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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 78 Artificial Sun

After getting rid of the enthusiastic reporters, Sean and Harry sat in the rest area on the second floor. Gwen, who was promoted to experimental assistant, thoughtfully brought coffee to the two of them, and then walked away holding the documents.

“How enviable.” Harry whistled and said teasingly.

Sean ignored the deliberately mischievous Master Osborne and took a sip of bitter coffee. Umbrella officially took the first step. Next, we will see how this emerging laboratory will gain a foothold in New York and become a The world’s top scientific research institutions.

“Break up with Mary Jane?” Sean leaned on the sofa. The red-haired girl who attracted the fascination of the Green Goblin and Spider-Man finally chose Peter.

Perhaps young girls first long for the upper class society with beautiful clothes and beautiful hair, but when they really step into it, they find that it is not suitable for them. The kind and reliable Peter is undoubtedly the best destination for Mary Jane.

“I will bless them.” Harry waved his hands in a nonchalant manner.

The young and wealthy Osborn has appeared in tabloids as frequently as Tony Stark when he is not in New York. He has been involved in nightclub revelries, swimsuit parties, late-night drag racing… a series of negative reports. It appeared in the newspapers like snowflakes, and the outside world spread that the heir to Osborne Industries did not have Stark’s genius mind, but he had learned a lot from Stark’s extravagant style.

“The board of directors has a lot of opinions. You are the leader of Osborne. You can’t be invisible all the time.” Sean sat closer and warned him earnestly.

At present, Harry is his best partner, and the development of Umbrella also requires the support of Osborne Industries, so Sean does not want to watch the other party continue to fall.

Although Tony is addicted to wine and pleasure, he never delays the time of invention and creation. In fact, if you don’t see Stark in the gossip news for a week, it is probably because he stays in the laboratory, working with A bunch of steel machines for company.

“Haha, they have never been satisfied with me.” Harry snorted coldly and said in a dissatisfied tone: “Since my father passed away, these people have tried every means to take away Osborne and drive me out of the board of directors. If it weren’t for Murthy With the advent of Si Potion, maybe the company would have been split up and sold to Wall Street bankers!”

He looked at Sean and said sincerely: “Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you and Dr. Connors. Without you, I would not have been able to save Osborne.”

As the person being thanked, Sean shrugged his shoulders and looked through the glass at the hills and dense forests in the distance. He raised the cup and tasted the rich aroma lingering on the tip of his tongue. Life is like this cup of coffee. After the bitterness, the fragrance is rich. The aroma.

Defeating one opponent after another and overcoming many obstacles on the way forward, until in the end, he will naturally reach the top of the world’s pyramid.

“You can prove to others that Harry Osborne is not just a playboy who only knows how to have fun, he also has a good side.” Sean’s eyes showed strong confidence, and he looked deeply at Osborne’s face. Heir, “Just like Dr. Connors and I did, we use results to prove everything. People in the world tend to only pursue successful people. As long as you can achieve extraordinary achievements, they will naturally forget your previous ridiculous behavior, and some people will even think about it.” You defend yourself and think this is a beautiful story about the return of a prodigal son.”

Harry was slightly startled. He himself had some lack of self-confidence and said hesitantly: “I neither understand business operations nor do I have a genius-like mind…”

Sean smiled calmly and stopped Harry from continuing. It seemed that the Osborne heir really lacked confidence in himself. Maybe it was Norman’s indifference, or maybe he had not been recognized by others since he was a child, which made Austria Master Siben acquiesced that he was just a mediocre person.

“You are a general commanding an army, not a soldier charging into battle. You only need to lead the war to victory – defeat the giants of the medical industry and pull Watson off his throne. I guarantee that no one will say that again in the future. Harry Osborne is an ignorant and incompetent guy, they will shamelessly hold you up, completely forgetting the previous slanders and ridicules.”

Sean’s words seemed to instill great confidence in Harry, and his depressed expression was swept away, like an enthusiastic soldier.

He picked up the cup on the table and drank the slightly cold coffee. He seemed to remember something inadvertently and asked, “I heard from Gwen that you are interested in financial games like stocks?”

Sean nodded, and he found a few outstanding securities brokers to try to short-sell Stark Industries’ stock, just to earn some pocket money for himself.

“Oh my God, no one thought that Stark Industries, a military giant, would see its stock price plummet like Osborne did before!”

Harry couldn’t help but be a little anxious. Although he didn’t understand securities trading, a behemoth like Stark Industries couldn’t be shaken by a little money. Even if it took the entire Osborne, it might not be able to shake this giant company that stood at the top of the industry. .

“How much money did you invest?” Master Osborne asked.

“Eighty million.”

Sean gave the answer. He didn’t expect to injure Stark Industries. That was too unrealistic, but it could both defeat his opponents and gain a lot of money, so why not do it.

Seeing his friend’s resolute attitude and nonchalant look, Harry couldn’t help but hesitate and asked in a low voice: “What inside information did you get?”

In his understanding, Sean would never participate in a game that he was not sure of winning. This young man who was regarded as a genius by New York had always only been the winner in the end.

“You can also invest a little, and maybe I can get you a Lamborghini’s latest sports car.” Sean smiled slightly and said no more.

Harry thought for a while and decided to trust his friend’s judgment. After all, Sean had created too many miracles and gave people a strong sense of trust.

“Hey, he also joined Umbrella?” Harry asked curiously as he inadvertently caught a glimpse of a figure out of the corner of his eye.

“Do you know Dr. Otto?” Sean looked at the middle-aged man standing in the corridor, talking happily with Connors. The man was short and fat, with a simple face, and was wearing a brown coat.

After many invitations from Dr. Connors, the future Doctor Octopus finally joined Umbrella and led a scientific research team alone to conduct research and development experiments on new energy sources.

“He had approached Osborne before and said that he had an artificial sun energy project. The scientific research department thought that the investment was too high and the future benefits were not clear enough, so they rejected the funding application.”

Harry didn’t take it seriously. He had seen the experimental report and created a cheap and efficient new energy source. This was not attractive to Osborne Industries, which decided to transform into a cross-border industry. Especially the huge investment would make other investments Those who stay away from it.

“Are you optimistic about the future prospects of energy projects?” Master Osborne could not understand his friend’s thoughts. He seemed to be a prophet, always able to know the development of things in advance.

Sean shook his head. He looked at the warm sunshine in the sky and said softly: “I just want to create a sun for myself.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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