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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 81 Return

Umbrella Laboratories.

Dr. Connors worriedly walked into Sean’s office with this morning’s newspaper. The owner of this laboratory stood in front of the bright window, overlooking his private kingdom.

“Doctor, you look very ugly. I heard Dr. Zhao Hailun say that the research on cross-species inheritance is going very smoothly and is only one step away from success.”

Sean turned to look at Connors. The one-armed middle-aged man had such worry and anxiety in his eyes that he forgot to knock on the door and just broke into his office.

“Or is it that Umbrella encountered some difficulties that gave you such a headache?” He asked softly with a gentle smile.

“Sean, Metis Pharmacy has not opened up the situation…Many public hospitals and pharmaceutical manufacturers are unwilling to cooperate with Osborne. Two-thirds of the original pre-sale orders have been refunded and broken…”

Connors hesitated for a moment and handed Sean the latest newspaper. The headlines on it were Senator Kelly’s criticism and opposition to genetic medicines, which had been in the spotlight recently. He believed that this kind of medicine could cure diseases. The method has unpredictable harmful effects and may even lead to the risk of some unpredictable mutation in the human body.

At the same time, the following section also published a unanimous statement from many biologists. They believe that genetic drugs are not yet mature enough to completely cure diseases. They are often accompanied by unknown side effects and need to be carefully considered before use.

The direction of public opinion has suddenly changed. Sean, who was praised by people a few days ago, is now in danger of falling from the clouds. As the saying goes, words make gold but accumulation destroys bones. The momentum of public opinion is promoted by the guidance of thoughtful people. The son brought Osborne Industries and Umbrella to the forefront. The venture capital institutions that were previously very optimistic about the prospects of Metis Pharmacy immediately changed their rhetoric and maintained a vague stance and attitude.

“Watsonton took action.” Sean casually threw the newspaper on the table and said nonchalantly.

As a leader in the medical industry, Watsonton will not sit back and watch Osborne and Umbrella slowly grow and become a strong opponent that cannot be ignored. This giant company with deep roots and huge power will definitely unite the forces in the industry to drive away these two competitors who have rashly entered the private domain.

Manipulating public opinion and maliciously criticizing are just the first step of testing, and many other methods will follow, until Osborne and Umbrella are beaten to the point where they kneel down and beg for mercy, giving up the richest piece of cake.

“Doctor, you don’t need to worry too much. Although Umbrella is still a seedling and Watson is a towering tree, we are more vital.” Sean walked up to Connors, who looked worried, and gently said Patting the other party on the shoulder, “If you want to occupy a place in an industry and have a certain right to speak, you can’t just rely on scientific research results. Sometimes, we have to use some reasonable means.”

Connors blinked his eyes and looked at Sean, who had a calm face. This young man always had a gentle smile on his face, and there was a chilling tone in his tone.

The one-armed middle-aged man quickly lowered his head and said immediately, “What about Harry? He must have also received these… unpleasant news.”

“Harry is not a child and needs to be coaxed all the time. Why do people fall? It’s because we have to learn to get up. Watsonton’s suppression is only temporary. The nature of businessmen is to pursue profits. They will soon find out , who can bring more substantial benefits.”

Sean looked at the high-spirited Senator Kelly in the newspaper and said meaningfully: “As for the senator who upholds justice, he should pray for God’s blessing and hope that mutants will not come to his door.”

Seeing Dr. Connors leaving the office with complicated emotions, Sean’s face gradually turned cold. It seemed that it was necessary to contact the hidden group of mutants.


A military transport plane passed through the white clouds and landed on the tarmac with the sound of howling wind. Pepper Potts got out of the black car and looked up at the huge monster taxiing slowly at the airport.

Tony Stark, who had been missing for nearly three months, finally returned to New York safely. This made Pepper finally let go of the huge stone in her heart. Her willful and reckless boss did not die on the front line of Afghanistan, where conflicts continued. , as if favored by the goddess of luck, he successfully escaped from a group of vicious terrorists.

When this news came back to New York, some people were happy and others were worried. For example, the top CEO of Stark Industries did not rush to the airport immediately to greet Tony who survived the disaster, citing physical discomfort.

The door of the transport plane slowly opened. Tony, wearing a suit jacket and a bandaged hand, stood up from the wheelchair. With the support of Colonel Rhodes, he slowly walked towards Pepper.

With a slightly haggard face, bandaged arms, and a few small wounds, Pepper, who was full of expectations, almost didn’t recognize it. This was Tony Stark, who paid attention to appearance and demeanor and liked to show off his charm.

“The circles under your eyes are red. Are you sad for your missing boss?” Tony, who stepped off the transport plane, still did not change his previous style and teased the female secretary.

“I’m just happy that I don’t have to find another job.” Pepper retorted with a smile. This was the Stark she knew.

“Your vacation is over.” Tony stopped smiling. Everything he experienced in the cave in Afghanistan made him gradually mature.

The young soldiers who died on the battlefield, and Ethan who sacrificed his life to buy time, these people made Stark’s cold heart slowly melt like ice. In his past world, there were only cold mechanical instruments and beautiful women. Tony, who thought he had everything in the world, didn’t care about other people at all.

If you want to win Tony’s attention, unless you have a brain like a genius or a body that makes men’s hormones soar, this playboy and genius will make you feel his harsh tongue and what ordinary people don’t have. Arrogance.

“Where are you going, sir?” Happy, the bodyguard, asked.

“Please take us to the hospital.” Pepper was worried about Tony’s physical condition and wanted him to do a full body check first.

“No, I don’t want to go to the hospital now and have my body examined by various instruments.” Tony refused without thinking. He interrupted Pepper’s persuasion: “I have been locked up for three months, and now I just want to Do two things, one is eat a cheeseburger, and the other is—”

“Are you so impatient?” The female secretary, whose thoughts were obviously led astray, turned her head with a look of disgust.

“…It’s not what you think, I just want to hold a press conference.” Tony explained rather speechlessly.

Could it be that in his secretary’s mind, he is just a lustful playboy?

Tony thought for a moment, recalling the ridiculous experiences in the past, and finally had to admit that maybe this was how most people had an impression of him.

And he still can’t refute…

Tony shook his head and shook the inexplicable thoughts out of his mind. From today on, everyone will see a brand new Stark.

ps: I recommend a new American comic book by a big boss, “American Comic: The Dark Godfather of Gotham”. There is no golden finger or system. The protagonist dominates the black and white of Gotham and sits on the throne of the godfather~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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