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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 7 Monitoring and Planning

“I said, why are we monitoring a high school student?”

The young man stood next to the newsstand, picked up a newspaper and read it. In fact, his eyes were always staring at the target in the distance without any relaxation.

“This is just routine.” A colleague’s voice came from the headset.

Across the road, a middle-aged man was leaning on a car, occasionally raising his hand to look at the time, as if waiting for someone.

“According to the information we have obtained, this high school student named Sean Sipers was threatened by gangsters a week ago. Those gangsters are now lying in the hospital. Later, a gang leader came to him again. Yesterday, fourteen bodies were lying in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Queens, including the ringleader.”

“What does this mean? A high school student killed fourteen gang members with guns?” The young man curled his lips, feeling somewhat disapproving.

“Of course not, but this is too coincidental, so we need to investigate Sean Sipers’ suspicion.”

The middle-aged man whispered that he also did not think that a high school student who had lost his parents since childhood could kill fourteen gangsters by himself. However, according to the procedures of the headquarters, they had to conduct an investigation on all suspect targets. Or follow and monitor several times until the other party is removed from the list.

“Maybe this is an ordinary gang conflict.” The young man said casually, “The boss of that boss is Frank D’Amico from the West Coast. This guy has recently been fighting with the Japanese gang, and the Irish gang is fighting for Hell’s Kitchen. Who knows if these two forces took action on our territory.”

“Well, that makes sense. Remember to write this in the report.”

The middle-aged man agreed and said that New York, a prosperous city, also has a lot of invisible darkness and filth under its glamorous appearance. Those gangs are always fighting to the death for territory and illegal business. .

“Speaking of Hell’s Kitchen, there are some things that need attention.”

“There are several guys on the list – Daredevil, known as the ‘Red Devil of Hell’s Kitchen’, a weirdo who has emerged recently, fights criminals at night, has extraordinary fighting skills, and extraordinary perception. , and there is also a punisher. This guy is ruthless and shows no mercy to criminals. Judging from his behavior, he is a strictly trained soldier or mercenary.”

The young man read a few people on the list. These are targets that need to be closely monitored. The reason why they only maintain a certain degree of attention is because they are not considered dangerous people and do not have the ability to threaten the federal government or homeland security, so Just have a rough idea of ​​their whereabouts and scope of activities.

“These people are not easy to mess with. It seems that there are more and more weird guys like them.”

The middle-aged man shook his head. When did these people start to appear in New York? In the past, they faced transnational underground organizations and terrorist groups. Now they also have to deal with a group of weird guys who like to wear tights and uniforms.

“Okay, today’s monitoring mission ends here. No. 76, Sean Sipers, everything is normal.”

The young man put down the newspaper in his hand and glanced at the high school student in the distance. The other person had been sitting in the comic shop, seemingly fascinated by the wonderful plots in the comic books, and had forgotten the time to go home.

“How on earth did you connect a high school student who loves reading comics with a cold-blooded killer?” the young man cursed.

The sunset gradually sets, and the warm orange afterglow envelopes the city. The roads are busy with traffic, and pedestrians on the roadside rush to their homes. After a day of fast-paced life, people are eager to get some relaxation and tranquility from home.

After the two people left, Sean slowly put down the comic book in his hand, with a light of relief in his eyes.

“It’s such a meticulous and careful secret service that they won’t let go of even a small coincidence like this.”

The conversation between the two agents was intercepted by Sean who was listening attentively. How could they have imagined that this high school student under surveillance actually had powerful abilities that ordinary people could not imagine, and all the physical values ​​​​were strengthened. This also includes one’s own perception ability.

“Daredevil, Punisher… It turns out that SHIELD has been monitoring these street heroes.” From the conversation between the two agents, Sean learned some valuable information.

In the early years, Hell’s Kitchen was a famous slum on Manhattan Island. It was mainly inhabited by the working class of Irish immigrants. It was famous for its messy and backward living quality, serious ethnic conflicts and high crime rate. It later became a paradise for criminals and gave birth to It has attracted many criminals and gang bosses. In recent years, due to its geographical location close to the business district of Midtown Manhattan, it has experienced rapid development with the continued investment of real estate developers.

“It seems that there is also a famous real estate tycoon there, Wilson Fisk.”

Sean sorted out more information from his past memories, which was very helpful for him to figure out the situation in this world. He was just a small person now, and he didn’t want to face behemoths like SHIELD, and those who were flying and escaping, Superheroes with extraordinary abilities have not yet fully appeared. If he wants to obtain more benefits as soon as possible, then he has to slowly start planning.

Who should we start with?

Sean thought carefully and decided to deal with Frank D’Amico first. This could just be used to divert SHIELD’s attention and save those guys from always wasting their time on him.

After making a plan in his mind, Sean returned home, put on an elastic vest, and sweated profusely in the empty room that had been renovated. Various fitness equipment was placed in the room. This young and immature high school student’s body had already Showing strong muscle lines, a strong and powerful young body, he is constantly undergoing high-intensity physical exercise. Every time he squeezes out a little bit of strength from his body, he can feel that he has strengthened a little bit. Although the amplitude is very small, but As long as there is progress, it is worth celebrating.

Hoo ho ho!

Sean’s chest was like a blower, making a dull breathing sound. He continued to strengthen his body through high-intensity extreme training. The feeling of becoming stronger bit by bit was simply fascinating.

He had a vague hunch that as long as he persisted in this kind of training, he would be able to obtain more generous rewards after breaking a certain shackle.

“It’s time to be a superhero fighting gangster crime.”

A smile appeared on Sean’s lips. Originally, he planned to pay a visit to Mr. Frank D’Amico after a while, but the appearance of SHIELD made him change his plan. If there was another new person worthy of SHIELD’s attention, Characters, those agents will naturally not continue to focus on themselves, so that they can divert the other party’s attention, and secondly, they can solve their own economic crisis.

Due to the purchase of a large amount of fitness equipment and high-calorie foods to replenish energy, Sean almost spent the generous compensation. Therefore, it was the best of both worlds to solve the West Coast drug lords and rob the rich and help the poor.

“If you traveled through time and became Iron Man, you probably wouldn’t have these worries.”

Sean laughed at himself. The initial process of primitive accumulation is always long and arduous, but as long as you take a solid first step, the road ahead will naturally be much easier, with countless wealth and awesomeness. Status, he will have these sooner or later.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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