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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 74 Changes in Hell’s Kitchen

Sean looked coldly at Jessica and Danny Rand, who still had their combat strength intact, a powerful female private detective and a young guardian who had inherited the Kunlun heritage. In the original timeline, they both had He is a street hero famous in Hell’s Kitchen, praised and admired by people, and a terrifying existence that makes criminals and gangsters fearful.

“I remember you. Your punch in the Chinese restaurant almost made me a prisoner of the Punisher.” Sean’s voice was unusually calm. He glanced at Danny Rand, who was once the target of the Hand. The iron fists on his face were guarded and serious, and an imperceptible golden light was flowing endlessly on a pair of fists.

Speaking of which, mobilizing the energy in the body as a means of attack was the inspiration given to Xiaon by the other party. After many attempts, he learned how to control the huge energy in the body and use it as a substantial beam to externally release, completing the preliminary Energy manipulation.

“Jessica Jones, the fiery and sharp private detective of Hell’s Kitchen.” Sean turned his head again and looked at Jessica who was in a fighting posture. She had long black hair, a leather jacket and jeans, and her casual attire made her temperamental. The not-so-good female detective exudes a special decadent and classic temperament.

“I want to talk to you.” The man wearing a black mask walked forward with a relaxed and gentle tone. It seemed that he was not the one who defeated the Punisher, Daredevil, and Luke Cage with a thunderous force just now, but It’s like another person.

“The lawyer became my enemy because he firmly believed that it was me – the cunning villain who led Erica into the darkness, the brave Matt Murdock for love, the Daredevil of Hell’s Kitchen. , naturally you have to defeat a villain like me and win back your first love…”

Sean smiled and looked at Daredevil, whose arm was broken and fell to the ground. This blind lawyer with devout faith and a firm heart once believed in the justice of the law, and later devoted himself to the vigilante career of violently stopping crime. Wandering on the border between light and darkness, on the one hand, he longs for a normal life, but on the other hand, he cannot let go of the mask of a street hero.

“The Punisher stood against me because he didn’t want Hell’s Kitchen to be ruled by evil people like me. As for Luke Cage…” Sean looked down and saw the big black man with blood flowing freely on his chest. Struggling to get up.

“I’m sorry, it’s better for you to lie down.” He stepped heavily on the other person’s chest, like a heavy mountain pressing down on him. The huge force made Luke Cage groan and fall weakly to the ground.

“This great hero of Harlem still holds the foolish idea that justice and evil are incompatible. In order to find the value and meaning of his existence, he teams up with a lovelorn blind lawyer and another violent man in an attempt to defend this area. of justice.”

Seeing Luke Cage who was about to suffocate, Sean finally let go of his foot, and then kicked the opponent’s head hard enough to turn someone into a bursting watermelon, but it just made the big black man faint. .

“They all have their own inexplicable reasons, but why are you here?” Sean asked, spreading his hands. “Mr. Rand, I solved the Hand for you, and also played a guest role as a hero to save New York. And this private detective, have we had any unpleasant experiences?”

Faced with the man’s questioning, Jessica couldn’t help but remain slightly silent. She had no intention of getting involved in this turmoil, but Daredevil and the Punisher came to find her. As former teammates who had gone through life and death together and fought against the Hand, She had no choice but to agree.

This cold-tempered girl with a bad temper actually hates this kind of trouble. She just wants to run the private detective agency quietly and occasionally lend a helping hand to those in need.

A part-time job like a street hero is actually not suitable for her.

“You ruled Hell’s Kitchen with violent means, and now you are pretending to be innocent?” the young and energetic Iron Fist sneered.

“Then do you know that the crime rate in Hell’s Kitchen this month hit the lowest level of the year. It is no longer possible to see prostitutes and gangsters selling marijuana on the streets. No robbers dare to go out privately at night. Shop owners do not need to pay high fees. The protection fees they bear range, the conflicts between gangs gradually decrease, and the violence almost disappears…Guardian of Kunlun, can you tell me the reason for all this?”

Sean stood tall, with the city’s gorgeous lights and thick night behind him. The cold wind poured in from the cracked window, and an inexplicable chill hit Danny Rand’s heart.

“Do you want to say that these changes in Hell’s Kitchen are all because of you?!” he asked hesitantly.

“Of course.” Sean admitted frankly. He turned around and looked at the bustling city in the night, and said softly: “It was me who restored order to this chaotic place. Like rats in the ditch, drug dealers roamed the streets and alleys. They now learn to abide by the rules and no longer use inferior goods to seduce young students. Various high-end places are where they do business, because standardized operations can bring more profits; the workplaces of prostitutes are hidden from the streets. The alleys have been transformed into entertainment clubs, nightclubs and bars. There are no young female students who are forced to sell their bodies, and there are no scoundrels who pull up their pants and leave, and they can also enjoy regularly scheduled physical examinations…”

“You see, the original Hell’s Kitchen was a hotbed of crime. People always lived a life of fear. But I transformed it. Those street gangsters put down their swords, guns and sticks, and instead entered the port terminals, private factories, and gangs. There is no longer a need for you to fight for territory and business – everything about them is divided and decided by me, drugs, smuggling, crime… these still happen, but everything is done according to the rules.”

Danny Rand expressed disbelief. He looked at Jessica next to him. The private detective nodded silently. She really felt that Hell’s Kitchen had undergone tremendous changes recently.

“If you let a group of wolves eat grass, sooner or later they will resist, and then everything will go back to before, or even get worse!” Iron Fist said coldly.

“Those who believe in violence will succumb to stronger forces.” Sean said indifferently: “The ferocious wolves are unwilling to be obedient herbivores, so they will become food for lions. I have to say that compared to the strict moral rules of civilized society, this place is simpler and more straightforward. Either you obey my will, or you become an injustice at the bottom of the Hudson River.”

“There are not many people in this world who are not afraid of death like you.” The man raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and his deep eyes flickered slightly.

“Okay, now it’s time to make a choice. Do you want to stay in Hell’s Kitchen and live quietly, enjoying the order and peace I bring, or… go die?”

Sean clapped his hands, as if he had finished a speech. Looking at the two people who never let down their guard, his gentle voice gradually became colder.

At this moment, the deep darkness shrouding the entire city seemed to merge with him.

ps: Ahem, the newbie is still too young and a little excited, so I’ll type with peace of mind ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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