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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 85 Raging Waves

A black Bentley parked at the door of Watsonton Building. Marcus Watson and the accompanying bodyguards got out of the car. Before they could step into the door, a group of news reporters rushed toward this man like a black ant colony. The leaders of the chaebol group rushed over, and even though they were blocked by a few strong security guards, they couldn’t stop them from asking a barrage of questions.

“Mr. Watsonton, there are rumors on the Internet that your laboratory is using mutants to conduct illegal human experiments. Are these true?”

“It is said that there is an improper transaction between Watsonton Company and Senator Robert Kelly?”

“Did Senator Kelly accept Watsonton’s experiment and become a mutant due to side effects of gene mutation?”


News after news exploded in Marcus’s ears like thunder. He tried his best to remain calm without saying a word. Surrounded by security guards with a cold face, he pushed through the swarming journalists and entered the Watsonton Building.

Arriving at the office in the elevator, Marcus, who had accumulated a lot of anger, summoned his senior employees and asked, “Who can tell me what happened?!”

Hamilton, who was in charge of the market, turned on the computer cautiously. All the news media and portals were filled with all kinds of news about Watsonton. There was overwhelming negative news, the tragic scenes of the mutants struggling in pain, and videos of being brutally dissected. Pictures are spreading on the Internet at a rapid speed.

“Twenty minutes ago, someone anonymously spread this information online…”

Marcus felt his head was dizzy. He tried hard to maintain a cold expression and took a few deep breaths to calm his inner anxiety. With many years of rich experience in fighting in shopping malls, he could tell at a glance that someone was behind this and was deliberately guiding him. Follow the trend of public opinion.

For example, the Daily Bugle, which was the most vicious critic of Watsonton, was a little-known gossip tabloid. It didn’t know where it found detailed and credible photos and information, and published them on its front page. Moreover, the content of the newspaper clearly hinted that Watson The Dayton Company and Senator Kelly, whose true identity was revealed to be a mutant, have an ulterior secret deal. One is a despicable politician who is willing to betray his fellow mutants for fame, and the other is inhumane and relies on blood and violence to make wealth. unscrupulous capitalists.

In the report written by Jonah James, the owner of the Daily Bugle, there are even hints, intentionally or unintentionally, that Osborne and Umbrella were criticized by Senator Kelly not long ago, which was actually the result of someone trying to monopolize the medical industry. The plutocratic group that prevents the development of new forces has secret instructions. As for who the other party is, the cunning newspaper owner will naturally not name him by name, but leaves room for readers to make up their own minds.

This gossip tabloid, which has always liked to report some gossipy news, stood up faster than the official media, as if a righteous man who was not afraid of power was the first to make his voice heard.

Immediately afterwards, other media also rushed to report, fearing that they would be half a step behind their peers in the industry. Watsonton was suddenly pushed to the forefront. The huge pressure of public opinion forced the government departments to intervene. In just twenty minutes, this industry-occupying company The giant companies at the top seem to be reduced to street rats that everyone wants to beat.

After seeing the current situation clearly, Marcus thought of the competitors who were eyeing him and the news that was extremely unfavorable to the company. This was not something that could be settled by just relying on crisis public relations or money power. Once this scandal continued to ferment, it would trigger a social crisis. discussion and criticism, then Watsonton may fall into the dust.

When a tiger is majestic, all the beasts in the forest will grovel and show their loyalty. But as soon as it shows signs of aging, other beasts will immediately jump out, opening their sharp fangs and claws.

“Who is behind all this?”

Marcus was puzzled. Could it be that little Osborne and the so-called New York genius, these fledgling young people, really had such ruthless methods?

The old man stood a little unsteadily and put his hands on the table. He would rather believe that this was the work of a certain capital tycoon who had his eye on Watsonton. He took the lead in detonating a public opinion offensive, seizing the moral high ground, and taking advantage of the mutant issue that the government was concerned about. , to deal a fatal blow to Watsonton. A series of methods almost left the opponent unable to counterattack.

After getting rid of the chill in his heart, Marcus discussed countermeasures with the senior management present and actively asked the public relations department to issue a notice. He himself also contacted some political figures who had good personal relationships with Watson to deal with this sudden crisis. .


Harry walked into Umbrella happily, his previous depression swept away. Like a general returning in triumph, Harry rushed directly to Sean’s office.

“Can you knock on the door first next time?” Sean was busy signing a bunch of documents without raising his head. “Maybe I’m flirting with the secretary in the office, and you barging in like this will make the situation awkward.”

Harry waved his hands nonchalantly and revealed, “I remember you don’t have a secretary at all. Don’t you consider getting one for yourself? In your capacity, you really need a secretary to help you handle trivial matters, as well as a bodyguard responsible for security.”

“Perhaps I can introduce him to you. I guarantee that he has a good figure and appearance! I know a ballet dancer…” As he said that, Master Osborne moved the topic aside.

“I guess you came here in a hurry just to talk to me about women.” Sean looked up helplessly and ended the previous topic.

Harry suddenly remembered the purpose of his trip, and he couldn’t hide the joyful smile on his face. He could hardly help but jump up to express his inner excitement.

“Watsonton is going to be in trouble.” He laughed, thinking of his high-spirited performance at the board meeting this morning. “It was revealed that he was conducting illegal human experiments. The major media followed up and broke the news. It is said that some government departments have intervened. The stock price collapsed faster than Stark Industries.”

“God is just, punishing the wicked and treating the righteous kindly.” Sean said lightly. He was not surprised by this result.

However, it is too simplistic to want to use this to bring down a chaebol group. As a monopoly giant in the medical industry, Watsonton Company may suffer heavy losses, but it is impossible to collapse. The interest forces standing behind them , will not sit back and watch this behemoth fall easily.

“You seem to have known it for a long time.” Harry’s eyes were strange. His friend always seemed to know everything in advance and be prepared.

“Have you forgotten? I have a pair of eyes that can see through the future.”

Harry curled his lips, he didn’t believe this kind of magical rhetoric: “Then I would rather believe that you learned some mysterious magic of divination from the gypsies.”

“What should we do next? Should we take advantage of the victory and give Watson a little pain?” The vengeful Master Osborne has not forgotten Watson’s severe suppression before.

“Don’t do anything. Someone will naturally seek justice for us.” Sean glanced at the newspaper on the table. Presumably, the owner of the Daily Bugle must have received his kindness in return.

“After all, this is a beacon country of freedom and democracy.” A smile appeared on the young man’s lips, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

ps: There may be a surprise today~

In addition, I used to have a friend who read a book and refused to vote. Later, it was said that he was hacked to death by the author ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)

The number of comments in the book review area has just reached 250. Let me break it down. I heard that if the author is so handsome and hard-working, you will be blessed with good luck in the next year~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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