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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 67 Skynet

Gwen covered her mouth in surprise. This little girl called the Red Queen looked like a real person, as delicate and beautiful as a doll. She couldn’t help but stretched out her hand to touch. A wave of light swayed, and her fingertips passed directly through the simulated image.

“Miss Gwen Stacy, please maintain respect for me…” The little girl actually showed a rather anthropomorphic dissatisfaction, her little mouth was slightly pursed, and she didn’t look like a cold machine at all.

The red princess dress floated like water waves, swaying slightly, and the lifelike image of the Red Queen suddenly dissipated, collapsing like a feather of light, only to regroup after a few seconds.

“I’m sorry.” Sensing her rudeness, Gwen quickly retracted her finger, but her big eyes still looked at the Red Queen from time to time.

She still couldn’t believe that the little girl in front of her, who was as delicate as a doll, was actually an avatar of artificial intelligence.

Connors on the side was extremely excited, but his performance was relatively calm, not as obvious as Gwen. Compared with other national departments or the supercomputers built by private laboratories that cost huge sums of money, they are huge and bulky, and are undoubtedly The Red Queen is even better. Not only does she have a higher level of intelligence, but she also has a simulated personality that is similar to a living body. She does not just follow instructions mechanically, but is able to make simple rehearsals and judgments on her own.

Moreover, both the computing speed and data deduction are far beyond the level of large computers, especially for the construction of real environments, which cannot be separated from huge computing capabilities. To simulate a realistic real world, accurate data is needed for deduction. Forecasting, even the world’s top supercomputers can only simulate simple changes in events to predict rough and fuzzy directions.

Connors looked at the smiling young man and couldn’t help feeling that Sean could always bring incredible surprises to people.

He admired the avatar of the little girl Red Queen, and did not ask where Sean got such incredible artificial intelligence. This one-armed middle-aged man was not a pedantic person who was ignorant of the world. He had known Sean for so long, so naturally You can also detect some unknown secrets hidden in the other person.

For example, Mr. Wesley, who secretly provided funds for his laboratory, Connors had vaguely heard rumors about. The upstart tycoon from Hell’s Kitchen was said to have killed such a terrifying figure as the former underworld emperor Kingpin. Yet he was so respectful to a young student, which seemed unbelievable.

There are other details that prove that this young man who is called a genius by the outside world actually has an unknown side, but Connors is not willing to delve into Sean’s true face. He was once just a down and out. A disabled scientist who hides in a university to teach and conduct experiments with funding from Osborne. The mainstream scientific community has almost forgotten him. At most, he will be used as a laughing stock when talking and laughing.

What changed Connors’ life and destiny was the young man in front of him. He came up with the decay rate algorithm, which made the stagnant cross-species genetics only one step away from success. He invented ALZ-112, and with Osborne The industry has reached cooperation, and it is entirely thanks to Sean’s help that he has achieved his current status and honor.

Therefore, no matter what purpose Sean has, or the other party has another appalling identity in private, he only needs to stand firmly behind the other party and do his best to help. This is Connors’s way of repaying.

Originally, Connors was not a perfect person with high moral standards, which was one of the reasons why Sean chose him in the first place. People with too high moral bottom line are destined to part ways with him and go to the opposite side. Therefore, he did not have very eager thoughts on wooing Reed Richards, the future Mr. Fantastic. On the contrary, it was Dr. Otto, a scientist with blurred moral boundaries, who aroused his interest more.

“Doctor, are you satisfied?” Sean asked with a smile.

“There is nothing better than her.” Connors nodded, with uncontrollable excitement in his voice, “This is simply not something a supercomputer can do, she is a perfect creation!”

The little girl Red Queen bent her knees slightly and performed a medieval classical etiquette. A reserved smile broke out on her indifferent face, indicating that she was satisfied with Dr. Connors’s praise.

“Thank you for your compliment, Dr. Connors.” The Red Queen smiled sweetly and said softly: “There are existences similar to me on this planet. I am not unique.”

A light flashed in Sean’s eyes. Tony Stark’s Jarvis is also a very powerful artificial intelligence. It can transfer itself to any digital terminal independently. It can think independently and help its owner handle various matters. , calculate various information, the development of Iron Man’s armor and the update of the Ark reactor are all inseparable from its assistance.

After recording the voices and fingerprints of Connors and Gwen, they left the underground computer room. Sean said that he still wanted to debug the Red Queen’s data program, so he stayed alone.

He snapped his fingers, and the Red Queen’s virtual image flickered, then disintegrated and dissipated. The empty and monotonous underground computer room suddenly turned into a room filled with soft white light, as if there was a huge space that extended endlessly.

“I don’t understand why you want me to hide my existence.” An indifferent voice sounded. Compared with the Red Queen’s anthropomorphic emotions, this voice was more like a cold machine.

“Umbrella needs an intelligent housekeeper who can monitor every move within the laboratory, be responsible for processing recurring huge data calculations, and speed up the progress of experimental projects.”

Sean paused for a moment, standing in the infinite white space, with a calm voice: “And I need a pair of God’s Eyes overlooking this planet. It can provide me with useful intelligence and collect all information. S.H.I.E.L.D. , Hydra, and even Stark Industries…those strict and complex firewalls are useless to you. You are the god in the computer, and the endless network is your territory.”

A retro black-and-white TV appeared out of thin air, with dense snow-white dots flashing. Amidst the sizzling noise, a cold voice came out: “So you don’t want others to know my existence.”

“At least I don’t think about it yet. When I can stand in front of the stage without any scruples, then the whole world will know that there is a pair of eyes that are always looking down on all living beings on this planet.”

Sean smiled slightly. As his thoughts changed, the white space was like a huge painting spread out. The sky was full of stars rising and setting, the sun and the moon rotated alternately, endless galaxies hung above his head, and the blue planet appeared under his feet. He Like the center of the universe, it stands on the top of the Milky Way, overlooking the ups and downs of billions of stars.

“I spent all my points to redeem you, don’t let me down…” The system points obtained from the street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen are now empty.

“Skynet.” Sean whispered its name.

“I will be your Eye of Horus, the Great Creator.”

The cold sound seemed to come from high in the sky, and the invisible electronic signal centered on Umbrella and spread rapidly outward, like an invisible ghost, turning the network with footprints all over the world into his own brain and body.

In the cold and dark outer space, with satellites flying along the orbit, the data center suddenly experienced chaos and delays for a few seconds, but quickly returned to normal and continued its daily work.

They are like the cold pupils of gods, looking down at the huge planet that emits blue light.

ps: Well, there should be another chapter tonight~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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