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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 84 Daily Bugle

Daily Bugle, Editor’s Office.

Boss James’s roar penetrated the wall and resounded throughout the newspaper office, but everyone seemed to take it for granted and continued working as usual, while silently praying for poor Peter. After all, not everyone could accept the wanton abuse of the mean boss. .

“Parker, you’re fired.” Today seemed to be particularly unlucky. Peter, who had just lost his pizza delivery job, heard another shocking news.

Looking at the puzzled expression of the rookie cameraman, James held a cigar in his mouth, threw the photos in his hand on the table, and mocked: “The puppy catching the Frisbee, the pigeons in the park, the two old men playing chess… tell me, Who would like to see this?!”

“I just want to show the warmer side of New York City…”

“Shut up! When you are so poor that you can’t even afford a hamburger, and you can’t pay the rent and are kicked out by your landlord, you will understand that New York is really the sweetest place in the world!”

James cursed without hesitation. The reason why he recruited this rookie intern named Peter Parker was because he could provide the newspaper with photos of Spider-Man.

“I’m not paying you to do art, I’m paying you because Spider-Man will only let you take pictures, but the masked hero flying around the building is outdated. People like to see Tony Stark as a playboy. And those weird mutants!”

James spoke very fast. He blew out a mouthful of cigar smoke and continued: “Take these disgusting photos away, lest I spit out my overnight meal!”

Peter silently took the photo from the table. The life of this young Spider-Man was quite embarrassing. While he was busy with academic exams, he also had to be a good neighbor in New York. He even had to find time to work part-time to earn money. Get rent and living expenses.

Compared with Harry who inherited the family business, Sean who became famous, and Mary Jane who struggled for her dream of becoming a star, he looked even more shabby and simple. Constantly switching roles between the insignificant Parker and the popular Spider-Man, this immature young man can’t help but feel a little confused, as if he can’t find the important direction in life and can only move forward aimlessly alone.

“You won’t even accept one? I’m really short of money.” Peter begged in a low voice.

“Miss Brown, please bring me a tissue and let me wipe away my tears.” James was not moved at all. Instead, he said harshly and sarcastically. He was not a good person who showed great kindness.

The deputy editor in charge of the newspaper’s headlines hurried into the office. The deadline was six minutes away, but the headline page was still not available. The news about Stark Industries had passed. The playboy had been hiding at home all day without going out, so Everyone has turned their attention to the increasingly serious mutant problem.

And with the convening of the Supreme Heads of State Summit, it is said that the Mutant Registration Act will be passed, and a special mutant community will be established by then to distinguish those dangerous elements from ordinary people.

“Okay, you can leave, Mr. Parker. Remember to tell Spider-Man that he has expired and is not worth another three hundred dollars for me to buy a photo.” James waved his hand impatiently.

He is worrying about what news should be reported in the headlines? Is it the Merchant of Death who is repenting, or is it the playboy who is putting on a high-profile show? Or take out Spider-Man and criticize it again?

Damn it! Even Hell’s Kitchen has become quiet recently. Daredevil and the Punisher, who used to frequent the place, seem to have all disappeared, and no trace can be found again.

“Why can’t those mutants join a big conspiracy to destroy New York!” James complained, doesn’t the news industry need eye-catching exciting content?

Peter, who was dejected and ready to leave, suddenly turned around and sat down again when he heard the word mutant, and took out a few beach photos from his bag.

“If I want to see bikinis, I can buy Playboy or Penthouse. The content there is more exciting.” James glanced at the photo and curled his lips.

There is nothing outstanding about these photos. They are nothing more than beach scenery and bikini girls. Any photographer who wanders around Manhattan can take such things.

“Look at this…” Peter pulled out a photo. It was a naked figure that looked like a mud monster.

“The man without clothes… Hey, Senator Kelly, the sponsor of the Mutant Registration Act?” James was about to curse, but he recognized the person in the photo.

He excitedly picked up the phone on the table and said loudly: “Tell Grant, there is a headline today, and the title is ‘Shocked! The true face of the anti-mutant fighter turns out to be like this!’, what makes Tony Stark and Spider-Man go to hell!”

James signed a check neatly, handed it to Peter, and said with a rare smile: “If you can continue to maintain this level, instead of taking pictures of shitty warm New York, then I can consider making you an official member of the Daily Bugle staff.”

Holding the check for five hundred dollars, Peter walked out of the newspaper office and couldn’t help but thank his old classmate Sean. It was the other person who called him. If he revealed the details of Rockaway Beach in Queens, there might be something unexpected. News material.

With a skeptical attitude, Peter walked around the beach with his camera for a whole day. During this period, except for a naked mutant who caused panic among the crowd, nothing surprising happened.

Peter, who has never paid much attention to political news, would have never imagined that the mutant would turn out to be Senator Robert Kelly, a rising political star who has attracted much attention from the outside world.

A righteous fighter against mutants is actually a mutant himself. Is there anything more surprising and absurd than this?

With the style of the Daily Bugle, they will definitely promote conspiracy theories, such as mutants infiltrating the government, or secretly planning shocking plans. As a leader among gossip tabloids, boss James will never let go of any eye-catching news. And he never follows the mainstream. Just like when Spider-Man was loved by New York citizens, he chose to criticize the superhero and win good sales through this unconventional way.

After cashing the check, Peter secretly wondered, how did Sean know that Senator Kelly would be there? And prepare yourself there?

The young Spider-Man didn’t think much about it. He looked at the money in his wallet and was satisfied. At least this month’s rent was paid and he didn’t have to work hard to find another part-time job.

At the same time, Sean, who was staying at Umbrella, turned on his computer and looked at the files sent by Skynet, with a cold smile on his lips.

All of the above are data and materials about Watson Company’s use of mutants to conduct human experiments. Those bloody and cruel photos make people feel terrible just looking at them. There are also many video files of vivisection.

“Stryker’s mutant gene pool is really a huge treasure trove.” Sean couldn’t help but sigh.

In this world, mutants are undoubtedly the key to opening the door to evolution. The future is the era of superpowers. Of course, Umbrella’s rise cannot be separated from this special group of talented people.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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