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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 83 The first clues appear

A black car, escorted by the police, slowly drove onto the tarmac. A burst of enthusiastic cheers erupted outside the cordon. The crowd holding signs shouted and shouted like fanatical star-struck fans.

However, what came out of the car was not a glamorous Hollywood star, but Senator Kelly with a kind smile. As a rising political star, he was well known by the public for proposing the Mutant Registration Act. Familiar. His radical attitude towards mutants has won the favor of a group of racists.

“Kick the mutants out of America!”

“Freak! Deformity!”

“Mutants! Demons!”

Looking at the eye-catching slogan on the sign, Senator Kelly smiled proudly. The mutants hiding in human society made their first public appearance during the Cold War during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, were competing for hegemony and the nuclear crisis. A shadow fell across the globe as mutants took to the world stage for the first time and became known to the world.

It was not until that time that humans suddenly discovered that there was such a special group hidden around them. They were born with extraordinary powers and various strange abilities. They had been lurking in human society for a long time, trying to act like normal people. character of.

Mutants have always suffered from discrimination. With the development of modern society, views on this group have become increasingly polarized. Many elites believe that mutants threaten human rule and should be supervised or controlled. There are even suggestions to eliminate mutants to prevent crises from happening.

Senator Kelly, who has a keen eye, saw an opportunity and became a vanguard against mutants and a righteous fighter for the safety of mankind. He repeatedly proposed that mutants should disclose their identities, set up a special department to register, and control their lives. Carry out surveillance and once a dangerous person is discovered, send him to jail immediately!

This radical political proposition actually won the support of a large number of people. As a result, Senator Kelly, who was originally unknown, became a hot political star and received extremely wide attention.

After waving to the shouting crowd, smiling and speaking a few impassioned words to the cameras, Senator Kelly was led by his bodyguards and boarded the waiting helicopter.

He is going to attend the high-end heads of state summit held on Liberty Island, where he will discuss the issue of mutants, which has attracted much attention. If the mutant registration bill he proposed is successfully passed, it will undoubtedly be a brilliance in Senator Kelly’s political career. This means he can gain more support and gain substantial political capital.

“Congressman, do you support gun registration? Mutant children are more lethal than guns!” Senator Kelly boarded the plane and started lobbying other senators with his mobile phone. “There is no difference between the two. Let mutant children Entering a school is undoubtedly letting children run rampant with guns, and you never know whether the bullet will be fired from the barrel of the gun.”

After speaking impassionedly for more than ten minutes, Senator Kelly hung up the phone and threw the phone to the bodyguard. His smiling face instantly turned cold.

These old foxes who are good at calculations all want to be the vanguard and charge into the battle, but they hide in the rear, holding vague positions and attitudes, and then jump out to seek benefits at the right time.

“This is a high-end heads of state summit that attracts global attention. You may be the biggest winner this time.” The bodyguard said flatteringly.

“This is America, and we reject mutants. They are like time bombs, threatening the stability of society, so I advocate locking them all up! This is a war, and this country needs people like me to stand up…”

Senator Kelly leaned against the window, looking at the blue water below, and couldn’t help but wonder: “Aren’t we going to Liberty Island?”

When he turned his head again, the tall and muscular bodyguard had turned into a blue-skinned, red-haired woman – judging from her bumpy figure.

Just as the senator was about to shout loudly, he was kicked to the seat by the other party, his yellow pupils flashing with hatred, “It’s because of people like you that I didn’t dare to go to school when I was a child!”

A merciless blow knocked Senator Kelly unconscious. When he woke up, he was already in a dark and damp wide cave. His hands were handcuffed to a metal chair, and a hale and hearty old man walked away. Come, with a touch of pride in his eyebrows, like a king with his head held high.

“Who are you? Where is Henry?” Senator Kelly asked in horror.

“He died a long time ago, Congressman, and Mystique is with you.” The old man lowered his head and replied. “She can become anyone.”

“If you hurt me…it won’t do any good, but will prove the validity of my claims.”

The old man smiled contemptuously. He looked down at the trembling senator and asked: “Are you afraid of God? This sentence is a bit strange. I think God is a mentor, a light, wisdom and spiritual comfort. In fact, what you fear in your heart is—— Me! We mutants have extraordinary abilities!”

The old man turned around, and following his footsteps, the metal chair on which Senator Kelly was sitting also moved slowly, as if being pulled by some strange force.

“I’m not surprised. Human beings have always been afraid of unfamiliar things… Don’t be afraid of God, don’t be afraid of me, you will never have to be afraid again.”

The lights inside the cave lit up one by one, and a strange metal instrument came into the senator’s eyes. The old man slowly climbed up and placed his hands on the cylinder. The two semicircular arcs of metal above his head seemed to be activated and rotated rapidly. stand up.

“What exactly do you want to do?”

Senator Kelly’s heart became more and more panicked. Only then did he remember who the old man was, the extremist who believed mutants were better than humans, the leader of mutants who had the ability to manipulate magnetic fields and control metal.

Eric Lancel!

Among the mutant community, they prefer to call him “Magneto”. It is said that this terrorist, who was imprisoned in a concentration camp since childhood, once assassinated President Kennedy, and even planned a crazy plan to destroy the world and establish a mutant nation!

Senator Kelly has seen Magneto’s name in many materials. Compared to another moderate leader among the mutants, this old man who leads the Brotherhood has a group of mutants who hate humans gathered around him. Plotting to overthrow the human government and replace it with mutants!

“To make you one of our own, of course, Councilor.”

Magneto smiled faintly, and the rapidly rotating metal instrument emitted soft white light, like the light of rippling water slowly spreading, engulfing Senator Kelly who was handcuffed on the chair.

After a short time, the light suddenly shrank and disappeared, and Senator Kelly’s eyes were dull, as if he had lost his soul.

The weak Magneto was supported by Mystique and walked up to him, saying with a sarcastic smile: “Congratulations, Congressman. You have become one of us——”

“Proud mutant!”

ps: Hum hum, one day, I will successfully evolve into a three-shift beast, and I will lock you guys who say I am short into a small dark room (ω)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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