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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 80 Surge

Stryker’s expression did not change. He knew that these vulture-like capitalists would not come to him for no reason. They must have needs.

The cold soldier nodded slightly, agreeing with Marcus’ words. His lifelong wish was to send the mutants hidden in human society to the dissection table one by one, so that they could end their filthy life in mourning and pain. s life.

“Watsonton can help Mr. Colonel.” Marcus saw that the fire was almost done and threw out the bait.

The laboratory needs more data on mutants for pair comparison and screening results, but making this request rashly will undoubtedly be rejected by Stryker. Those important core information are the other party’s life-long efforts. How can they get it without paying a huge price.

Stryker smiled faintly. He had nothing to ask Watson for, and when negotiating a deal with such a wolf-like plutocratic group, the benefits would never fall on him in the end.

In addition to being a forward-thinking scientist, his mentor Bolivar Teslaco was also a smooth and shrewd businessman. He founded Trask Industries and had close ties with state departments since the Nixon administration. A kind of political investment and illegal merger won the first pot of gold.

Later, while Teslak was studying the mysteries of human DNA, he discovered the Mutants further down the evolutionary path become extinct.

Unfortunately, this talented scientist with good political skills and ambitions, with the outbreak of the Watergate scandal, the resignation of Nixon, who relied on him, Teslak was also implicated, accused of being a political prisoner, and imprisoned in a dark prison.

Stryker took the opportunity to take away all of Teslak’s achievements, took over the opponent’s mutant research, and developed the subsequent “Weapon X” plan.

“As far as I know, Colonel Stryker’s Weapon Weapons have little appeal to them.”

Marcus narrowed his eyes. Of course he knew that Mr. Colonel was in a rather embarrassing situation recently. The research on mutants had achieved some results, but as time passed, neither the White House nor the military paid much attention to these hidden secrets. Special groups in human society therefore find it difficult to receive more investment, and the higher authorities even vaguely want to cut funds and close the dam base of Lake Akalia.

Stryker’s eyes were gloomy. Marcus was indeed telling the truth. The military’s resources are limited and it is impossible to invest in a research project that has no results for a long time. Moreover, General Ross, who was born as a general in the north, has recently established a separate The research team is preparing to recreate the “Super Soldier Project” of the last century, and has received the support and consent of many people.

Resources are limited. If some people get more, others will get less. The difficult situation led Stryker to even come up with a crazy and bold plan to control mutants to attack the White House and assassinate the president. He directed and staged a good show to convince the government that the existence of mutants was a huge threat in order to gain military power. Support with strength and gain resource tilt.

“General Ross is far more connected than you, and he has deep roots and a distinguished background. To recreate the Captain America of the last century and create a super legion… Such a plan will undoubtedly require huge investment. In comparison, , is it necessary to continue research on mutants that has no future?”

Marcus laughed softly, and Senator Kelly next to him couldn’t help but feel horrified. These scavenger-like chaebol giants are really like the devil in Faust, dragging mankind bit by bit into the endless abyss full of temptations. .

Stryker’s eyes changed. Of course, he understood that cooperating with these capitalists would often involve paying a heavy price beyond his imagination. If he was not careful, he might become an outcast and be kicked away by the other party at any time.

“What does Watson need from me?” He didn’t think that as an army colonel, he had anything that the other party could value.

For a giant like this that dominates the U.S. medical market, the generals of the Department of Defense are happy to have a generous friend if they want.

“The mutant gene pool,” Marcus wrote lightly.

He knew that Stryker had taken over Teslak’s lifelong efforts. After a large number of mutants were captured, the army colonel built a mutant gene bank, which contained the genetic codes of mutants of all generations and had extremely huge scientific research value.

Upon hearing Marcus’s request, Stryker’s eyes suddenly radiated a fierce light, like an enraged lone wolf, showing its sharp fangs. The mutant gene pool can be said to be the fruits and efforts of his life, and he will never give it to others, even at the cost of his life!

“Watsonton’s appetite is a bit too much.” Stryker said coldly.

Even though he was facing the difficult situation of having his research funds cut off by the military, it was really unreasonable for the other party to easily take away the mutant gene pool from his hands.

“Please don’t get me wrong.” Marcus, like an experienced hunter, did not immediately push his prey into a blind corner. Instead, he relaxed slightly and said, “I just want Colonel Stryker to open up part of the mutant gene pool. In return, I also Will use some White House connections to make your situation a little easier – isn’t that how trust is slowly built? Watson never expects to enjoy a free lunch.”

“Watsonton is conducting research on mutant inhibitors, so we need more experimental data and information. Colonel Stryker, you can provide me with these. And in order to show your sincerity in cooperation, the Ministry of Defense will not cut your funding. , cut your projects, and you’ll get more.”

Marcus’s tone is firm and seems to give people strong confidence. He has participated in countless business negotiations and knows how to defeat his opponents’ psychological defenses step by step. It’s like hunting. Slowly tighten the encirclement, but don’t force the prey to the point where it can’t go. Then they will struggle violently to resist, loosen a hole, make them relax their vigilance, and deliver the final fatal blow!

Many shrewd politicians or profit-seeking businessmen fell at Marcus’ feet like this, becoming a stepping stone for him to reach the top.

Stryker pondered without speaking. He took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose and wiped them carefully. He was experiencing a fierce ideological struggle in his heart. The colonel did not want to share his achievements with others, but enjoying the cake alone also meant being alone. Take risks.

“I hope Watson won’t let me down.” Stryker sighed heavily, his gloomy eyes flashing with an unknown light. He needed Watson’s strength to get through this difficulty.

As for future cooperation? He sneered in his heart, maybe the leader of Watsonton would be interested in seeing the powerful power of mutants.

After reaching a consensus, Stryker did not stay long. He exchanged a few words and then opened the door and left. Senator Kelly was not like an army colonel who acted resolutely. He and Watson had more room to communicate.

After a pleasant confidential conversation, Senator Kelly received the expected promise and left with a relaxed and excited mood.

The senator got into the car, remembered Marcus’s instructions, and couldn’t help but smile: “Haha, Osborne and Umbrella, two weak opponents.”

ps: In the new week, please hand over your recommendation votes and collections, otherwise… hum, the author can only roll around and act cute ̄ω ̄=


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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