of course, Mr. Hamilton didn’t know that his subtle expressions were all seen by Sean. He thought that this young man who was praised by the media was just a lucky guy who happened to discover the genetic medicine through experiments. formula, thereby gaining huge fame and benefits.

As a representative of a pharmaceutical company, Hamilton is well aware of the cost and effort required to invent a new drug. Even the world’s top scientific research team takes a long time, and may not be able to make a discovery.

A young man who has not yet graduated from college, and a disabled scientist who is so poor that he can only teach in school, can they complete the research and development of genetic drugs?

Hamilton hid his inner disdain and said in a rather serious tone: “Mr. Sipers, I want to talk to you on behalf of Watsonton Company.”

Gwen, who was closely leaning against Sean, returned to her reserved posture in front of others, smiled sweetly, then turned and walked away.

“Watsonton Company?” Sean’s eyes flickered. After some simple greetings, he learned the other party’s intention.

He sat under a white parasol with the representative from Watsonton and said with pretense of regret: “I have signed a contract with Osborne Industries. If I violate the contract, I will not only have to pay a huge amount of liquidated damages.” , and also face jail time.”

“None of this is a problem.” Hamilton showed a confident smile and whispered: “Mr. Sipers, you know that Watsonton is a pharmaceutical company with a profound foundation and a leader in the industry. Its position is unshakable, and Os The industry is too young – I’m not saying being young is bad, it’s dynamic and full of life, but it also means a lack of support and a lack of stability.”

“And as far as I know, the new president of Osborne Industries has made mediocre business achievements. The reason why he is able to sustain Osborne Industries, which is in danger, until now is all because of the genetic drugs you developed, Mr. Sipers. The company’s falling stock price was temporarily stabilized, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief.”

Sean deliberately made a modest expression, but the smile on his lips could not be concealed: “No, the person who turned the tide is Harry. He saved Osborne Industries. I just did some trivial work.”

Hamilton knew in his heart that he was another guy without self-awareness. As a senior manager in charge of market operations, he had seen many people like Sean achieve achievements that others could not achieve at a young age and indulged in the praise. , thought that he was really a genius who could change the world, but he suddenly woke up until he suffered a cruel blow from reality and saw the dark side of the industry.

“I heard that Mr. Sipers, you hold part of the shares of Osborne Industries?” Watsonton’s representative asked deliberately.

ps: I had a headache from writing yesterday, so I went to sleep. Sorry ̄ω ̄=

In addition, thank you all readers for your generous tips~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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