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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 71 Missing Tony

After walking out of the Army Officers Club, Sean opened the car door and got into a black Lincoln that had been parked for a long time. After waiting for more than an hour, Harry kept yawning, looking bored and sleepy.

“You’re finally out. I might fall asleep if you wait any longer.” Harry put his hand on his friend’s shoulder, “I really admire you for being able to chat with a serious old man for so long.”

Sean smiled faintly and loosened his somewhat tight tie. The army general, who was as majestic as a lion, was not someone to be fooled easily. He had rich experience and sharp eyesight, and ordinary people would feel the same when talking to him. Trembling, Osborne wanted to negotiate with such a big shot on an equal footing, which was undoubtedly a fantasy.

Only if enough benefits are given to satisfy General Ross’s appetite, he will stand in front of Osborne and temporarily act as a towering tree to protect him from the wind and rain.

“As the leader of Osborne, I thought you would accompany me in.” Sean leaned on the seat, the driver started the car, and the scenery on both sides slowly receded.

Harry covered his head with a headache and looked like he was still hungover. He smiled and said, “You can handle this kind of thing. General Ross doesn’t like to deal with rich men like me. He appreciates the new generation of New Yorkers more.” Young genius.”

Sean couldn’t help laughing and shook his head slightly. Ever since Harry suffered a heavy emotional blow, he seemed to have lost his enthusiasm for work and returned to his original life of reveling in wealth and wealth. He seemed to be emulating Tony Stark. the trend of.

Maybe he wanted to numb himself and relieve his inner pain in this way, but in Sean’s opinion, this really meant escaping reality.

“I heard that you haven’t appeared in the company for a week, and you can’t be seen on the board of directors. Even the secretary doesn’t know your specific whereabouts.” Sean asked casually.

“Well… haha… let’s continue talking about General Ross. Has he agreed to Osborne’s request?” Harry laughed awkwardly and abruptly changed the subject.

During this period of time, Harry’s life has indeed been a little ridiculous. Mary Jane, who was originally inclined to get back together, left angrily and disappointed after witnessing him dancing carnivally with many hot girls in his arms. It is estimated that the young Spider-Man will now He was comforting the goddess in his dream.

Regarding the break-up and reunion between the three of them, Sean said that it would be enough to quietly move a small bench and watch the crowd quietly.

“He has no reason to refuse.” Sean said calmly. He understood what General Ross wanted, so he could naturally give him what he wanted and hit the vital point. “Osborne has invested billions of dollars in the human enhancement plan. The general packed it up and took it away without spending a penny, and all he had to pay was to successfully launch Umbrella’s new drug. As for whether Osborne would be wrathed by Watson Company’s thunder in the future, that had nothing to do with him. relation.”

“Who wouldn’t like to do a business where you can make profits with just a few clicks?”

Harry couldn’t help but yawn as he listened to his friend’s explanation. There were thick dark circles between his eyes. He looked like he hadn’t had a good rest. In fact, it was because Master Osborne had been partying too hard these past few nights, so he was in high spirits. Not good, the whole person looks quite depressed.

Sean no longer paid attention to the indulgent Harry, crossed his hands and rubbed them, looking through the glass car window, admiring the architectural style of Washington, D.C., as the capital of the United States of America, it is not as bustling and lively as New York, with densely populated high-rise buildings. , full of the glittering glory of an international metropolis, reveals a rare historical and humanistic atmosphere.

There are numerous museums and historical and cultural relics here, such as the famous Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial, as well as many free and open museums, most of which display old items from the Second World War. , the most famous of which is the Captain America Museum and Memorial Hall, which is the first choice for many schools to organize activities.

Through the car window, the classical-style buildings all the way back, looking at the vivid and real world outside, Sean closed his eyes, and the soft white light in his mind flickered slightly.

The world moves forward slowly according to its original trajectory, just like the rumbling wheels of history, which will not deviate from the direction due to minor changes. Tony Stark is building a simple and rough steel armor in a cave in Afghanistan, and Bruce Ban Na is still a famous physics genius and has not turned into the angry Hulk at that moment. S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra are still hiding behind the scenes…

No one knows the traces of the six gems. Far away in the galaxy, the overlord of the universe who has destroyed countless civilizations has not yet set his sights on this blue planet. Humanity lies quietly in the cradle, waiting for the super A new era has come when heroes are born.

What Sean has to do is to slowly accumulate strength before the advent of that new era, and hold good cards in his hands until he has enough power to stand at the top of the pyramid without being driven by anyone. and take control to become the final winner.

The young man had a smile on his face. Excellent hunters often have great patience. After conquering Hell’s Kitchen, who’s turn will be next?


Stark Industries.

Pepper stepped on black high-heeled shoes and stormed into the office of the company’s top CEO. Obadiah-Stein, who was sitting in the chair, seemed a little shocked. You must know that as Tony’s personal secretary, Miss Potts, known as “Pepper” , but he always looks dignified and generous, and rarely panics like this.

“What trouble did Tony cause again? No, he should have returned to New York from Afghanistan by this time.” Obaday chuckled, his seemingly kind eyes inadvertently revealed a sinister light.

“He…Tony is missing.” Pepper replied incoherently. “The latest news just received from Afghanistan. Tony’s convoy was attacked by local militants and was almost wiped out. Colonel Rhodes did not find Tony’s… body at the scene, but his mobile phone positioning showed no response. Jia Weiss couldn’t determine the location either.”

Obaday, who serves as the top CEO of Stark Industries, opened his mouth wide when he heard the news, showing an expression of disbelief and surprise, with a trace of anxiety and panic on his face.

After he calmed down, he comforted the anxious secretary: “Those terrorists will not do anything to Tony. They may be for money, or they want the high-tech weapons manufactured by Stark. In short, , Tony himself is of immeasurable value, he has the most genius brain in the world!”

“I will contact the Ministry of National Defense and ask them to continue to search for Tony’s whereabouts. Stark Industries will also mobilize its own forces. We have many friends in Afghanistan and they will be willing to help…”

The bald CEO said a few more words of comfort, and then sent Pepper out the door after her mood had regained her composure. Watching the secretary’s tall back go away, the smile on Obadiah’s face gradually faded.

“Goodbye, Tony.” He said calmly.

Everyone says that Stark Industries has gone through two great eras. It first grew in the hands of Howard, and then was brought to the peak of glory by Tony. Everyone feels that this is the credit of Stark and his sons.

As for Obaday, who cares about an unknown guy standing behind the scenes?

Few people would have noticed that after Howard died in an accident, it was him who stabilized the crumbling Stark Industries, and it was he who handed this behemoth that stood in the military industry into Tony’s hands, and he worked hard and uncomplainingly for that flower. The young master manages the company.

But in the end, he got nothing. All the glory and flowers belonged to Tony. Sometimes Obaday felt like a clown on the stage, working hard for a long time, but in the end he only received a mocking laugh.

“Sorry, Tony, I will hold a grand funeral for you.” The bald CEO sat back and looked down at his feet with contentment through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

Stark Industries should probably change its name.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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