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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 72 Darkness

The hot summer flies away like a lingering hot girl, twisting her slender waist, and the cool autumn arrives quietly through the withered yellow leaves.

Sean was standing in the Hand’s new stronghold, the Star Circle Building in the center of Hell’s Kitchen. Erica, wearing a red and black tights, slowly walked out of the cubicle, holding two “Iron Rulers” in her hands. Exotic weapons.

There were two flushes on the indifferent cheeks, as if he had just participated in some strenuous exercise, the steady steps were slightly soft, and the dark eyes were filled with water like spring tide.

“Although it is the basic character of a gentleman to be patient and wait for the lady, you took too long to change clothes.” Sean said with a chuckle, and he returned to Hell’s Kitchen, a place filled with chaos and sin. The area has now completely become the territory of the Hand and Wesley.

The fierce and savage Russians, the numerous Irish gangs, and the powerful Mexican drug cartel groups. These were hunters who were once at the top of the food chain. They regarded each block as their own territory and did not tolerate the covetousness and infringement of outsiders.

But everything became completely different after Kingpin died. At the beginning, they divided up the underworld emperor’s illegal business and many territories. For the ownership of a block, the gangs at the bottom could fight to the death. And those businesses full of huge profits almost caused a wave of bloodshed, if not for it. Worried about Wesley, who had taken down the Kingpin, and the Hand, who were eyeing him, these gang leaders had already started killing each other.

When these happy days of enjoying rich cakes passed, the insidious guy James Wesley no longer concealed his ambitions and formed an alliance with the new leader of the Hand. He vowed to drive away the gangs in Hell’s Kitchen unless they were like dogs. Just be loyal, otherwise you won’t be able to continue the good old days of being domineering.

Of course, some people would jump out to resist at first. When they surrendered to Kingpin, the underworld emperor had never made such a stringent request. He actually wanted to hand over the territory and business of Hell’s Kitchen to Wesley and the Hand. To distribute, doesn’t this mean giving the banknotes in your own pocket to others for safekeeping? !

The Mexican criminal group that made its fortune through drug trafficking first raised objections. As the leaders, the Covin brothers led hundreds of heavily armed and vicious thugs with heavy firepower and rushed into Hell’s Kitchen, preparing to give Wesley a beautiful blow. A show of force.

The powerful firepower of this group of people was almost able to level the New York Police Department, but after they entered Hell’s Kitchen, they never came out again. A lot of cement blocks were added to the construction site near the Port of Hudson.

Later, under the manipulation of Wesley, the Russians, who were always regarded as barbaric and brainless, became the first force to surrender. In return, they took away all the business of the Mexicans. A bloody lesson was laid before them, and the others The gangster forces finally succumbed to their powerful strength, surrendered all their territories and businesses, and obeyed Wesley’s command.

“Do you know how difficult it is for me to get out of bed?” Erica rolled her eyes at Sean, and a charming charm arose spontaneously, “When someone was asking for it like a beast, why didn’t I complain?”

Sean coughed twice and put on a special black mask. He felt that he should find an opportunity to create his own exclusive equipment, just like that guy Stark.

“Wesley asked me to thank you. Without the help of the Hand, he would not have been able to control the entire Hell’s Kitchen so quickly.” After putting on the mask, his voice was processed to become hoarse and thick.

“A fair deal, you let me be the sole leader of the Hand, and I help you control the underground world of New York. It’s a win-win situation.” Erica approached gracefully, looking up at Sean slightly, “The more I get I sink deeper and deeper into this dark abyss, feeling happiness that I have never had before and indulging my inner desires… The closer I get to you, the closer I go to the darkness!”

Sean put his arm around Erica’s soft waist, and the two of them looked at Hell’s Kitchen in the night. His hoarse voice slowly said: “You have experienced the deepest darkness and woke up from death. How can you Do you still want to go back to your previous life of restraint?”

“Erica, you and I are the masters behind this area. When facing us, those arrogant gang bosses have to grovel and bow their heads to apologize; while the police chief and prosecutor, who represent justice, talk and laugh with us and have a warm attitude… We rule this area with money and violence, and then expand and radiate outward, trampling the entire city under our feet.”

Sean lowered his head and looked deeply at the brunette who was as docile as a cat. The dark aura rippled like water, “The mayor may have the final say in New York during the day, but at night we are its masters.”

“Forget the hesitation in your heart, abandon the confusion in your heart, and face yourself, Erica! The reason why you changed is not because of the influence of the black sky in your body, but because you are like this.”

Sean lifted the girl’s chin and swiped his fingers across the other’s soft red lips. Erica, who was in a daze, seemed to understand something, and gently stuck out her tongue, licking the man’s fingertips like a cat.

Numbing current suddenly coursed through his body, and Sean nodded with satisfaction. The vast energy in his body came from the light of stars during the day, but once night came, this powerful force began to boil, like another personality that fell into darkness awakening. .

At this time, he is no longer an upright young man who needs to abide by social rules and moral laws. He can thoroughly enjoy the silence and fanaticism in the darkness, as if he is in the sea of ​​ice and fire, with rational and crazy emotions coexisting.

Erica leaned against the man’s strong body, feeling the dark aura surrounding her, and said faintly: “It’s so charming.”

Sean exhaled a breath of empty air and suppressed the surging power in his body. He couldn’t wait to meet the street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen.

“Irish gangsters, Mexican drug cartels… I said that I would clear out all those gangsters who do not abide by the rules. They have fallen at my feet. Who is next?”

“Of course it’s those annoying street heroes… The cruelty and darkness of the world lies in its reality, and it’s time for these people to accept the truth – Hell’s Kitchen has never been their place!”

Sean asked and answered himself, and as he muttered, the street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen, with Daredevil at the head, the Punisher in the center, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, and the waving Danny Rand of fists.

The five people were like sharp swords, carrying a sharp edge and rushed into the new headquarters of the Hand Association, rushing all the way to the top of the building.

They may represent the last ray of light in Hell’s Kitchen, and they are just heroes who fight against the darkness. The final ending is not like the story, where they return full of glory and flowers. They often fall into the endless abyss, and no longer see the slightest hope.

ps: Ahem, thanks to the two big guys “Allure in Red” and “I am Daxian’er” for their generous rewards, I will try my best to update ( ̄▽ ̄)/

In addition, those readers who are worried about eunuchs, please trust my integrity.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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