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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 70 Chips

Army Officers Club, Washington, DC.

Sean, wearing a black suit, stepped inside, holding a dark black box in his hand. The guests he invited were sitting on high rotating seats, sipping sweet rum. Their straight and pressed military uniforms were studded with shining gold stars, showing how distinguished the host was.

“Keeping you waiting, General Ross.” Sean strode to the bar and asked the bartender to bring him a glass of whiskey. “I thought a brave soldier like you would like a strong drink like vodka.”

Ross, who was drinking by himself, laughed, then shook his head and said: “It was true when I was young. I liked strong liquor and beautiful women. But now I am no longer a strong young man. My personal doctor has always told me to avoid tobacco and alcohol, saying that those This thing will allow me to meet God in advance…”

As he spoke, Ross took the top-quality cigar ordered by the bartender, held it in his mouth, and blew out a puff of rich smoke.

The gray-haired army general glanced at Sean and said straight to the point: “You want me to wave the flag and cheer for Osborne? Young man, maybe the power of capital is driving the direction of this country, but not everyone Can be bought with money – at least you and Osborne can’t afford that price for the time being.”

Ross raised his head arrogantly, looking down in a condescending manner. Of course he had heard of Sean, a genius who was famous in New York.

This army general has seen many geniuses in his lifetime, such as Tony Stark’s father, Howard Stark, the philistine and treacherous arms dealer, and Hank Pym, a die-hard who does not understand current affairs. …Ross is no longer surprised by creatures like genius.

Human wisdom may be able to solve most of the world’s problems, but it cannot lift a stone. The power of knowledge is not omnipotent and requires the support of money and capital.

“Of course I understand that money can’t buy a general’s friendship.” Sean smiled lightly and was not angry at General Ross’s frankness. “But I have something that the military is interested in – if I didn’t have the leverage to impress the general, I wouldn’t humiliate myself.”

Seeing Sean’s confident expression, Ross couldn’t help but find it interesting that few young people could maintain a calm attitude that was neither humble nor arrogant in front of him.

“What can you and Little Osborne come up with? It’s not easy to satisfy the appetite of an army general.” The old man holding a cigar smiled disapprovingly.

The conflict between Osborne Industries and Watsonton Company has been spread recently. Watsonton, which exists at the top of the industry, is like an inviolable lion. Any predator that dares to challenge its status will be attacked. Torn to pieces by sharp claws!

The industry is generally not optimistic about Osborne Industries, which has a shallow foundation. The new helmsman, Harry Osborne, has mediocre performance and few achievements. How can he be the opponent of an established enterprise like Watsonton.

“Super soldier.” Sean said concisely.

He carefully took out a potion from the deep black box he brought. The dark green liquid seemed to be flowing all the time, and under the light, it exuded some strange attraction.

Ross’s pupils shrank, and his casual attitude immediately changed. He put out the cigar with his right hand and said in a deep voice: “It is already known to everyone that Osborne failed in the human enhancement plan. Young people, don’t let it happen for a moment. It’s not fun to act impulsively and do something wrong that you regret, deceiving an important military official.”

The word super soldier has unimaginable appeal to the military. During World War II in the last century, Captain America Steve Rogers was a beneficiary of the Rebirth Plan. He led the Howling Commandos to defeat the German Nazi army. , creating a chance for victory for the Allies. To this day, there are still detailed records of this legendary story in the Brooklyn Museum.

“Osborne’s human augmentation plan did fail. It was only one step away from success – a determined and outstanding soldier.”

There was a slight arc at the corner of Sean’s mouth. He looked at General Ross and said sarcastically: “I have checked a lot of information. General, the super soldier serum created by Dr. Abraham Erskine was really perfect and had no flaws. ?As far as I know, Captain America was not the first super soldier. Before him, there was a man named John Schmidt who received the injection.”

“Due to the side effects, the man who was the first to be injected with the Super Soldier Serum became as terrifying as a skeleton, evil and murderous, and inhumane. The good guys got better and the bad guys got worse. It has nothing to do with the human enhancement potion that gave birth to the Green Goblin. No difference.”

Sean knew the historical truth that was deliberately hidden by the military. In the eyes of Dr. Erskine, a super soldier did not have a strong body, but a brave and kind heart. That’s why the thin little man Rogers. Chosen, he proved to live up to Dr. Erskine’s expectations.

Injecting the Super Soldier Serum will cause a person to endure unimaginable severe pain. The torture suffered by the body will be amplified at the same time as the negative emotions in the mind, like a ferocious beast released from the heart, devouring the positive personality of reason and kindness.

The former leader of Hydra, the Red Skull, was the product of this situation, while Steve Rogers resisted the devouring of darkness in his heart. In other words, this great man known as “Captain America” ​​himself was Representing the beautiful spiritual side of mankind, his will is indestructible and unshakable.

“…What you said is true. The super soldier serum that created Captain America was not perfect. It will be difficult for us to find another person like him.”

Ross sighed, with helplessness in his tone: “An army composed of murderers, careerists, and lunatics is of no use to us. The military needs perfect super soldiers who are loyal, strong, and capable of fighting one against a hundred. A powerful force that affects the battlefield!”

“Osborne failed to meet this point, so the human enhancement plan failed!”

The tall army general stood up. He thought that Sean could give him some bargaining chips to impress him. He spent a long time talking about young people. If you want others to be your helpers, you must at least provide corresponding benefits. , defective human enhancement potions alone are far from enough.

“Osborn is willing to give ten samples of the human enhancement potion, as well as all the research information.”

Seeing General Ross preparing to leave, Sean’s expression remained unchanged. He raised the cup and took a sip, then threw out the first bait: “I heard that the general formed an independent scientific research team and found a genius in the field of physics. , Dr. Bruce Banner, prepare to copy the super soldier serum, I think these things should be very useful to you.”

“Smart young people know how to do what they like.” A hint of admiration flashed in Ross’s eyes. He sat back on the high-leg swivel seat and shook his head: “It’s not enough. This thing is not enough to make me risk irritation. The risk of a powerful medical group coming to cheer Osborne up.”

“I don’t need you to be Osborne’s backer, general. As long as Osborne still holds the idea of ​​​​transforming into the medical industry, then one of him and Watson must be eliminated.”

Sean paused for a moment, and there was a hint of coldness in his deep eyes, “I will package all the information and samples of Osborne’s human enhancement plan to you, and General, as long as you let my new drug be successfully launched, the transaction will be over. .”

“How will you face Watsonon’s counterattack in the future?” Ross seemed to be interested and asked with great interest.

“That’s a problem that Harry and I need to solve.” Sean still maintained a humble, gentle and polite image.

He tapped his fingers on the bar table and whispered: “Don’t always tie me to Osborne. General, let me introduce myself formally. Sean Sipers, the founder of Umbrella Labs, I believe There will be opportunities for us to cooperate in the future.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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