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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 76 New Drug Launch

In the clean Starlink Building, Sean leaned back on the chair, his eyes slightly closed, and his fingers lightly tapping the armrests. He was recalling the battle that had just happened. He seemed to be becoming more and more proficient in energy manipulation, from the first red beam to Now condensed into an invisible force field, it is slowly progressing.

Perhaps one day, he will be like the powerful character in the comics, possessing the terrifying power to shatter the stars.

Erica stood behind the man and gently squeezed his shoulders with both hands. The right amount of force made Sean’s tense nerves relax unconsciously.

“We can be more thorough.” Erica suggested. She leaned down, her soft and delicate body exuding a fragrance. “Kill all the street heroes in Hell’s Kitchen. They will only cause more trouble.”

Listening to the brunette’s murderous words, Sean smiled faintly and leaned his head back a little. He had no intention of eradicating all street heroes. Whether it was Daredevil or the Punisher, they were all on SHIELD’s monitoring list. On the other hand, getting rid of so many key figures at once may have unexpected effects.

“One Danny Rand is enough to wake them up.” Sean opened his eyes with deep eyes and said softly: “And I just took a fancy to his Rand Group.”

He turned on the TV, and the news of the death of young Iron Fist was playing on the screen——

“This is CNN (American Cable News Network), frontline reporter Oriana Farage is reporting back to you. At 11:32 last night, the new president of the Rand Group, Mr. Danny Rand While discussing cooperation with real estate tycoon Mr. James Wesley, he slipped and fell from the Star Circle Building and died unfortunately. Mr. Rand was a famous entrepreneur in New York. When he was a child, he was unfortunately involved in a plane crash with his parents on a plane… According to the latest report from the New York Police Department As a result of the investigation, the murderer of Danny Rand was suspected to be Daredevil of Hell’s Kitchen, a masked vigilante who violated the law with violent acts…”

Sean pulled Erica into his arms with his backhand. Feeling the girl’s soft and delicate body, he chuckled and said, “See, this is the charm of power.”

“When Kingpin was alive, half of the police officers in the New York Police Department had received money from him, and prosecutors and police chiefs regarded the underworld emperor as a socialite, chatting and laughing with him. Now, Wesley controls more power than He is a new real estate upstart in New York. He goes to drinking parties with the mayor, threatens juries, bribes the police… He no longer needs to do these low-level tricks. Those who want to get benefits will naturally You’ll know how to do it.”

“This is why I want to pull you into the darkness, Erica.” Sean leaned close to the girl, his warm breath blowing on the earlobes, like a subtle electric current passing through, “Be the one who makes the rules, and You don’t have to follow other people’s rules, only in this way can you get rid of all constraints and gain freedom.”

Erica’s heart trembled. She was extremely obsessed with the dark aura in men. Some people liked the warmth brought by light, while others were addicted to the attraction given by darkness.

Since being resurrected by Heikong, she has gotten rid of her former self. The emotions and memories in her mind are like another stranger. At first, she could stir up some waves in her heart, but later her heart completely calmed down.

“Mergers, acquisitions, suppression, with Wesley’s ability and means, it is easy to take over the Rand Group. Daredevil can choose to return to normal life, or he can continue to fight against us. Soon they will You will find that you can’t move in Hell’s Kitchen.”

Sean looked at the news report on TV. The Red Devil of Hell’s Kitchen was listed by the police as a most wanted criminal as dangerous as the Punisher. He smiled and said: “The reason why people admire heroes is because they want to be heroes. , it requires paying an unimaginable huge price, and wearing a mask means bearing everything.”

“There has never been a savior in this world…”

Erica slightly broke away from the man’s arms. She stared at the young face, her cold eyes filled with astonishing brilliance. She slowly lowered her head and licked her red lips with her tongue.

Sean’s breathing became slightly heavier, and Erica suddenly revealed a charming aura, which made his ordinary heart feel a little itchy.

On the TV, reports about the New York Police Department’s wanted Daredevil were still playing, and the man and woman sitting in the chairs were already falling into a tender entanglement.


At the same time, in Watsonton’s office, Marcus, as the helmsman, slammed the folders on the table at his incompetent subordinates. Hamilton resisted the desire to dodge and endured the boss’s thunderous wrath. .

“Trash! A bunch of trash!” The lion-like old man roared angrily. He pointed at the news report on the TV and roared: “Who told me that Sean Sipers would definitely do it? Sell ​​the formula of the genetic drug to Watson? What is the result? Osborne and Umbrella Laboratories jointly issued a statement that the new drug will be officially launched today and enter the medical market!”

Marcus recited the news reports with a gloomy face. He looked at the shrinking employee and wanted to throw this stupid guy downstairs!

“Cunning little guy, while stabilizing Watson, look for foreign aid…” The old man who controlled Watsonton’s direction calmed down and couldn’t help but sneer.

He reprimanded his men mercilessly and said in a stern voice: “Only a fool like you would be deceived by such young people’s tricks. If he really wants to sell the formula of genetic medicine, he will secretly find parties to buy it.” instead of delaying time, let new drugs be launched as soon as possible!”

Hamilton cursed Sean fiercely in his heart. That despicable guy’s acting skills were as good as those of a Hollywood star. He actually believed that he was attracted by the conditions offered by Watson and intended to sell the secret formula of genetic medicine and give Osborne a fatal blow. hit.

“Well, now that the little guy from Osborne Industries has broken into Watsonton’s territory, I will let him and Sean Sipers know how cruel business competition is.”

Marcus’s eyes flashed with a ferocious light like a lone wolf, and his sinister face was cold and cold, making Hamilton’s legs tremble involuntarily. He had followed the master of Watsonton for nearly ten years and had not seen him for a long time. This kind of chilly aura that makes one’s heart palpitate has appeared on the other party.

Like a beast suddenly showing its fangs, there is a sense of terror of being stared at, as if if you are not careful, you will be devoured completely!

Marcus waved his hand to signal the trembling men to leave. He wanted to free up his hands to deal with Osborne seriously, but his son’s condition became more and more serious. The trivial private affairs of the family made him exhausted mentally and physically. Every day he saw his wife’s sad face with tears streaming down her face. There was also the pain in his son’s eyes. He couldn’t help but urge the laboratory to speed up the research progress.

Marcus became increasingly upset when he thought of Osborne, a cub, challenging Watsonton’s throne, and as Warren grew older and his physical abnormalities could no longer be concealed.

After switching the channel, the news program reported that the famous anti-mutant pioneer, Senator Robert Kelly, was giving an impassioned speech, which emphasized the harm of mutants to society and called on Congress to pass the mutant registration bill as soon as possible.

Marcus nodded in agreement. He looked at the senator speaking righteously on the TV, with a dark light flashing in his eyes, as if he had a plan.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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