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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 8 A small goal

“Frank, I swear I’m not lying. That bastard came out of nowhere, knocked down all my men at once, and then took away the payment for the transaction!”

In a building materials warehouse on the West Coast, a man in a red shirt tried his best to explain. He was surrounded by a group of people, and one of his fingers was clamped by metal pliers. If the other person was not satisfied at all, the next scene might be very serious. It’s bloody.

“You said he was the only one? He killed more than twenty of your gun-toting gangsters in a few minutes? Tell me, is he Captain America from the comics!”

Frank D’Amico, a drug lord in a suit and tie, sneered, “Compared with this explanation, Ter, I believe more that you pocketed the money and then called the police and asked them to seize the batch of drugs.”

“Frank, you must believe me! That guy also said that he will come to visit you in person soon!”

The man in the red shirt named Terl screamed, with great fear in his voice. Having followed Frank for many years, he knew very well how cruel the West Coast drug lord was in dealing with traitors.

“Okay, my son is still waiting for me to go to the movie, and I don’t want to disappoint him.” Frank shook his head, turned around and left, “I’ll leave it to you, Joe.”

Ignoring the miserable howling from behind, Frank slowly walked into the car. To be honest, his recent business was not going well. A week ago, more than a dozen of his men were killed in an abandoned factory in New York, which cost him a lot of money. Qian settled the matter. In recent days, it seemed more like someone was deliberately going against him. He had been robbed of several transaction payments on his territory in New York, and the police had also been notified to seize a large amount of drugs. This made the West Coast The drug lords suffered heavy losses.

“Have I messed with anyone lately?”

Frank was puzzled. He started out in the smuggling business. On the surface, he was the boss of a foreign trade company. In fact, he was engaged in a hugely profitable business of smuggling contraband and selling drugs. As his business grew bigger and bigger, Frank gradually He became the number one drug lord on the West Coast, and even the police couldn’t do anything to him.

While the gangsters and drug lords were worrying about their business, in a community in Queens, New York, a young man who played a role as a superhero was lying on the bed happily counting money, and he threw all the Franklin bills. All over the floor.

“Sure enough, fighting criminals is the fastest way to make money.”

Sean sat up from the bed all of a sudden. There were several suitcases piled in the room, filled with neat stacks of U.S. dollars. These were gifts from the generous boss Frank. Soon these funds would become expensive. Training equipment.

Sean put the suitcase under the bed and put on an elastic vest. The originally thin boy had become stronger. He sweated profusely every day and performed devilish extreme training. It was like he was accumulating strength bit by bit, which would one day make him stronger. Break through the shackles of the human body.

Soon, Sean will visit the big drug lord on the West Coast in person. To solve the problem, he has to find out the root cause. He killed Frank D’Amico’s men. If his identity is investigated by the other party, there will be a steady stream of money. Trouble will ensue. So instead of letting the other party come to your door, it is better to completely eradicate all hidden dangers. Anyway, the gangster and drug lord is not a good person.

Since coming into this world for more than a month, Sean has lived a very fulfilling life. He goes to school at normal times every day and rushes between different classrooms. On the surface, he is no different from a normal student. After returning home from school, he still has to carry out extraordinary activities. Human physical training. Fortunately, this body did not leave too many social relationships. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Sean to start a new life.

“Jingle Bell–“

The ringing of the phone interrupted Sean’s training process. He picked up the phone to answer it, and a familiar voice came from the other end——

“Hi Sean, I’m Harry…it’s Carnival in New York in two weeks and I’ve booked a private room at a nearby hotel with a great observation deck. Are you coming over…Peter and Mary – Jane will come to participate…”

Hearing Master Osborne’s joyful tone with a hint of pride, Sean couldn’t help but smile. Since he helped him once at the research center of Columbia University last time, he was honored to be Harry Osborne’s assistant. His second friend in Midtown High School, Master Osborne, was much happier than the boring life he had during this period. On the days when he was about to graduate, this rich man finally made a move on his favorite girl, Mary Jane. With a fierce offensive, he successfully captured the heart of the red-haired girl.

This result made Peter Parker, who became Spider-Man, feel sad. His best friend and the girl he had a crush on were both invulnerable, so the miserable Peter could only suppress his feelings and silently grieve for this. Two people sent their blessings.

“Okay, I will go when I have time… Well, thank you for the invitation.”

Sean replied neatly, and after chatting for a few words, he hung up the phone.

He didn’t have much interaction with Harry Osborn. They were limited to occasional meetings and conversations at school. Apart from his mediocre ability, this young master of the Osborne family was actually a good friend and his family background was superior. But he has never been contaminated by the bad habits of a playboy, and he is not hypocritical towards his friends. He has the same innocence and enthusiasm as most young people. If his friend hadn’t been Spider-Man and his father had turned into the Green Goblin, he wouldn’t have. There will be a tragic ending later.

“Maybe I can change that.”

Sean thought for a moment, could Osborne Enterprises be his first springboard?

After all, just relying on some money from robbing Frank D’Amico can’t satisfy Sean’s appetite. In the final analysis, the other party is just a gangster and drug lord on the West Coast. He can only hide in dark corners and earn shady profits. Compared to Osborne Enterprises, which is involved in multiple scientific fields and even has ties to the Department of Defense, it is undoubtedly the difference between an ant and an elephant.

If you want to gain a foothold in this world, strong power is indispensable, but wealth and status far beyond ordinary people are also one of Sean’s goals. In a country controlled by capital and interests, if you want to gain more power than ordinary people, you will definitely need the support of a large enough force.

“Let’s set a small goal first. Super heroes, infinite gems, etc. are still too far away from me now.”

Sean thought for a while, and the ideas in his mind gradually became clear. No matter how great the goal is, it needs to be achieved step by step. Rome was not built overnight. Frank D’Amico’s gang, Osborne Enterprises… these They will all become stepping stones and springboards for him to move forward, helping him become stronger faster.

Uh, I signed a contract…so readers, please give me some favorites and recommendation votes.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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