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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 68 Hunting Ground

On the front line of Afghanistan, a jeep convoy raised billowing smoke. Tony, who had just finished promoting the latest product from Baghlan Air Force Base, sat in the back with a glass of whiskey on the rocks. Passionate rock music reverberated in the carriage, sitting with him. The young soldiers in the back row looked at this legendary figure with curiosity from time to time.

“Why do I feel like you are taking me to a military court?” Tony, wearing sunglasses, showed off his sense of humor as always. “That’s not okay. What bad thing have I done? I feel like you’re going to knock me down when the car stops next. Why, don’t the commanders of the army allow you to speak?”

“Can talk, sir.” The young soldier replied shyly.

The silent atmosphere in the car was broken when Tony Stark opened his mouth. The soldiers in the car with him were no longer as restrained as before. This playboy has such charm and can always change dull situations. Be happy or embarrassed.

“Sir, I have a question.” The soldier sitting in the front row turned his head, with a look of gossip on his seemingly upright face, “I heard that you slept with every cover girl of Maxim magazine last year? “

When the topic of interest was discussed, Tony took off his sunglasses and said calmly: “That’s a good question. You’re partly right. I don’t have a schedule for the cover girl in March, but luckily it’s twins in December.”

“What else do you want to ask…” Tony, who looked cool and uninhibited, turned his head, “Are you kidding me? This is not a primary school class, so why raise your hand!”

“Can I take a photo with you?” the shy young soldier asked in a low voice.

“Of course.” Tony leaned close to his little fan and continued to use his sense of humor, “But don’t post it on the blog. Please, why are you making a gangster gesture… I’m just making a joke. Get up.”

“Peace, I love peace the most!” he said nonchalantly.


There was a loud noise, violent fire broke out, and turbulent shock waves stirred up air waves. A jeep driving in the front was hit by artillery, and its solid body instantly turned into scrap iron wreckage.

The convoy came to a sudden stop, and Tony tried his best to maintain his composure. As the best arms supplier in the United States, he had encountered many dangerous things without panicking and shouting like ordinary people.

“The left side was attacked…”

Fierce firefights came from the communication channel. The soldiers in the car rushed out one after another, but before they could find any trace of the enemy, violent bullets poured in like a torrential rain!

“Jimmy, stay and protect Mr. Stark.” The young soldier pulled Tony down and lay down in the carriage to prevent him from being accidentally injured by stray bullets.

Before the young soldier who rushed out of the car had a chance to fire, a burst of dense fire broke out. The living person who had just been chatting and laughing with Tony immediately fell down, and the cold bullets took away everything from him in an instant!

The bulletproof door glass was riddled with holes, like a hornet’s nest. Tony listened to the fierce exchange of fire outside. The enemy’s firepower was extremely powerful, completely suppressing the soldiers on his side.

He thought for a few seconds and reached out to push the door open. He could no longer sit still and wait for death. At this time, Tony couldn’t help but regret. He had known that he should have gone back with Rhodes. All the main troops of the air force base were over there.

Dodging the roaring artillery fire and stray bullets flying everywhere on the battlefield, Tony leaned behind a huge rock and took out his cell phone to send a distress signal. His mobile phone is connected to Jarvis’s data terminal. When the reliable smart butler receives the information, he will immediately locate his location and then tell Obaday and Pepper.

As the helmsman of an arms giant, Tony’s growing up environment was not always smooth sailing. Kidnapping threats from Stark Industries’ competitors, secret assassinations from other interest groups, and even sudden attacks by terrorists from other countries, these dangerous experiences made him In this critical moment, he was still able to remain calm and calmly rescue himself.

The distress signal was sent out, and with a “boom”, a grenade flew from the sky and landed in the soil not far away. Tony looked at the conspicuous “Made by Stark Industries” on the weapon, and his brain briefly lost his ability to think. ability, and then the blast of air blew him away. In the thick and pungent smell of gunpowder smoke, Stark fell heavily to the ground and barely opened his eyes, with blood stains on his chest fainting.

He tore off his shirt, and shrapnel was inserted into the body armor he was wearing. Tony felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his head felt as if it had been hit by a sledgehammer, and he was extremely dazed.

Not long after, his consciousness fell into darkness, and this world-renowned arms dealer passed out on the battlefield filled with artillery fire.


Manhattan, New York.

“Tony Stark was attacked…”

Sean didn’t seem surprised. His butterfly, which traveled through time and space, did not bring much change to the world. The future Iron Man is still moving forward according to the trajectory of history.

“You gave me a list of people who need special attention, and Tony Stark was among them. He sent a distress signal on the front line in Afghanistan a minute ago, and I intercepted it.”

A cold voice sounded in the headset. Compared with another independent thread trumpet, Skynet is more like an indifferent and rational mechanical life. It followed Sean’s instructions and loaded the Red Queen with a virtual personality, just like creating life, injecting He acquired a complete character and thinking ability to manage Umbrella on his behalf.

“Let Tony stay in the cave for a while. After all, this is a rare spiritual journey.” Sean chuckled. He didn’t want the playboy to be rescued so early.

Moreover, the distress signal was actually sent to Obadiah Stane. Tony obviously did not realize who leaked his route. Otherwise, how could the armed men accurately know the departure time and location of the convoy based on those militants alone? They even possess sophisticated and powerful weapons – all manufactured by Stark Industries, which are enough to annihilate regular American troops.

Those who have access to this confidential information are undoubtedly the people around Tony who trust him very much. If you think about who the ultimate beneficiary will be after he is killed, you can basically get the answer.

If Obadai gets the distress signal sent by Tony, I am afraid that the life of the playboy who is staying in the cave making armor will not be saved.

“According to you, Tony Stark is a key figure in this world. Don’t you intend to ensure his safety?” Skynet asked doubtfully.

“I’m not their nanny.” Sean said calmly. “Tony being alive is very helpful for me to still maintain my status as a prophet, but his death will not have much impact. This is not a set of dominoes. If one is toppled, they will all be destroyed. Iron Man is just an introduction to the future. There is no such thing as dominoes.” Stark will still have someone else take his place.”

“What I have to do is to ensure that the world moves forward in the direction I know well within a certain range. As for being like a nanny, I help those superheroes to make sure they grow up according to their original trajectory…I came to this world to To gain a place and control my own voice, under this goal, whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra, whether they are heroes or villains, they may be my enemies.”

Sean’s eyes flashed and his tone was indifferent. At this time, he was more like a cold mechanical intelligent life like Skynet: “The world is structured in a pyramid. The higher you go, the narrower the road becomes. If you want to be the one who reaches the top, That person must pull down every competitor.”

“Skynet, this world is like a huge hunting ground. If you don’t want to become a prey, you must not only have sharp claws and ferocious beasts, but you must also hold a shotgun.”

The young man looked at the bustling and noisy city, with the cold light of a hunter flashing in his deep eyes: “And six gems are the best weapons.”

ps: Haha, the third update achievement is achieved~

I don’t know why, but I feel a dull pain in my liver (T_T)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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