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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 82 Big News

Osborne Industries.

Under the guidance of his secretary, Sean pushed open the door of the president’s office. Harry was leaning on the sofa and watching the news reports, completely unaware of his sudden visit.

On the TV screen, Tony Stark, who had disappeared for a while, sat under the podium, took out a burger from his pocket, and ate it.

At the same time, he waved to the large group of reporters who were coming: “Can everyone sit down? This way you can see me and I can… be more casual.”

This bohemian playboy still maintained his unconventional personal style. The news reporters with microphones and pens and paper, and the cameramen with long guns and short cannons had no choice but to bend their knees in accordance with each other’s requests. sit on the floor.

The hot and noisy press conference suddenly became a little funny, but the reporters with expectant eyes didn’t care at all.

You know, this is the first public appearance of the famous billionaire Tony Stark after he disappeared for several months. Before that, there were even many gossips secretly circulating, claiming that this talented person like a big star, On his way to the front line in Afghanistan to promote weapons, he was kidnapped and attacked by terrorists and died unfortunately.

This unconfirmed false news was, of course, immediately denied by the person in charge of Stark Industries. Chief Executive Obadie claimed that Tony was just suffering from an illness and needed to be recuperated temporarily, and that all the company’s affairs would be left to Handle it yourself.

Now, Tony Stark has appeared in person to hold a press conference. The news media people with keen sense of smell are like sharks smelling the smell of blood. They all want to get rid of this playboy who supports half of the New York paparazzi. Get eye-popping news.

The bald CEO Obadiah had no choice but to follow Tony’s temper and sat on the steps with a smile. His expression seemed to be happy to see Stark’s safe return.

“My father, the founder of Stark Industries, died in a car accident, so I didn’t even have the chance to say goodbye to him…” Tony wiped his greasy hands with his tie and said slowly: “Actually, I I really want to ask him what his views are on the production of arms.”

“…Has he ever been conflicted or wavered, or is he, as reported by the media, a cold and ruthless arms dealer and an executioner who sells souls?”

Stark’s expression gradually became serious, and his cynical face became serious. Pepper, who was standing not far away, could vaguely see a hint of sadness and guilt in his boss’s eyes.

“I saw patriotic young men being killed on the battlefield by the very weapons I had built to protect them, and I saw that a system of which I was a part was fine with it. I completely woke up and realized that I could contribute more to this world besides making powerful weapons.”

Tony stood up and stood on the podium, his voice followed the microphone and echoed throughout the entire venue——

“So, I decided to close the Stark Industries weapons manufacturing factory!”

Like a bomb being detonated, there was an uproar inside the venue. Senior reporters from the official department and news media people from major newspapers rushed to Tony Stark, raising their hands to ask questions in order to get the first place. Hands-on scoop.

Although Obadiah tried hard to maintain a smile, trying to explain Tony’s shocking remarks and ease the chaotic scene, no one paid attention to him at all. Everyone just wanted to get confirmation from Tony that Stark Industries-the largest in the United States The arms giant announced that it will stop manufacturing weapons. This news is enough to make tomorrow’s newspapers go crazy!

“Did you travel from the future?” Harry’s first words when he turned back made Sean’s heart beat faster. “The stock price of Stark Industries will definitely plummet… If I had known better, I should have invested more!”

Out of trust in his friends, Master Osborne invested a little money in the stock market under the guidance of a securities broker. Although deep down he did not believe that Stark Industries, which was at its peak, would suddenly see its stock price plummet. Condition.

But with Tony Stark announcing the closure of the weapons manufacturing factory just now, there is no doubt that Stark Industries’ stock price will begin to plummet tomorrow!

As if Sean had anticipated this, he would naturally take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.

“Maybe I am a prophet.” Sean sat down calmly and said with a hint of mystery on his face.

After Harry was surprised, he quickly returned to normal. It was just a joke between friends, but Tony Stark suddenly announced this decision, which was really surprising. No one thought that this playboy would make something equivalent to Chronic suicidal folly!

If an arms giant that occupies the top of the industry does not sell weapons, what else can it do?

What’s more, the direction of this arms giant cannot be decided by Tony alone. Even though he is the helmsman of Stark Industries, the mid-stream and downstream manufacturers that rely on large enterprises for survival, as well as the Ministry of National Defense, which gives a large number of orders every year, Neither would accompany Stark to make such silly jokes.

Sean glanced at Tony Stark who was surrounded by reporters on the TV. It must be that the Iron Man will not be easy in the near future. Business is not a game of playing house. As a behemoth, Stark Industries has already formed An intricate chain of interests, countless people rely on it for survival, and the big shots share the delicious cake.

How could all of this come to naught immediately with one word from Tony? Obadiah would not agree, and neither would the Ministry of National Defense.

Abandoning the random thoughts in his mind, Sean looked at Harry who had regained his composure and said softly: “What you have to care about now is not Stark Industries.”

Harry couldn’t help but feel a little distressed. Of course he saw the news in the newspaper. A senator directly spoke out and denounced the harm and side effects of genetic drugs, and there was also a group of biologists who echoed and cheered. This made the sales of Metis Potion , suddenly fell into trouble, and there was no good situation at all as expected.

“The board of directors’ minds are agitated. They all want me to hand over the formula and share the benefits with Watsonton.” Harry said angrily. Those people were not optimistic about the business competition between Osborne and Watson at all. “I was put on the table like a mascot and couldn’t actually make any decisions.”

Quietly listening to the dissatisfaction and complaints of the young president, Sean smiled lightly. As the heir to Osborne Industries, it would be difficult for Harry to get the approval of the board of directors before he had achieved corresponding results. No one would be willing to listen to a mediocre person who did nothing. People direct and lead.

“The conflict between Osborne and Watson is a great opportunity for you to show off your abilities.” Sean kept a relaxed smile. If a predator wants to occupy the top of the industry, he must establish his own prestige.

There is no doubt that Watsonton, as the industry leader, is a good choice. If a lion group wants to elect a new leader, it must defeat the aging lion king.

Feeling Harry’s doubtful eyes, a hint of mystery appeared on the young man’s face. He patted the other party’s shoulder and said confidently: “Soon Watson will be too busy to take care of himself. How can he have the energy to suppress Osborne? As for that What will happen to a senator who plays a positive role if he offends mutants?”

“Harry, all you have to do is continue to maintain confidence, wait until the time comes, and give Watson a fatal blow.”

Sean leaned comfortably on the sofa, staring at Tony Stark who appeared repeatedly in the news with his deep eyes, and smiled slightly: “You will make the Osborn family more glorious.”

ps: Feel free to comment on it, all the keyboard masters out there. Anyway, you may not be able to contribute a subscription when it is released.  ̄へ ̄

I hope the collections and recommendations will come more intensely~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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