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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 79 Undercurrent

In the reception room near Capitol Hill, Marcus Watson is waiting for today’s two guests. Even though Osborne’s new drug has been successfully launched and has received good market response, this man who stands tall in medical science The business giants at the top of the industry do not believe that Osborne Jr. and a so-called young genius can shake Watson’s throne as king for many years.

If he really frees up his hands, there are countless ways to wipe out Osborne, who has a shallow foundation, such as acquisitions, mergers, poaching, and creating a crisis of public opinion… A series of fierce offensives are enough to destroy Osborne, who has not yet established a firm foothold. Spen and Umbrella were overwhelmed, but family affairs prevented Marcus from taking more energy, and the most important thing to him at the moment was how to solve the mutant problem.

The laboratory’s research progress is almost at a standstill. According to the scientific research director, they lack living samples of mutants and need more experimental materials to find ways to suppress or even eliminate mutant genes by comparing data.

This answer made Marcus furious, but he was helpless. He happened to have the idea of ​​​​taking action against mutants, so he contacted the two guests today.

The blazing fire released warm heat from the fireplace, and the weather gradually turned cooler. The elderly Marcus couldn’t help but rub his hands. He was no longer an energetic young man, just doing household chores and company affairs. , are enough to make him physically and mentally exhausted. If the business empire he has built throughout his life cannot be handed over to his son, then his lifelong struggle will be meaningless.

Marcus’s eyes flashed with fire. He couldn’t just watch Warren turn into a monster. Who in the upper class would accept a mutant? !

While my thoughts were spinning, someone pushed the door open and came in. One was Senator Kelly, who often appeared on TV. He had a smile on his face and looked kind and friendly; the other had a serious face and a kind of solemnity that kept strangers away. momentum.

“Colonel William Stryker and Senator Robert Kelly. Both of them have the same stance and concepts. They should know each other. I don’t need to introduce them too much.” Marcus stood up and greeted the two invited guests. guest.

As an army colonel, Stryker glanced at the senator, with a trace of contempt in his eyes. The other party only regarded his opposition to mutants as a kind of political capital. How could such a profit-oriented politician understand those freaks? The scary part.

“Mr. Watsonton, just say it if you have something to say. For a successful entrepreneur like you, every second is precious.” Stryker chose a seat to sit down and picked up the table without hesitation. The wine glasses are served as if they were at home.

Marcus’s smiling face froze for a moment, and then returned to normal. Even though he didn’t like the military colonel’s tough style, he had to cooperate with the other party if he wanted to obtain the mutant’s in vivo experimental data.

Who in the military doesn’t know that Colonel William Stryker has an unreasonable hatred and disgust for mutants. He has devoted himself to studying mutants since his youth. Some people even call him “The Butcher” because he has no hands. Know how much mutant blood is stained on it.

“Senator, please take a seat.” After Kelly took his seat, Marcus slowly spoke: “I’m not very good at roundabout political negotiations. Just like Colonel Stryker said, let’s be direct and formally enter the topic.”

“Watsonton Company is very interested in mutants. I know that Senator Kelly is a pioneer in the fight against mutants, and Colonel Stryker advocates exterminating the group of freaks hiding in human society. I think everyone has this idea. We have the same stance, why can’t we join forces?”

Marcus observed the faces of the two people and said calmly: “I believe you all know the background of Watsonton. To put it bluntly, my ancestors came to this rich land on the Mayflower. , no matter how many times this country has changed its rulers, Watson has always been firmly rooted in this country, has experienced countless ups and downs, and has never wavered!”

Senator Kelly’s eyes lit up. As a politician with great ambitions, he certainly knew what kind of terrifying energy a chaebol group like Watsonton could mobilize. Many dignitaries from various departments were their guests, even in every presidential election. , is an excellent investment opportunity for these capitalists.

If he can get Watsonton’s support, trigger a heated discussion in public opinion with his proposed mutant registration bill, and then attract more people’s attention, maybe he will have the opportunity to go further.

Marcus saw that Senator Kelly was moved, and then looked at Stryker. He never thought that anyone in this world could refuse the temptation of money and power at the same time.

“I heard that Colonel Stryker has been proposing to the White House to classify mutants as a dangerous group and arrest or imprison them in large numbers to prevent them from posing a threat to society?”

“They are all a group of deformed freaks. From birth, the evil genes like a devil’s curse have been lurking in their bodies. Most of them will show unique abilities by the time they reach adolescence, some of which are good and some are bad… Their appearance has reduced human beings to the lower class. The two races are destined to be unable to coexist. When the conflict escalates and conflicts break out, the mutants will imprison us in concentration camps and send us to gas chambers just like the Nazis did to the Jews… “

Stryker gushed that he had become interested in mutants a long time ago. At the Paris Peace Summit in 1973, Mr. Colonel, who was still a young boy at the time, saw the man known as “Wolverine” for the first time. This guy began to focus on the research of mutants. Later, because of the family tragedy that happened to him, he changed from a researcher of mutants to a cruel and cold executioner.

Marcus and Senator Kelly disagreed with Stryker’s words and felt that the other party was too alarmist. As the primates of all things, humans have evolved over tens of millions of years to become the masters of this beautiful planet, and mere mutants Can people shake their own status?

The two people who did not have a clear understanding of mutants laughed secretly in their hearts, especially Senator Kelly. He proposed the mutant registration bill just to attract public attention, build momentum for himself, and establish a positive image of being upright and unyielding. As for that He didn’t even pay attention to the mutants who were hiding in Tibet.

“Colonel Stryker really has a forward-looking vision. Mutants are indeed a parasitic disease on humans and a time bomb that threatens social security. If he just rashly launches a war between two ethnic groups, I’m afraid many people will not agree. After all, There are many short-sighted and incompetent people on Capitol Hill.”

Marcus echoed. This old man with sunken eyes was well versed in negotiation skills. He would first close the distance between each other, and then put forward conditions. At the same time, he would be aware of the opponent’s psychological defense line and make seemingly reasonable concessions. Finally achieve the goal.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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