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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 66 Artificial Intelligence

At two o’clock in the morning, New York, shrouded in heavy night, was as quiet as a baby sleeping in a cradle.

Located in Umbrella on the outskirts of Long Island, the spire-like main experimental building is still brightly lit even at a time when it should have been asleep. Perhaps because the salary is higher than that in the same industry, hard-working researchers have no objection to working overtime. The boss who has achieved great achievements at a young age has always been generous enough, as long as you can show your value in a timely manner. , then he will never be stingy with his efforts.

At present, Umbrella’s core projects are mainly cross-species inheritance led by Dr. Connors. Only the recently joined Dr. Zhao Hailun and a few people such as experimental assistant Gwen can really access the core. In terms of confidentiality measures, , the laboratory is doing quite well inside.

Researchers who have not entered the core level will only receive tasks assigned by their superiors from time to time, but have no idea of ​​the exact purpose of doing so. They are like workers on an assembly line, completing detailed work such as splitting and packaging of products. , but knew nothing about the real experimental project.

Although Umbrella is still in its infancy, the salary is considerable, but the competitive pressure is also very huge. Sean has formulated a strict resource allocation system and conducts scientific research assessments every three months. Except for Dr. Connors In addition to the research team you lead, other groups must undergo strict review to determine the next funding and resource allocation based on the tasks they have completed and the progress of the project.

In Sean’s words, this allows Umbrella to remain competitive at all times. According to the catfish effect, blindly being comfortable with the current life will soon be eliminated due to stagnation, especially for the rapid changes. A rapidly changing field of science.

If you want to keep the sardines alive, you must put in an active catfish. While Sean improves the welfare benefits of researchers, he also sets up a strictly enforced competition mechanism, so that those with outstanding abilities can unleash their potential. , and can eliminate the mediocre people who cannot bear the pressure and are not suitable for this job.

Connors walked through the bright lobby of the main building, took the elevator all the way, and took his assistant Gwen into the core area of ​​the laboratory. After passing fingerprint and iris authentication, he entered the control center on the underground floor.

This is the central control area used to house supercomputers. Only Sean and Dr. Connors are qualified to enter and exit. The rest must apply to them if they want to enter.

As an element of high-tech development, supercomputers are called “accelerators of scientific research.” These large-scale computers are composed of hundreds, thousands or even more processors and can calculate complex tasks that ordinary PCs and servers cannot complete. Computers themselves have strong capabilities of calculating and processing data.

If the computing speed of an ordinary computer is compared to the walking speed of a human, then a supercomputer will reach the speed of a rocket. Under the premise of such computing speed, people can predict and explain natural phenomena that were previously impossible to experiment through numerical simulation.

“Sean, why did you call me here so late? Have you already obtained the latest model of supercomputer?”

Connors strode into the brightly lit computer room, followed by Gwen behind him. The recent victory over cross-species inheritance has reached a critical stage. This one-armed middle-aged man almost forgets to sleep and eat, and is buried in the laboratory day and night.

“But I asked those manufacturers and their orders have been scheduled for half a year. It is impossible to get them so quickly. Before that, we can only rent them from other institutions.”

Connors immediately denied his inference. He had contacted the technology company that built the supercomputer a long time ago, but almost all of the orders were booked by the energy department and private laboratories, and it was impossible to get them in a short time.

“Do you remember what I told you before, Doctor?” Sean stood tall with a confident smile on his face.

Connors frowned. He remembered that he vaguely mentioned supercomputers to Sean before. After all, as an emerging laboratory, the high-tech fields involved in the future will require powerful computing and data simulation capabilities. Support, so having a private supercomputer is an imperative requirement.

Frequently renting computing resources from other institutions is not only troublesome, but also very difficult to keep the experimental project itself confidential, especially for a private laboratory like Umbrella that is not affiliated with a national department.

“Don’t worry, I will give you the best supercomputer on the planet.” That’s what Sean told himself at the time.

Connors looked at the confident Sean. Did Sean get the latest model of supercomputer through Osborne’s door?

Sean smiled and inserted a black disk into the control center. There was a slight buzzing sound, as if some kind of machine had been activated. The huge screen installed on the wall suddenly lit up, and endless data was like a waterfall. It kept refreshing, leaving Connors and Gwen stunned.

Connors looked at the vast computer room that was starting to operate, and couldn’t help but have a hint of doubt in his heart. So far, the best supercomputer in the United States is the “Titan” located at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which operates at a speed of 17.59 petaflops/ Second.

Of course, if you add Tony Stark, who has made outstanding achievements in the field of artificial intelligence, then Titan may have to step down from the top spot. After all, his intelligent butler Jarvis has incredibly powerful computing power.

Could it be that in this short period of time, Sean created an artificial intelligence comparable to Jarvis?

Even though Connors had extraordinary confidence in this talented young man, he felt that this was simply impossible.

“Don’t be shy, Red Queen, come out and say hello to Dr. Connors and Miss Stacey.”

As Sean’s voice fell, the empty and monotonous space suddenly changed. The dim light swayed. In the blink of an eye, the spacious machine room located underground turned into a luxurious villa on the coast. Elegant and luxurious interior decorations were hung on the walls. The famous oil paintings on the floor, the soft carpets under your feet, and even the flowers in the bottles are all so real and lifelike.

Dr. Connors’ eyes were dull. He carefully observed the surroundings and found no trace of falsehood. Even the smallest details were handled perfectly. The blowing of the air flow and the simulation of the scenery were completely enough to deceive the human senses.

“Is this…all true?”

Gwen lowered her head and sniffed lightly. She could clearly smell the fragrance of flowers. Through the huge transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, waves crashed. Where the water and the sky met, a few seagulls flew across the sea, and the beautiful scenery of nature came into view. The sight made people completely forget that a second ago, they were still in the machine room in the underground space.

“This is just a simulation of data. Other supercomputers can do it, but I can do it more accurately and nuancedly than them.”

A soft child’s voice suddenly sounded, and Gwen was startled to find a little girl wearing a red princess dress looking at her.

“Hello, Miss Gwen Stacy, I am the Red Queen.” The girl’s eyes were cold, but her voice was full of childishness.

ps: I forgot to upload it after coding, so embarrassing~

Today’s third update is  ̄ω ̄=


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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