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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 75 The End of the Hero

Faced with Sean’s question, the room fell into dead silence. Danny Rand took a deep breath and looked at Jessica next to him. The moment their eyes met, his tense body suddenly exerted force, and he rushed to the powerful opponent in an instant. in front of him.

The first one to rush forward was Iron Fist from Kunlun. This young man, who was born into a wealthy family since childhood, acquired an ancient inheritance and a pair of fists that were indestructible. When his spirit was particularly concentrated and he entered a special state of meditation, You can feel the “qi” in your body.

Infusing this strange life energy into his hands can allow Danny Rand to break steel and resist bullets. However, this powerful trick cannot be used frequently. Every time he uses it, he will be exhausted for a period of time. It requires It can only be released again after resting and adjusting.

Especially for a novice Iron Fist like Danny Rand, he was unable to control the power in his body freely, leaving his combat power in an embarrassing state of high and low.

But this time, the young and energetic Iron Fist obviously used all his strength, and the surging power was poured into the fist that was surrounded by golden light. There was a faint sound of thunder in the air, and a heavy punch had not yet hit Sean’s face. The sound of a strong tearing wind was already blowing towards my face, like a sharp blade, revealing a chilling and terrifying force.

“Isn’t it good to be alive?” The man didn’t care at all, he chuckled and stretched out his hand.


The collision sound like a giant bell resounded through the room, and invisible air waves spread out. Danny Rand, who was waving his fists, opened his eyes wide with an expression of disbelief.

Since receiving the inheritance from Kunlun, he has never encountered such a situation. The power of the iron fist, which has always been unfavorable, was actually blocked by one hand!

The fist covered in golden light hit Sean’s outstretched palm hard, like hitting a towering mountain, which could not be shaken at all. Danny Rand felt an invisible force field emanating from the opponent’s body, weakening his own strength.

Both the speed of punching and the ability to move were much slower than usual, as if he was stuck in a ball of sticky glue. The more he struggled to resist, the deeper he got stuck, making it difficult to get out for a while.

“Kunlun’s Immortal Iron Fist?” Sean raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, knocked Danny Rand to the ground with a knee strike, and then quickly turned sideways to avoid Jessica’s fierce offensive.

A private female detective with strange powers came to attack him. Sean raised his eyebrows. He was about to speak, but his expression suddenly changed. The invisible forces scattered around him rolled like angry waves, forming a real energy field, and he waved his fists. Jessica felt that the air was full of resistance. She seemed to have fallen into the deep sea, and all her actions were invisiblely blocked by the sea water.

In the slowly slowing movement, Sean stepped lightly and turned sideways. Circles of ripples clearly appeared in the air. A metal bullet with a caliber of 7.65mm was shot at his head. Even though the invisible force released was The energy slowed down greatly, but the bullet still passed by his forehead, and the muzzle of the gun exploded with a thunderous bang, making his eardrums buzz.

Jessica’s fist pump was just to cover up. In fact, her other hand was holding a small and lightweight Walter PPK pistol. This kind of firearm is favored by agents from many countries. It is compact and easy to carry concealed. It is often seen in many movies and fictional novels. It is also synonymous with secret agent 007 and James Bond.


Before the private female detective who was hiding a fatal blow could react, the pistol in her palm was crushed into scrap metal by Sean. Her neck was tightly strangled by a powerful arm, gradually shrinking like an iron pincer, suffocating her. Pain hits the brain.

“Smart idea, this must be the Punisher’s idea, right? Take advantage of the opportunity of close combat and find the right opportunity to shoot me in the head.” Sean breathed a sigh of relief. He was indeed not prepared for Jessica, who was always bare-handed. Will suddenly use firearms to plot.

Jessica kicked her legs and gasped hard in her throat. Even in this dangerous situation, her eyes were still unruly. It seemed that nothing could make this woman who had fallen into darkness surrender.

Although Sean wanted to break the other person’s neck, he still restrained the desire to kill in his heart, took a deep breath, and pressed Jessica against the wall, with an icy coldness flashing in his deep eyes.

“Jessica Jones, I’m not Kilgrave and I’ll always show mercy to you. Your neighbor’s name is Malcolm Ducasse. You have a friend who works in a radio station named Patricia Choi. West Walker…if you come to trouble me again, Jessica, you will live in endless regret for the rest of your life.”

The cold voice was like the freezing air in the extreme cold zone, which made Jessica feel a little chilly. This man wearing a mask was like the thickest darkness in the night, deeply covering her.

This unruly and violent female private detective seems to have returned to the dark time when she was controlled by Kilgrave, that bastard nicknamed “Purple Man”. The nightmare hidden in her heart, like the whisper of the devil, echoes again in Ears.

The arms that were tightly strangling her neck suddenly let go, and Jessica couldn’t help but gasp for air. Her chin was forcibly pinched by the man, and she looked up at those bottomless cold eyes: “It is said that I have to tame people like you. Such a fierce horse needs a whip, a hammer and a dagger. First, use the whip to beat the unruly wild horse. If it still refuses to yield, then hit it with a hammer. If it still cannot surrender, just stab it to death with a dagger.”

“Cherish the last chance I give you, Jessica Jones.”

Sean turned around indifferently, no longer looking at the female private detective who was kneeling on the ground. He picked up Danny Rand, who had regained his strength, and walked to the broken window.

The cold wind roared in and stirred up Danny Rand’s clothes. He was lifted in Sean’s hands like a chicken. There was no room for resistance and struggle. Feeling the biting chill coming from the man’s body, the young man Iron Fist couldn’t help but shudder.

“What do you want to do?” Daredevil asked, barely holding himself up and leaning against the wall.

“Of course, to crush your naive ideas – with the blood of Danny Rand, the heroic and unyielding Iron Fist.” Sean’s voice was cold.

He held Danny Rand’s arm and stretched it out of the huge floor-to-ceiling window. The strong wind was like a knife, and the arm holding the iron fist was as steady as a mountain, without any trembling.

“You think this is a comic book or a movie, where the righteous heroes always defeat the evil villains in the end… I want you to know the consequences of being my enemy.”

Sean looked at Daredevil who was struggling to get up and stop him, with a gentle and calm smile on his lips. He said softly: “Attorney Matt Murdock, the reality is cruel. You have witnessed this with your own eyes.” The true face of society, it is cold and ruthless – isn’t this why you chose to become Daredevil?”

“Now, I will show you this bloody reality again…”

As he spoke, Sean let go of his hand without warning. The young Iron Fist had a look of astonishment in his eyes. The wind roared in his ears, like a group of ghosts crying. After a brief feeling of weightlessness, there was a dull and heavy sound of “bang”. It was like a bag filled with water was hit on the ground, blood spurted out, the bones in the body shattered, and shocking pain rushed to the brain.

After suffering for a moment, Danny Rand, the only guardian of Kunlun, died.

“No!” Daredevil held his head and roared in pain.

“Next time, maybe it’s Fergie Nelson, or maybe Karen Page – if you continue to insist on that ridiculous justice, you will feel the pain of losing everything before you die, I guarantee you that.”

Sean walked up to Daredevil and looked down at him condescendingly. He reached out and roughly took off the red devil’s mask and stepped on it under his feet.

“There will be no more heroes in Hell’s Kitchen from now on.”

ps: Quietly be a Buddhist and hit the streets~

The new week is coming to an end again, please collect and recommend~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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