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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 77 Interview

On a sunny day, the lawn of Umbrella Laboratory was filled with reporters and photographers. A genetic drug that can cure brain degeneration is enough to make the major media like sharks smelling blood. Scrambling to get first-hand access to the latest reports.

Sean is wearing a well-fitting and pressed hand-made suit, full of vigor and vitality, and his smile is as bright as the sun. This young and promising genius is neither as proud and complacent as Tony Stark, nor does he have the withdrawn personality of other scientists. , no matter how he treats people or things, he is very warm and humble, which makes people feel like spring breeze.

“Mr. Sipers, why did you name ALZ-112 Metis Potion?” The reporter wearing black-rimmed glasses tried his best to reach out the microphone to Sean, who was surrounded by his peers.

This young genius who almost replaced Stark and dominated the headlines of New York newspapers is now a popular star. As Umbrella and Osborne jointly issued a statement yesterday about the launch of new drugs, major TV stations and The news media, all eyes are focused on Sean, expecting him to bring different surprises to people.

“Metis is the original goddess of wisdom in ancient Greek mythology. Hesiod called her the most intelligent and righteous planner among all gods and humans.” Sean paused and raised a gentle smile. : “I hope ALZ-112 can bring back the thinking and wisdom that the disease has deprived humans of.”

“Hello, Mr. Sipers. Why did you think of developing a genetic drug to cure brain degenerative diseases?” A blond female reporter squeezed into the circle by virtue of her gender advantage, and the tall cameraman raised his hands. The machine and the camera are pointed at the young man with a bright smile.

Sean stopped and talked eloquently under the flashlight: “Many people call the brain degenerative disease Alzheimer’s disease, also known as senile dementia. They think that only the elderly will suffer from it. This is actually a misunderstanding. , because familial Alzheimer’s disease can develop in middle age, and is far more than just Alzheimer’s disease…”

“I have read a research report by Johns Hopkins University. Extrapolating from the data, the number of Alzheimer’s patients will reach 107 million by 2050. This is not a small number. Brain degenerative diseases have always been It is difficult to cure. Alzheimer’s disease takes most patients only seven years from diagnosis to leaving the world with an empty head. At the same time, it is one of the “most expensive diseases” in the world. In 2003, the world spent The cost of treating Alzheimer’s disease alone amounts to US$156 billion, which is equivalent to the annual GDP of a small or medium-sized country.”

Sean faced the camera, his pitiful and pitiful eyes, and the shocking data coming out of his mouth, which made the enthusiastic reporters fall silent. Dozens of cameras focused on the young man standing in the center.

“This disease causes your brain to gradually deteriorate, starting with memory loss, poor judgment, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty handling complex problems. Gradually, it robs you of your emotions and creates social difficulties. In the end, you will forget those important parts of your life, forget your friends and family around you, lose your language and vision, and eventually die in a coma.”

“This is my original intention of developing the Metis potion. It can save those who are suffering from illness. I hope that everyone can enjoy family love with their families when they grow old, instead of not being able to recognize the people around them. , lying on the bed blankly, his consciousness returned to darkness!”

Under Sean’s infectious words, the noisy atmosphere gradually became solemn. In the circular corridor on the second floor, Harry and Gwen stood on it and had a panoramic view of everything happening in the main building of the laboratory.

“It’s really admirable.” Gwen said emotionally while holding the document, with tears in her eyes.

The daughter of the police chief was obviously moved by Sean’s words. She had never thought that the young man with a smile as bright as the sun would have such compassion in his heart.

Harry curled his lips. He just thought that if his friend was not a scientist, he could transition to Hollywood and become an actor. With his appearance and superb acting skills, he would definitely be more popular than Leonardo.

“Ahem, yes, maybe it was because he had experienced the pain of losing a loved one that Sean came up with the idea of ​​developing Metis potion.” As a good teammate, Harry naturally provided assists tactfully.

“Mr. Sipers!” A black reporter stopped Sean who was about to leave and stretched out the microphone to the other party. “Some people on the Internet said that the Metis potion developed by Osborne and Umbrella actually has extremely powerful effects. There are significant side effects, and even several patients in clinical trials have experienced obvious discomfort in their bodies. What do you think of this?”

The black reporter deliberately spoke loudly, and his words seemed to be just and awe-inspiring, but they concealed murderous intent. The corner of his mouth curled up into a proud smile. I don’t know how many people wanted to see this famous genius in New York fall from the clouds and fall into the dirty mud.

“First of all, Metis Pharma passed the clinical trials of the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and before it was launched, Dr. Connors and I, as well as Mr. Harry Osborne of Osborne Industries, agreed. We have decided to provide free treatment to 3,000 patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, and so far, they have all maintained good physical condition and vital signs.”

Sean did not panic and answered the black reporter’s questions calmly, with a hint of sharpness in his gentle eyes, “Not only that, Umbrella has also decided to provide a certain number of free places every year from now on to those who are poor and needy. Citizens receive treatment in the hope that they can recover and return to a normal life.”

“If patients using Metis medicine experience any discomfort, they can contact Umbrella Laboratories at any time. We will protect the life safety and basic rights of every patient.”

Thunderous applause rang out, and the sound of flashing lights was even more continuous. The cameraman faithfully recorded this scene. The black reporter wanted to say something, but was squeezed out of the crowd by his colleagues who came up.

Surrounded by security personnel, Sean rushed out of the heavy siege of reporters. He climbed onto the circular corridor on the second floor and walked to Harry’s side.

“Find someone to keep an eye on that black reporter.” The young man had a gentle smile on his face and a heart-stopping coldness in his voice.

“People from Watsonton?” Harry gave the bodyguard a few instructions, and then asked, “What should we do? Keep the money sealed?”

Master Osborne put his hands on the railing. He had never participated in a business competition and was far from knowing the darkness and bloodshed contained in it. He simply thought that this was a trivial matter that could be settled with a little money.

“Don’t do anything. Contact several officials from the tax bureau and check his bank statements. I believe this reporter will not be a good, honest and law-abiding citizen.” Sean waved his hand to stop Harry’s dangerous behavior. If this black reporter is physically harmed, someone will immediately pour sewage on them.

There was a huge crowd downstairs, and reporters were taking photos. From today on, the name Umbrella will spread across North America, and people will know about this emerging scientific research institution.

He patted Harry on the shoulder and smiled: “There can only be one lion who leads the pack on the grassland. Watsonton will soon become a thing of the past.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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