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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 69 Restarting the Project

Umbrella’s private lounge.

Sean took out a bottle of Scotch whiskey from the dazzling wine cabinet, poured two glasses and placed them on the table. Harry pulled the tie around his neck and leaned on the sofa without restraint.

The handsome face of Mr. Osborne, who inherited the family business at a young age, was full of depression and irritability. It was obvious that his visit to Umbrella today was not for official business such as business cooperation, but for a special visit. My friend expressed his distress.

“Why, are you having trouble with Mary Jane again?” Sean handed the wine glass to Harry without forgetting to tease him.

Ever since Harry took charge of Osborne Industries, due to his busy work schedule, he couldn’t spare any time to spend with his girlfriend. He often got into trouble with Mary Jane, and always used him and Gwen as the go-betweens.

The young and rich Master Osborne drank the cold wine in one gulp, and a burning feeling spread down his throat. The stimulation of the alcohol made Harry’s eyes red, and he couldn’t help but blurt out some private words hidden deep in his heart.

“I have always regarded you as a friend, Sean. Just like Peter, you are one of the few true friends I have!” Harry became emotional and his voice gradually rose: “Before I met you, I only had Peter as my good brother. We’ve known each other since we were very young, his father used to work for Osborne and he was my father’s right-hand man…”

“When Peter was in school, he was often bullied by bullies because of his introverted personality. I was not popular in the boarding school at that time. Maybe it was because the two of us were always alone, so we became very good friends after that, regardless of comics or We always share snacks together… I thought this friendship would last forever!”

Hearing that Harry couldn’t do anything without Peter, Sean probably knew what was going on. The bloody love triangle between Spider-Man, the second generation Green Goblin and Mary Jane was really speechless.

If there were other questions, maybe he could clear up Harry’s doubts, but in terms of emotions, Sean himself didn’t want to get involved too much. Erica was just a simple exchange of interests and intertwined desires, and the real emotional factors were very small. As for the innocent and kind-hearted Miss Stacey, he restrained himself in maintaining a distant and ambiguous attitude, and did not easily accept the other party’s beautiful feelings.

In the final analysis, Sean Sipers, this upright and sunny young man, a humble and gentle genius scientist, is just a disguise that appears on the surface.

Putting aside these false appearances, the cold and deep dark aura he exudes is enough to shock and frighten people. Just like shadows under the sun, people most of the time don’t notice that the dazzling sun also casts dark shadows.

“Inexperienced first love is charming, but love that has stood the test is priceless.” Sean said a motto, and he patted Harry on the shoulder, “You should let Mary-Jane choose, before you Between you and Peter…and now is not the time to indulge in personal affairs between children, especially you.”

“Harry, you are the helmsman of the Osborne ship, managing a huge business empire. You are no longer a child protected by your parents. If you become a love saint, you can stabilize the crumbling Osborne.” This industry can make Watson retract his exposed fangs, then you can be heartbroken and grieved for the lost love as much as you want – but now you are not qualified for this!”

There was a hint of sternness in Sean’s gentle voice. He handed Harry another glass of wine and continued: “Emotions are not a necessity for human life, Harry. A failed relationship can make a man grow up quickly. Don’t worry about it anymore.” The entanglement between Mary Jane and Peter should not stop at this level.”

“I understand everything you said, Sean, but I can’t solve any problem, whether it’s Watsonton’s eager gaze or the complicated feelings between Mary Jane and Peter…”

Harry looked up at the ceiling. In his heart, he actually admired Sean quite a bit. He was not like him who had everything when he was born. This friend, from an unknown boy in New York to a genius today, rarely relied on outside help. Just like his father who started from scratch and founded Osborne Industries, he achieved enviable status and wealth solely through personal efforts and talent.

“You need to figure out the personal relationship issues yourself, but I have some ideas on how to deal with Watson.”

Sean shook the glass, and the ice cubes collided with the wall of the glass, making a crisp sound. He looked at the drunken Harry and said softly: “Didn’t you say before, General Thaddeus Ross, for Osborne?” There is a lot of interest in human enhancement programs, and there are even plans to recreate the super soldier serum of the last century.”

“I’m just interested. Human enhancement potion is a failed project. It has side effects that are difficult to eradicate. It can turn people into beasts, full of aggression and desire to kill. It is impossible for the military to accept such defective products.”

Harry leaned on the sofa. The tedious business affairs of the company and the complicated emotional problems had made this young master Osborne mentally and physically exhausted. He once tried to be a man like his father, majestic, decisive and convincing. Manipulate the financial situation.

But as soon as he pulled the precarious Osborne Industry back from the edge of the cliff, he encountered the predator Watsonton. Coupled with the heavy emotional blow, the young Master Osborne couldn’t help but feel discouraged. Feeling cold,

“Umbrella is willing to take over this failed project. The military is committed to the research of super soldiers and has never given up for a century. The emergence of Captain America hastened the end of World War II. He almost changed the war alone! This That’s why the generals are so crazy about super soldiers, they want an invincible super army!”

Sean pressed Harry’s shoulder, his deep eyes revealed an astonishing light, like a blazing fire, “Osborn gave Umbrella all the information about the human enhancement plan. Maybe I can complete this failed project. In this way, we will have a bargaining chip with General Ross, and Watson will not be afraid.”

“But…” Taking in too much alcohol made Harry’s head dizzy. He was a little hesitant about his friend’s plan. “Osborne almost went bankrupt because of this project. Even though my father invested a lot of money and manpower, It still only produced defective products, it failed to give birth to another Captain America, but instead led to the emergence of the Green Goblin… We should not restart this project.”

“Everything has two sides, just like the human enhancement program, which can not only breed terrible criminals like the Green Goblin, but also create war heroes like Captain America. As a monopoly giant in the pharmaceutical industry, Watsonton, Osborne If you want to promote ALZ-112 to the market, it is a powerful opponent that you cannot avoid, unless you are willing to give up most of your interests, succumb to Watsonton’s will, and add Osborne to its vast territory! “

“Each industry can only have one predator at the top of the food chain. Do you want to kneel at Watson’s feet?” Sean stared at Harry closely, his sword-like eyes making the young president dodge.

At this time, Sean completely lost his usual sunny and gentle temperament. Instead, he exuded a deep and cold dark aura, which made people feel fearful.

“Of course not, Osborne never succumbs to others!” The strange feeling disappeared in a flash. Looking at the vague sarcastic smile on Sean’s lips, Harry was inspired to fight and said firmly.

Sean received the answer and nodded with satisfaction: “Then let us knock Watson off the throne of the industry giant!”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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